

单词 Stroeve
释义 StroeveEconomist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
I am more than ever impressed by Stroeve's acuteness. He saw from the first that here was a revolution in art…
现在回想起来,施特略夫当时真称得起独具慧眼了,他从一开始就看到这是绘画史上的一次革命… ebigear

“ June is going to be a new record lowfor sea ice extent, ” said Julienne Stroeve of the National Snow and Ice Data Center.
“6月将是一个历史新低海冰范围,”国家冰雪数据中心的胡安娜斯特罗伊夫说。 yeeyan

“ You'll find since about2000 every month you have positive temperature anomalies, ” Stroeve said.
“你会发现2000年以来北极每月都有气温偏高,” 斯特罗伊夫说。 yeeyan

I was not so much puzzled by Blanche Stroeve's action, for I saw in that merely the result of a physical appeal.
勃朗什。施特略夫的行为还是容易解释的,我认为她做出那种事来只不过是屈服于肉体的诱惑。 www.for68.com

I could not believe that Strickland had fallen in love with Blanche Stroeve.
我不能相信思特里克兰德会爱上了勃朗什。 www.for68.com

I had no sympathy for Blanche Stroeve, but knew that it would only pain poor Dirk if I told him exactly what I thought of her.
我对勃朗什。施特略夫一点也不同情,但是我知道,如果我把实话告诉可怜的戴尔克,只会增加他的痛苦。 www.for68.com

I thought that among those surroundings, with their recollections of his boyhood, Dirk Stroeve would forget his unhappiness.
我想在这样一个充满童年回忆的环境里,戴尔克。施特略夫是可以忘掉他这次的不幸的。 www.for68.com

Next day, though I pressed him to remain, Stroeve left me.
第二天,虽然我尽力挽留,施特略夫还是走了。 www.for68.com

Nor is this a particularly new trend, Stroeve said.
这也不是一个特别的新趋势,斯特罗伊夫说。 yeeyan




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