

单词 strikes a chord
释义 strikes a chord短语¹³¹⁶²⁰⁺³
This all strikes a chord in these tough economic times and opinion polls show Americans cooling to the issue.
在当前的经济困境之下,上述种种都汇成一股反对的声音,民调亦显示美国人对气候问题的态度开始转冷。 haenglish.com

As Mr Delors notes, there is no dream, no vision that strikes a chord with today's European citizens in the way that reconciliation and an end to war did50 years ago.
正如德勒先生所指出,正如五十年前所做的——通过调解来终结战争,企图打乱如今欧洲公民的情绪心境实属妄想。 ecocn

As a software engineering practitioner, architect, or project manager, this topic probably strikes a chord with you.
如果您是软件工程专业人员、架构师或者项目经理,该主题可能与您密切相关。 ibm

So we put him back where he started, but with a heartache. He overhears this thing about GATE and it strikes a chord. It reminds him of what he almost had.
所以我们就把他放回到他最初开始的地方,但是让他听到一些关于 GATE公司的东西,小小地折磨他一下,让他想到自己差一点就出人头地了。 www.oxford.com.cn




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