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词汇 stridently
释义 stri·dent·ly 英'straɪdntli美'straɪdntli 高COCA⁶⁰²⁸⁵BNC⁵¹¹⁶⁵iWeb⁴⁷⁸⁶²Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

in a strident manner;

the cheap clock ticked stridently

The stridently anti- Berlusconi Italy of Principles party, on the other hand, doubled its share, to 8%.
但另一方面,强烈反对贝卢斯科尼的意大利法则党这次的得票率却翻了两番,达到了8%。 ecocn

An air raid warning stridently interrupted his thoughts.
刺耳的空袭警报声打断了他的沉思。 kuenglish

Before then, he had been a member of the right-wing Progress Party, which began as an anti tax protest and has been stridently anti- immigrant and anti- Muslim.
在此之前,他一直是右翼进步党的成员,他刚开始只是反对税收,后来发展为激进的反移民和反穆斯林主义者。 yeeyan

But Zambia has never had a written shoot-to-kill law, and the government has stridently denied supporting such a policy informally; on occasion scouts who shot poachers have faced punishment.
但是赞比亚从来没有正式通过一部格杀勿论法,并且政府已经高调否认非正式地支持过这样一部法律规定;间或发生的巡防队员射杀偷猎者事件中,责任人都已面临处罚。 yeeyan

But Zambia has never had a written shoot-to-kill law, and the government has stridently denied supporting such a policy informally;
但是赞比亚从来没有正式通过一部格杀勿论法,并且政府已经高调否认非正式地支持过这样一部法律规定; yeeyan

Given Mr Obama’s inexperience, the lack of clarity about some of his beliefs and the prospect of a stridently Democratic Congress, voting for him is a risk.
鉴于奥巴马议员缺乏经验,在对某些个人信念以及喧嚣的民主党控制的国会前景等问题上含糊不清,投票给他冒一定风险。 ecocn

Given Mr Obama's inexperience, the lack of clarity about some of his beliefs and the prospect of a stridently Democratic Congress, voting for him is a risk.
鉴于奥巴马议员缺乏经验,在某些个人信念以及喧嚣的民主党控制的国会前景等某些看法上含糊不清,投票给他冒一定风险。 ecocn

Hillary Clinton, America’s secretary of state, has warned stridently of the dangers of state capitalism.
美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿女士,已经措辞严厉的对国家资本主义的危险做出警告。 yeeyan

Hillary Clinton, America's secretary of state, has warned stridently of the dangers of state capitalism.

His son Rand, newly elected as a senator from Kentucky, has also been stridently critical.
他的儿子兰德•罗恩——刚刚履职为来自于肯塔基州的参议员议员——对美联储的批评几近刻薄。 ecocn

However, whilst government rhetoric stridently opposes them, both prostitutes and pornography remain easy to come by in modern China.
然而,尽管政府在言辞上严厉反对色情,但在现今的中国,卖淫和色情作品却很容易看到。 yeeyan

In Britain, Mr Murdoch is, in effect, an avatar of power in its purest form: his papers stridently support parties that are winning, backing both Labour and the Conservatives in their day.
在英国,默多克实际上是最纯粹的权力化身:他的报纸尖声刺耳地支持占据上风的政党,在工党和保守党辉煌的时候,都支持过他们。 ecocn

It followed a front-page campaign spread over several days by Yedioth Ahronoth, the country's largest-selling newspaper, stridently arguing against an Israeli attack.
这个传闻使得几天前以色列发行量最大的报纸 Yedioth Ahronoth掀起一场声势浩大的运动,坚决反对以色列袭击伊朗。 ecocn

John Murtha, a stridently anti- war Democrat who chairs the House committee on defence spending, has suggested two months of funding should be provided, to come with targets.
强烈反对战争的美国众议院国防支出委员会主席,民主党众议员约翰·默撒建议,为配合这些目的,应提供足够美军两个月使用的经费开支。 ecocn

Most Chinese profess contempt for “ little Japan”, and young people with no experience of the war often jeer more stridently than their parents.
大部分中国人表示鄙视“小日本”,而那些从未经历战争的年轻人通常比他们的父母更为慷慨激昂。 ecocn

Okinawans living near Kadena stridently oppose the marines, but the senators say the idea could free up land and reduce noise levels around Kadena.
居住在嘉手纳附近的冲绳岛居民反对海军的到来,但是参议员说这个提议能腾出土地并且减少嘉手纳附近的噪音等级。 ecocn

On gay rights he still advocates tolerance, but he is stridently opposed to gay marriage.
在同性恋的权利方面,他依然提倡宽容对待,但是他极为反对同性恋婚姻。 ecocn

Some developers stridently call for static compilation for Java code with the firmly held belief that it will solve this performance problem.
一些开发人员强烈呼吁对 Java代码进行静态编译,并且坚信那样可以解决性能问题。 ibm

The main opposition Bharatiya Janata PartyBJP, in government when India went nuclear in1998, is stridently nationalist.
而印度最主要的反对党 BJP,则是狂热的民族主义政党,它还是1998年印度核化时的执政党。 topsage

They were stridently anti- nuclear: the monster emerged after an atomic explosion.
他们尖锐地反对核能:这个原子弹爆炸后出现的怪物。 yeeyan




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