

单词 stride forward
释义 stride forward straidˈfɔ:wəd 短语¹¹⁴⁴⁶⁷⁺
China endeavors to deepen cooperation with East Asian countries including Japan so as to stride forward towards the goal of East Asia Community.
中方致力于同包括日本在内的东亚各国深化东亚合作,朝着东亚共同体的目标不断迈进。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

He expressed hope that the entrepreneurs of both countries can seize opportunities, take a long-term perspective, play their advantages respectively and join hands closely to stride forward.
希望两国企业家抓住机遇,着眼长远,发挥各自优势,开拓进取,密切合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

He took a giant stride forward in understanding mechanical principles and in understanding gravity.
他在认识力学原理和重力方面,迈进了一大步。 bab

How will China help Africa stride forward in the 21st century?
中国如何帮助非洲一起迈入二十一世纪? www.fmprc.gov.cn

Look ahead, stride forward, and strive hard.
向前看,向前迈进,努力奋斗。 ebusinessreview

Raise our heads, never giving up. Straighten our backs, burning with our warm hearts. For tomorrow full of hopes, let's stride forward on and on!
要昂起不屈的头颅,挺起不屈的脊梁,燃起那颗炽热的心,为了明天,充满希望地向前迈进! yipux

The demon took another stride forward, carrying with it a smell of rotting fish. It pointed a claw- like finger at his chest.
魔鬼又往前迈了一步,带着一股腐烂的鱼的味道。它用鳌一样的手指指着自己的胸膛。 yeeyan

This year we've made a big stride forward on the road of four modernizations.
今年我们在四化道路上大大地迈进了一步。 jukuu

Stride forward proudly, leave no regret!
昂首阔步,不留一丝遗憾! ppqiu




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