

单词 strewn with
释义 strewn with短语¹⁹⁸⁷⁴
The islands may be strewn with pines and olives but owners will have to pay extra to lease their own beaches, as they remain government property.
小岛上也许布满了松树和橄榄树,可岛主们还得额外花钱来租借他们自己的海滩,因为那仍然属于国家财产。 edu.sina.com.cn

The real one is strewn with sensors, picking up everything from movement to smell.
真实世界中将布满传感器,捕捉从运动到气味的一切信息。 ecocn

There is utter devastation across the delta: entire villages washed away; rice paddies strewn with corpses; survivors sleeping rough.
整个三角洲被完全摧毁了:所有的村庄被冲走;稻田遍布尸体;幸存者野外露宿。 ecocn

At its Shenzhen headquarters, buyers bargain in rows of cubicles strewn with goods.
在沃尔玛的深圳总部里,买主们在一排堆满货物的小房内谈价。 ecocn

Choose the path that calls to your heart; the one that may be dark, obscure, and strewn with obstacles. That is the path worth traveling.
按照你内心真正所需去选择你的道路,即便它可能是黑暗,模糊,布满坎坷的,但它是一条值得你走的道路。 yeeyan

Television footage showed a smouldering crater strewn with mangled wreckage, with a large piece of wing lying in farmland.
电视画面显示,还在缓慢燃烧的坠机坑附近布满了面目全非的残骸,有一大片机翼躺在农田里。 yeeyan

The meadows, instead of looking lush and strewn with flowers, are now actually rather arid.
草地没有看上去苍翠繁茂,鲜花盛开,反而变成了不毛之地。 tingvoa

This is a gripping story, expertly handled by Benjamin Wallace who writes with wit and verve, drawing the reader into a subculture strewn with eccentrics and monomaniacs.
这是一个引人入胜的故事,作者本杰明•沃利斯用他那充满睿智和激情的文笔娴熟地娓娓道来,将读者带入一个满是怪人和偏执狂的世界。 ecocn

Thousands who had traveled to the fort by bullock cart and train watched as Nehru ceremonially righted an overturned cot, then invited them to enter by traversing a bridge strewn with rose petals.
数千名族民赶着牛篷车,坐着火车,来到城堡观礼。尼赫鲁扶正颠倒的吊床,邀请大家穿过洒满玫瑰花瓣的桥面,进入现场。 yeeyan

Walk on alone, on the road strewn with thorns, trampling on them with bleeding feet.
继续独立行走吧,让流血的双脚踩过布满荆棘的道路。 yeeyan




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