释义 |
stretch the law 基本例句 枉法; 曲解法律 They hold back the phenomena of corruption during the process of handling cases of corruptions, bribe, and law perverting arbitration.通过办案发现并查处民事行政审判人眼贪污受贿和枉法裁判,遏制司法工作中的腐败现象。 The system of public welfare and the system of counterappeal against personel's orders and judgements that misuse the law both have their existential value in our country.我国应借鉴这种公益诉讼制度,同时应保留对审判人员的枉法裁判的案件的抗诉制度,检察院的公益诉讼制度与对审判人员枉法裁判行为的抗诉制度在我国有其存在的价值。 He stretches the law to suit his purpose.他曲解法律来达到自己的目的。 |