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词汇 strenuously
释义 strenuously 英'strenjuəsli美'strenjuəsli 高TCOCA³³⁷²¹BNC²⁴³⁹⁰iWeb³⁰⁶²⁴Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

in a strenuous manner; strongly or vigorously;

he objected strenuously to the stand his party was taking

近义词 hard硬的actively积极地doggedly固执地vigorously有力地spiritedly有精神地tirelessly不厌倦地persistently固执地energetically精力充沛地

He's been dogged by failure in the past year; now he is workingstrenuouslyto pull out.过去一年中他连续遭到失败; 现在他在努力设法摆脱这种局面。
A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur, oftenstrenuouslydefended with apparent logic and reason.妄想狂,偏执狂一种通常用表面的逻辑和道理来设想的具烦扰或夸大妄想特征的精神错乱症adv.hard
同义词 energetically,strongly,vigorously,zealouslyindustriously,laboriously
busilyadverb actively;intently
agilely,animatedly,ardently,arduously,assiduously,briskly,carefully,diligently,eagerly,earnestly,energetically,enthusiastically,expeditiously,fervently,hastily,hurriedly,indefatigably,industriously,laboriously,like all get out,like the devil,like the dickens,nimbly,painstakingly,perseveringly,persistently,purposefully,restlessly,seriously,speedily,spiritedly,studiously,unremittingly,unweariedly,vigilantly,vigorously,vivaciously,zealously
by handphrase manually
arduously,laboriously,strenuously,the hard way
difficultlyadverb hard
eagerlyadverb anxiously
actively,anticipatorily,ardently,breathlessly,cordially,cravingly,earnestly,energetically,enthusiastically,expectantly,fervently,fiercely,full tilt,gladly,heartily,hungrily,impatiently,intently,longingly,promptly,rapidly,readily,sincerely,speedily,spiritedly,strenuously,thirstily,vigorously,willingly,with enthusiasm,with gusto,zealously,zestfully
energeticallyadverb actively
forcefullyadverb forcibly
emphatically,energetically,strenuously,vigorously As a rule, White House spokespeople strenuously avoid economic predictions, particularly when the nation's financial outlook is dim.
白宫发言人通常都要极力避免做出经济预测,特别是在金融前景暗淡的时候。 ebigear

Spending more years exercising strenuously or completing more marathon or ultramarathon races was, in this study, associated with a greater likelihood of heart damage.
研究表明,那些多年刻苦训练,或者完成马拉松、超级马拉松赛事数量较多的运动员,心脏受损害的可能性就越高。 xmnn

The prosecution strenuously rejected that argument, saying that many combat troops faced the same kinds of trauma and stress as Private Green and his platoon, but that few committed atrocities.
起诉人努力设法拒绝辩论,说许多部队面临象士兵格林和他所在队伍同样的困境和压力,但很少有暴力行径. yeeyan

All of the men had trained and competed throughout their adult lives and continued to work out strenuously.
所有这些男性运动员,在他们运动生涯中,都经过长期的训练和比赛,而且表现勤奋。 yeeyan

Aye, no doubt; but that is what a governess will prevent, and if I had known your mother, I should have advised her most strenuously to engage one.
那是毫无疑问的;不过,女家庭教师的任务也就是为了防止这种事情;要是我认识你们的母亲,我一定要竭力劝她请一位。 ebigear

China’s commerce ministry, which is very close to the country’s exporters, has strenuously and publicly opposed a rise in the value of China’s currency over the past month.
在过去的一个月中,中国商务部,作为跟出口关系最密切的部门,一直在公开且极力的反对人民币的升值。 yeeyan

Disney was flooded with complaints once word of the similarity spread and strenuously denied rumors that the suggestive edifice was a work of sabotage by a disgruntled artist.
谣言传开后,投诉如潮水般涌向迪斯尼,迪斯尼极力否认带有性暗示的建筑是一位心怀不满的艺术家蓄意破坏。 yeeyan

Especially in a time in which the values of reading and inwardness are so strenuously challenged, literature is freedom.
特别是在阅读与灵性受到如此强大的挑战之时,文学就是自由。 yeeyan

He strenuously denies that he was the man in the film and says his political does have cooked up yet another smear campaign.
他极力否认他就是录像中的男人并称这是他的政敌精心炮制的又一抹黑点。 ecocn

His generals have strenuously made that point.
将军们也极力向他提出这一点。 ecocn

In the Supreme Court’s view, this means that American judges must strenuously avoid doing or saying anything that implies they are weighing the merits of a religious doctrine.
在最高法院看来,这意味着美国法官必须尽力避免——通过做什么或说什么来表明他们在权衡某种宗教教义的优点。 ecocn

One finishes his new biography largely persuaded by his solution while wishing that he had gone at the task a little less strenuously.
读者能读完这部新的传记,多数是受到莫沙先生的决心的鼓舞,但希望他的这个任务不要如此的艰巨困难。 ecocn

Real estate developers, small businesses and other borrowers have complained strenuously in recent weeks of weakening sales and scarce credit.
房地产开发商,小型企业和其他贷款者近几周不断抱怨着销售的疲软和信贷的缺乏。 yeeyan

Rumours of an impending decision by Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist movement long headquartered in Damascus, to move to Qatar have been strenuously denied but are widely believed.
巴勒斯坦伊斯兰运动组织哈马斯的总部长期位于大马士革,关于它将总部搬到卡塔尔的谣言,虽被极力否认,但大家对此都深信不疑。 ecocn

Some conservation groups have strenuously avoided or even attacked such calculations and strategies.
一些自然资源保护组织一直极力避开甚至反对这样的推论和策略。 ebigear

The government denies it strenuously. But the circumstances of Mr Saiful’s accusation remain murky.
政府强烈否认了这种说法,但是赛弗的指控依然模棱两可。 ecocn

The subjects represented a variety of occupations in several different parts of the country and responded to an annual survey in which they were asked: How often and how strenuously do you exercise?
调查对象覆盖了全国若干不同地区的多种职业,他们每年回答一次问卷,在问卷中他们被问道:你锻炼的频率和强度如何? iciba

The Tory party, in fact, has for most of its history succeeded by eschewing systems and managing not to believe too strenuously in anything.
实际上,保守党在历史上大多数时候是成功地躲开了各种体制,做到了对任何事物都不是十分信任。 yeeyan

The White House strenuously disagrees:“ Financial reform has been a top priority to the president since day one, ” administration spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki told me.
白宫坚决否定并称:“金融问题从一开始就成为总统大人工作的重中之重,”白宫发言人珍妮弗·帕萨其对我说。 yeeyan

We are strenuously opposed to whaling and strenuously opposed to violence at sea.
我们竭力反对捕鲸,反对海上暴力事件。 yeeyan




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