

单词 strengthens
释义 strength·en·s 英'streŋθn美'streŋθn COCA¹⁸³⁸⁶BNC²²³⁸⁷Economist¹²⁷⁵⁶
vt. & vi. 巩固

make or become stronger

make strong or stronger;

This exercise will strengthen your upper body

strengthen the relations between the two countries

gain strength;

His body strengthened

give a healthy elasticity to;

Let's tone our muscles

strengthen, reinforce


strengthen含义最广,指增强人的体力、意志力,还可指加强结构、影响等具体或抽象的事物; reinforce指使用增添支持或加固物的方法使原有效力、抵抗力、说服力或耐力较弱的东西得到强化。

用作动词 v.
~+名词strengthen the city wall加固城墙strengthen cooperation加强合作strengthen determination to leave加强离开的决心strengthen discipline加强纪律strengthen legislation加强立法strengthen national defence加强国防strengthen the Party unity加强党的团结strengthen physical capabilities增强体力strengthen the weak links加强薄弱环节
近义词 up向上give给to对于come来shore岸get得到mend修理heal治愈lace鞋带beef牛肉prop支柱step步骤tone语气gain获得grow增加back后面brace防备steel钢铁rally集会unite联合build建造boost提高temper脾气well很好地around到处fortify加强restore恢复nourish滋养bolster长枕beef up加强improve改善confirm证实recover恢复prop up支撑relieve救济step up增加build up建立heighten增加buttress扶墙shoulder肩膀revive使重生shore up支撑strength力气reinforce加固toughen变坚韧renew重新开始intensify增强highlight强调energize使活跃harden使变硬exaggerate夸张accentuate重读aggrandize增加validate使生效perk使振作concentrate专心consolidate合并perk up昂首翘尾tone up使更强壮substantiate证实deepen 使 … 加深get well恢复健康stronger更强壮的invigorate增添活力convalesce渐渐康复come around顺便来访recuperate使恢复authenticate证明…为真gain strength力量增加back up因积聚而拥堵…vitalize 给与 … 生命力…a英语字母表的第一个字母…反义词 weaken使 … 弱,削弱…
S+~+AThe wind strengthened during the night.夜里风刮得更大了。
His back strengthened with exercise.经过锻炼,他变得腰背结实。
S+~+ n./pron.The soldiers strengthened their defenses.士兵们加固了他们的防御工事。
On this basis we strengthen our discipline.在这个基础上,我们加强了纪律。
We must ceaselessly strengthen the fighting capacity of our army.我们必须加强我军的战斗力。
Your words strengthened my courage.你的话增强了我的勇气。
Their opposition only strengthened her resolve not to give in.他们的反对却增强了她坚持下去的决心。
We must strengthen the weak link.我们要加强薄弱环节。
The bridge must be strengthened.这座桥必须加固。
Such tendencies were enormously strengthened and accelerated by the social pressure.社会压力使这种倾向性大大加剧并发展得越来越快。

strengthen的基本意思是使某物牢固,用于具体物质时,可指结构、强度的增强; 也可用于抽象事物,如权势、效力、影响、体制的增强; 用于人既可指体力、精力、抵抗力的增强,也可指勇气、意志、道德等的增强或提升。


用作动词He has been brought in tostrengthenthe defence.已请他来加强后卫力量。
We willstrengthenthe protection of wet land.我们将加强湿地保护。
Every effort was made tostrengthenunity.大家尽力加强团结。
The currentstrengthenedas we moved down the river.我们顺流而下时,水流更急了。
The windstrengthenedduring the night.风在夜间刮得更猛了。 And as the expansion strengthens, firms should become more willing to hire.
此外,当经济扩张加强时,企业将更愿意聘请员工。 yeeyan

Building muscle strength also strengthens the tendons of these muscles.
肌肉力量加强的同时,肌腱也同样得到了增强。 yeeyan

The presence of this component creates feelings of bonding and strengthens immunity in the baby.
这种成分的存在可以令宝宝产生归属感,并增强他的免疫力。 yeeyan

The rarity of sudden death makes it difficult to evaluate whether there is a link between it and stimulant use, but a recent study strengthens previous suspicions that have been reported.
暴毙十分罕见使得评估是否在它与兴奋剂使用之间存在联系变得非常困难,但是最近的研究加强了先前报道的怀疑。 yeeyan

The two-vaccine drug was used as part of a “prime- boost” strategy — where the first one primes the immune system to attack HIV and the second one strengthens the response.
联合疫苗被用作初免一加强疗法的一部分——第一种药物增强免疫系统对艾滋病病毒的攻击力而第二种药物负责加强免疫反应。 yeeyan

According to quantum field theory, this sudden snapping to order of electric dipoles, called polarization, generates a secondary electric field that combines with and strengthens the first field.
在量子场理论中,这个瞬间电偶极子有序化的过程被称为极化,它产生一个次电场,与第一个电场结合并使其强化。 yeeyan

Achieving this capability strengthens and optimizes the design and development of enterprise business and system services.
这些能力的获得将增强和优化企业业务服务和系统服务的设计和开发。 infoq

As a psychologist, I have witnessed the enormous benefits of time alone and seen how it actually strengthens our attachments.
作为一个心理学家,我见识过独处的巨大好处,并且看到它如何增强我们的感情依靠。 yeeyan

Current research suggests that, unlike consumption of material goods, spending on leisure and services typically strengthens social bonds, which in turn helps amplify happiness.
当前的研究表明,与物质消费不同,休闲和服务型消费明显地增强社会联系,这反过来有助于增强幸福感。 yeeyan

Experts say that laughter increases endorphins, strengthens your immune system, and sends extra oxygen coursing through your veins.
专家声称,大笑可以提高内啡肽水平、强化免疫系统、增加血管中的氧气含量。 yeeyan

God gives us our talents, she said, and when we use those gifts, it strengthens the relationship.
上帝给了我们天赋,她说,当我们运用自己的天赋时,这两者的关系就加强了。 yeeyan

If a combination of almond oil and milk is taken together before going to bed or after getting up at morning, it strengthens our memory power.
如果在上床睡觉之前或者早晨起来之后喝上一杯杏仁油和牛奶混合物,它将增强我们的记忆力。 yeeyan

Laughing lowers levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system.
笑可降低应激激素水平,并加强免疫系统。 yeeyan

Now that the idea that a conciliatory approach strengthens liberalsand weakens hardliners in the Kremlin has been exposed as a myth, the West should take a tougher line on Russia.
现在在克里姆林方面以和解的手段加强自由主义者的想法已经可以看做是个神话了,西方就应该对俄采用更加强硬的路线。 yeeyan

So he will face pressure to mend fences with the opposition, by repealing the constitutional amendment that strengthens the presidency and empowers him to fire service chiefs and dismiss governments.
所以他将面临着与反对派修缮关系的压力,比如废除强化总统地位和赋予任免各领导人和解散政府的权利的宪法修正案。 topsage

The latter does not mean abandoning fiscal stimulus prematurely, but laying out a credible plan for how debt will be brought under control once the recovery strengthens.
后者并不是意味着过早的放弃财政刺激,而是在经济复苏得以加强后如何制定可信的计划来控制债务。 ecocn

The power vacuum in Prague strengthens the hand of the Czech president, Vaclav Klaus, the most Eurosceptic leader in Europe.
布拉格的权力真空加强了最具欧洲怀疑精神的捷克总统瓦茨拉夫克劳斯的权力。 yeeyan

The training here strengthens the acceptance of your kids.
这里的训练强化对你孩子的接纳。 yeeyan

This strategy greatly strengthens our collective security, and raises the preventive power of these Regulations to new heights.
这一战略大大加强了我们的集体安全,并将条例的预防力量提到新的高度。 who

This strengthens sight in the eye with the cataract.
这样做能够增强白内障患眼的视力。 yeeyan

Using shared services that are aligned with business processes, SOA strengthens interoperability while reducing the need to synchronize data between isolated systems.
使用那些与业务过程一致的共享服务, SOA在加强互操作性的同时减少了孤立系统间同步数据的需求。 infoq

We don't exclude the possibility of acquisitions if it strengthens our competitiveness.
我们不排除收购的可能性,只要这能加强我们的竞争力。 voa365

With luck, this will produce a virtuous circle in which an improving economy strengthens the banks, which then become more willing to lend.
幸运的话,这将产生一个良性循环,经济的改善加强的银行们,而他们更愿意发放贷款。 yeeyan

Yogurt plays a role in bone health and strengthens the immune system.
酸奶酪在骨骼健康和增强免疫力方面扮演着重要角色。 hjenglish

You have the power to ensure that leaving your current employer strengthens your relationship and reputation rather than destroying it.
你有权利确保离开你当前的雇主是可以加强你的关系和名声的,而不是毁掉这些。 iciba




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