

单词 straw sandals
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At this time of crisis, you can still weave straw sandals?
都这个时候了,还有闲情编草鞋? blog.sina.com.cn

He got up early to leave. Not saying a word, he fastened his straw sandals and found his tobacco pouch.
男子一早起身就要走路,沉沉默默的一句话不说,端整了自己的草鞋,找到了自己的烟袋。 jukuu

He was a hardened soldier who“ dressed simply in a plain cotton uniform with straw sandals, ” Ms. Pakula writes, and neither drank nor smoked.
Pakula女士写道,他是一个「身穿简朴的棉军装,打着草鞋」的坚毅士兵,既不喝酒,也不抽烟。 yeeyan

I think straw sandals is better, you can give them a pair of straw sandals.
我认为,草鞋是最好的,你可以给他们一人一双草鞋。 tzsy

Like“Romance of Three Kingdoms” in the Liu Bei, the original selling straw sandals, but later to organize the uprising conquer.
就如《三国演义》中的刘备,原本卖草鞋,后来却去组织起义打天下。 dota123

The final day, has become dilapidated straw sandals, straw sandals, then if he is, today is a period.
一日之终,草鞋变得破烂不堪,如果自己是草鞋的话,今天就是一个句点。 kui.cc

Straw sandals so, it is also true.
草鞋如此,人们也是如此。 kui.cc




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