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词汇 straws
释义 straws 英st'rɔːz美st'rɔːz COCA³⁰⁰⁶⁴BNC²⁵⁴⁸⁵Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
名词 straw:
plant fiber used e.g. for making baskets and hats or as foddermaterial consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seedsa variable yellow tint; dull yellow, often diluted with whitea thin paper or plastic tube used to suck liquids into the mouth
动词 straw:
cover or provide with or as if with strawspread by scattering straw is archaicThey suck soda water throughstraws.他们用吸管喝汽水。
We will not count drops of beverage napkins,straws, garnish or ice.饮料,纸巾,吸管,装饰物或冰块掉落不扣分。 Behind the bar, he goes back to casually slicing straws into neat8cm lengths.
回到吧台,他又开始淡定地把吸管分切成齐齐整整8厘米一条。 yeeyan

THE English-speaking world does not look kindly on straw. Grasping at straws, straw-man arguments, the last straws and the straws that break so many camels’ backs all attest to that.
救命稻草、稻草人谬误、最后的稻草,压垮太多骆驼的稻草,…,一切都证明英语世界里,“稻草”不是一个被友善看待的对象。 ecocn

According to an analyst who spoke with Reuters, Dell may be“ grasping at straws” in an attempt to breathe life into its tablet business.
据路透社一名分析家称,戴尔希望“抓住这根救命稻草”以挽救他的平板业务。 yeeyan

Astronauts normally drink from pouches using straws, to prevent liquids from spilling out in weightlessness, but Pettit wanted to show that they could sip from cups.
为了防止液体在失重的环境下溅出,宇航员通常只能用吸管吮吸装在袋中的饮料,但有了佩提特的这个新发明,宇航员们从此可以用杯子喝水了。 kekenet

By the1980s, the arguments were grasping at scientific straws.
到了80年代,争议抓住了科学的稻草。 ecocn

Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; He who would search for pearls must dive below.
错误就像浮在水面的稻草;要想寻找珍珠就得潜到他的下面。 ebigear

Even in the relatively sound job market of Pittsburgh, I was grasping at straws.
甚至在匹兹堡这个就业市场比较良好的城市,我也只是勉强维持。 yeeyan

He reached out hopelessly, like a drowning man graBBing at sticks and straws.
他绝望地向外探摸着,就像一个溺水的人在抓取稻草和树枝似的。 jukuu

I think the real problem is that“ we” that is, we software developers are in a permanent state of emergency, grasping at straws to get our work done.
我认为,真正的问题在于我们即,软件开发者总是很匆忙,草率的把工作搞定。 yeeyan

If Waukesha succeeds, predicts David Naftzger of the Council of Great Lakes Governors, other cities may set their straws on the lakes, too.
假如沃基沙获得了批准,大湖区理事委员会的大卫•奈福特格预测,其他城市也会将抽水管道伸向这些湖泊。 ecocn

It may take a generation or two more before the family that served the exiled Napoleon III sells its grandest vintages in aluminium cans with straws included, like the Sofia Mini.
可能要一代人或是两代人以上的时间,这个曾经服务于流亡的拿破仑 III世的家庭才会以像 Sofia Mini般铝罐附带吸管的包装售出其最负盛名的美酒. ecocn

It's not quite two corporations at a diner table, sipping the same milkshake through separate straws while holding hands, but the sweetheart deal may be the Wall Street equivalent.
这里的甜心交易不是指两个公司坐在晚餐着前,牵着手用各自的吸管喝着同一杯奶昔,但是甜心交易也能指华尔街的等价交换。 yeeyan

Next to the CD case are two straws and two little black packets.
CD盒旁边有两根吸管和两个黑色小包。 yeeyan

Still, these are slender straws from which to construct a claim that the Arab world is in a“ pre- revolutionary” condition.
不过,仅凭这些微弱的变革迹象还不足以宣称阿拉伯世界已处于“前革命”状态。 ecocn

The author wants to restore China’s pride in itself and she clutches at straws of hope.
作者希望中国恢复对自己的信心,而她也抓住了一些希望。 yeeyan

Then he replaced the paper with paraffin- coated Manila paper so that straws do not become soggy.
后来他用涂上石蜡的马尼拉纸代替了普通纸,这样吸管就不会被弄湿。 yeeyan

There are other straws of hope blowing in this particular wind.
在这阵特别的风中还夹杂着其他的希望。 yeeyan

There must be hundreds of straws in our crib— maybe a thousand.
我们的摇篮里肯定有几百根稻草了——或许已有上千根了。 joyen

This man claims that a burglar shot his wife. But there was no sign a robber had broken in and the husband was found with a gun in his hand. He's just grasping at straws trying to stay out of jail.
这位律师说:“这个人说是一个闯进屋子里来偷东西的人杀死他的妻子的。可是,没有任何迹象证明有贼破门而入,而这个丈夫却被发现手里拿着枪。他只不过是为了不想坐牢而要捞救命稻草罢了。” examw

We have to make the decision by drawing straws.
我们只有抽签决定了。 chinafanyi

We'd push our straws through the silver caps and suck.
我们用吸管戳过银色的薄瓶盖慢慢吮吸。 dict

Straws in the wind had suggested that he was closing on the media billionaire in the final week of campaigning, yet the media tycoon's jocular complacency was a better guide.
虽然一些迹象暗示他在竞选战役的最后一星期和那媒体业亿万富翁几乎是并驾齐驱,但是此大亨可笑的自满却暗示的更加明显和强烈。 ecocn




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