

单词 strains
释义 strain·s 英streɪn美streɪn COCA¹⁰⁶¹⁰BNC⁸⁹¹⁷Economist⁶⁶⁷⁰
vt. & vi. 拉紧

stretch tightly by pulling

vt. & vi. 尽量利用; 尽全力

make the greatest use of; exert one's powers

vt. & vi. 过滤

pass liquid through a loth or a network of fine wire

physics deformation of a physical body under the action of applied forcesdifficulty that causes worry or emotional tension;

she endured the stresses and strains of life

he presided over the economy during the period of the greatest stress and danger

a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence;

she was humming an air from Beethoven

psychology nervousness resulting from mental stress;

his responsibilities were a constant strain

the mental strain of staying alert hour after hour was too much for him

a special variety of domesticated animals within a species;

he experimented on a particular breed of white rats

he created a new strain of sheep

biology a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups;

a new strain of microorganisms

injury to a muscle often caused by overuse; results in swelling and painthe general meaning or substance of an utterance;

although I disagreed with him I could follow the tenor of his argument

an effortful attempt to attain a goalan intense or violent exertionthe act of singing;

with a shout and a song they marched up to the gates

to exert much effort or energy;

straining our ears to hear

test the limits of;

You are trying my patience!

use to the utmost; exert vigorously or to full capacity;

He really extended himself when he climbed Kilimanjaro

Don't strain your mind too much

separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements;

sift the flour

cause to be tense and uneasy or nervous or anxious;

he got a phone call from his lawyer that tensed him up

become stretched or tense or taut;

the bodybuilder's neck muscles tensed;

the rope strained when the weight was attached

remove by passing through a filter;

filter out the impurities

rub through a strainer or process in an electric blender;

puree the vegetables for the baby

alter the shape of something by stress;

His body was deformed by leprosy







用作动词 v.
~+名词strain one's ears竖起耳朵听strain every nerve竭尽全力strain excessively过分地拉紧strain feebly无力地拉紧strain furiously疯狂拉紧strain readily容易过滤strain off滤去strain off the water滤去…中的水strain out coffee grounds滤出咖啡渣~+介词strain after全力追求,拼命想得到strain after an effect为求效果而矫揉造作strain after originality力求不落俗套strain against the rope使劲拉绳子strain at用力,奋力,努力strain at accepting an unpleasant fact极不愿接受一个不愉快的事实strain at the leather使劲拉皮带strain at the oar使劲划桨strain under a heavy burden在重压之下苦撑苦度
strain after v.+prep.

竭力做某事 do one's utmost to do sth

strain after sth/v-ingRead the text naturally, don't strain after effects.读课文要自然,不要装腔作势。
He strained after learning with all his might.他竭尽全力地进行学习。
strain at v.+prep.

尽力拉,拼命拉 pull hard on sth so that it costs effort or pain

strain at sthThe crew strained at the oars to keep the boat clear of the rock.船员们使劲划桨让船避开礁石。
The dog strains at the leash eager to be off.狗拼命地扯拉皮带,想挣脱开去。
We hoped to keep the young scientists with us, but could see that they were straining at the leash to move to better jobs.我们原来想让这些年轻的科学家留下来,但发现他们都竭力想换一个更好的工作。
strain for v.+prep.

使劲 exert all one's strength

strain for sthEveryone strained through the darkness for some sight of shore.人人都极目张望,想透过黑暗看到海岸的迹象。
strain off v.+adv.

滤掉某物( to remove part of sth by passing through sth such as a cloth)

strain sth ⇔ offStrain the fat off before you serve the soup.在上汤前把里面的油滤掉。
When you've boiled the cabbage, strain off the water through a colander.你把卷心菜煮开后,用滤锅把水滤掉。近义词 stretchtighten反义词 relax休息unstrain使放松
S+~+AThe sporters strained and struggled.运动员奋力扭动摔打。
The liquid strained readily.这种液体容易过滤。
He strained to turn the wheel, but he couldn't.他使劲转动车轮子,但没有成功。
S+~+ n./pron.They strained the wire between two posts.他们拉紧了两根电线杆之间的电线。
She strained her child to her breast.她把孩子紧搂在怀中。
She strained her ears to hear what was happening.她倾听着所发生的事。
She strained her ears, but no sound reached them.她竖起耳朵听,但什么也没听见。
Don't strain your eyes by reading such small print.书上的字体太小,别把眼睛看坏了。
He strained his voice.他竭力呼喊。
I boiled the potatoes and then strained them.我把土豆煮熟后把水滤掉。
He realized that she was too strained.他意识到她太紧张了。其他The mistake has caused strained relations between the manager and his staff.这个错误造成了经理同雇员之间的紧张关系。
He had a strained smile on his face.他脸上带着一丝勉强的微笑。



strain接介词at表示“拉紧”; 接for或after表示“使劲”。



用作名词The rope finally broke under thestrain.绷紧的绳子终于断了。
The tugs took up thestrainand the ocean liner edged away from the quayside.拖船开始拉紧了,远洋客轮徐徐离开了码头。
All her senses were on thestrainwhen the test was going on.测试时,她所有的感官都处于紧张状态。
A sudden and severestrainwas placed upon us by the cutting off of these supplies.由于供给突然被切断,我们感到了沉重的压力。
The Germanystrainin him makes him like philosophy.他的德意志民族的血统使得他喜欢研究哲学。
He created a newstrainof sheep.他培育出一个新的绵羊品种。
Any flu epidemic is worrisome, especially when a newstrainof flu bug is involved.任何流感大流行都令人不安,特别是当一种新型毒株介入的时候。用作动词Too heavy a load willstrainthe rope to its breaking point.负载过重会把绳子拉紧到崩断的地步。
A warm-up is important before a run so as not tostrainany muscles.为了避免拉伤肌肉,跑步前做做准备活动很重要。noun.pain, due to exertion
同义词 ache,anxiety,bruise,burden,injury,pressure,sprain,stress,tensionbrunt,constriction,effort,endeavor,exertion,force,jerk,pull,stretch,struggle,tautness,tensity,twist,wrench
反义词 aid,calmness,ease,health,help,peace,relaxation,relief,idleness,lazinesswellnessnoun.ancestry
同义词 breedlineage,descent,family,extraction,race,blood,stock,species,pedigree
反义词 wellness,healthnoun.suggestion, hint
同义词 streak,style,tone,shade,trace,vein,trait,mind,temper,suspicion,manner,way,touch,humor,tinge,spirit,tendencysoupçon
反义词 wellnesslothealthinformationnoun.melody
同义词 song,descant,warble,lay,measure,air,tune,diapason
反义词 wellness,healthverb.stretch, often to limit
同义词 tighten,injure,tear,twist,sprain,weakendistend,pull,task,tire,extend,exert,tax,drive,distort,overwork,tauten,fatigue,wrench,push,constrict,rack,overexert,overtaxdraw tight,push to the limit
反义词 rest,idle,concentratediscourage,unburden,shrink,contract,fixsoothe,placate,calm,laze,compressrepress,dissuade,release,refresh,energize,mendverb.work very hard
同义词 tryplug,moil,exert,toll,labor,sweat,grind,push,endeavor,strive,hammer,hustle,strugglebear down,go all out,go for broke,peg away
反义词 rest,concentrateidlesoothe,placate,calm,compressprocrastinate,ignore,laze,hide,concealverb.filter
同义词 riddle,separate,screen,purify,sift,seep,refine,percolate,sieve,exude
反义词 rest,idle,concentrate,soothe,placate,calm,laze,compresspollute,dirty,corruptverb.cause mental stress
同义词 try,troublestress,pain,distress,harass,irk,hassle,pushpick at
反义词 rest,idle,concentrateplease,helpsoothe,placate,calm,laze,compressassist,aid And we must not forget: drug-resistant strains of viruses and bacteria also travel well internationally.
我们必须记住:病毒和细菌的耐药株同样也能在国际上迅速传播。 who

Based on global monitoring of flu strains, virologists try to predict which haemagglutinin and neuraminidase will dominate during the next flu season.
根据对流感病毒株的全球监测,病毒学家试图预测哪些血凝素和神经氨酸酶将在下一个流感季占优势。 yeeyan

But they also said a small percentage of those who contracted high- risk strains may go on to develop cancer.
但是他们也同时说明他们中间一小部分的高风险的株状病毒可能会进而导致癌症。 yeeyan

But ultimately only a small fraction carried multiple strains of rhinovirus.
但其中只有一小部分最终携带多个鼻病毒株。 yeeyan

Concerned about the recurrence of bird flu in Asia, close monitoring of diagnostic results by FAO has revealed that bird flu is endemic in some areas while new strains have emerged in other places.
出于对亚洲重现禽流感的关注,粮农组织对诊断结果的密切监测显示,禽流感在某些地区属于地方病,而在其他地方则出现了新的毒株。 fao

Engineers calculate the strains and stresses on a bridge.

In this regard, comparisons of the virus with strains from previous outbreaks may be instructive.
在这方面,将该病毒与来自以往暴发的毒株进行比较可能是有益的。 who

Recently, new variant strains have been detected in several parts of Asia and Africa.
最近,在亚洲和非洲的一些地区发现了新的变异菌株。 who

Such infections appear to be more virulent and more easily spread between people than earlier strains.
这类感染似乎比较早出现的菌种更恶毒,并更容易在人们之间蔓延。 ecocn

That provides ample opportunity for strains to mingle and recombine.
那就给毒株混杂与重组提供充足的机会。 yeeyan

The first step towards the production of a pandemic vaccine starts when a Centre detects a novel influenza virus that differs significantly from circulating strains and reports this finding to WHO.
当一个中心发现一种与传播中毒株明显不同的新流感病毒并向世卫组织报告这一发现时,便迈出了生产大流行性流感疫苗的第一步。 who

The microbiologist has applied for a patent on his strains and has sequenced the genomes so he can tell if someone else has stolen it.
这位微生物学家已经为这种菌株及其基因排列申请了专利,因此他可以把其他人的这类行为称为偷窃。 yeeyan

The firm plans to cultivate further yeast strains that, as well as producing biofuel, might find uses in wine- making, brewing, baking and health food manufacture.
该公司计划在生产生物燃料同时,进一步进行酵母菌株的培养,可能发现在造酒、酿造、烘焙和健康食品生产中的用途。 yeeyan

Their destiny, like that of the “attenuated” viral strains grown in eggs, is to form part of a vaccine.
这些疟蚊的作用便是用来作为疫苗的一部分,就像寄生于鸡蛋里面且毒素减弱的病毒株。 ecocn

These are antibodies that deactivate a wide range of HIV strains— which is particularly important for an effective vaccine, because HIV is so variable.
这些抗体能够使大范围的 HIV菌株失活——这对于一个有效的疫苗尤其重要,因为 HIV相当容易变异。 yeeyan

Two different strains can only mix inside a body that has receptors for both.
两种不同的病毒株只能在具有适用于双方受体的身体内混合。 yeeyan

WHO also provides the vaccine manufacturing industry with prototype strains for the seasonal vaccine as well as materials to ensure and validate that global vaccine standards are met.
世卫组织还为疫苗生产行业提供季节性疫苗使用的原型菌株和各种材料以确保和证实达到全球疫苗标准。 who




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