

单词 straightening
释义 straightening ˈstreitniŋ 高COCA²²⁷⁸⁶BNC²¹⁶³⁷iWeb⁴⁶⁶²⁴Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
动词 straighten:
straighten up or out; make straightmake straightget up from a sitting or slouching positionput things or places in orderstraighten by unrollingmake straight or straighterstraightening vane整流导叶straightening speed矫正速度straightening device矫直装置machine straightening机械矫直stream straightening河道整直straightening machine矫直机,矫正机…roller straightening辊式矫直, 轧辊矫直…thermal straightening热矫直river straightening河道改直,河道裁弯取…straightening roll辊式矫直机roll straightening轧辊矫直hot straightening热矫正,热矫直…cold straightening冷法拉直straightening anvil校正砧flame straightening火焰矫正,火焰矫直…
用作动词Straightening vanes are effective in reducing the upstream pipe-length requirement.矫直的叶片对于减少上游直管的要求长度是有效的。
Thestraighteningprinciple and the calculation method for the force and power of thisstraighteningmachine is discussed.并论述了该矫直机的矫直原理及力能参数的计算方法。
My parents invested in braces for me when I was in junior high,straighteningout some crooked teeth.在我初中时,我的父母为我投资了牙托,帮我校正了几个歪斜的牙齿。 And it isn't just the court historians or the left-wing economists who need straightening out, either.
不仅仅官方历史学家和左翼经济学家需要澄清。 yeeyan

As the report suggests, once the truth gets twisted, straightening it back out is no easy matter.
报告表明,一旦真相会扭曲、矫直它退出可不是件容易的事情。 yeeyan

FODEN-VENCIL: And Brooks was not alone. Dozens of similar complaints from stylists and clients prompted the Oregon OSHA to test Brazilian Blowout and several other hair straightening products.
福登·温瑟:不单单只有布鲁克斯才有这种情况,许多设计者和客户投诉要求俄勒冈州职业安全与保健条例检测 Brazilian Blowout以及其他头发拉直产品。 yeeyan

He was also always straightening: fluffing pillows, righting picture frames, sliding back bar stools and getting down on his knees to level a rickety table.
此外,总能发现他在整理店中的东西:弹弹枕头、扶正相框、还原酒吧凳,蹲下来弄平摇摇晃晃的桌子。 fortunechina

She will spend the equivalent of just under two YEARS of her life washing, styling, cutting, coloring, crimping and straightening her locks.
一个英国女人一生中花在洗发、做发型、剪发、染发、烫发以及拉直头发上的时间将近两年之多。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The straightening vanes minimize swirl from piping arrangements upstream.
整流叶片最大程度减小管道上游的漩涡。 iciba

Cutting our children’s hair is“unnatural” too, much like punching holes in their earlobes and straightening their teeth through painful orthodontic procedures.
剪下我们幼儿的胎发同样是“不自然”的,这和在他们的耳垂上穿耳洞和用那种痛苦的牙箍来矫正他们的牙齿大体上是一样的。 yeeyan

Finally, the configuration model is illuminated by an example of sheet straightening machine.
最后以薄板矫正机为例,对提出的产品配置模型进行了说明。 iciba

I was straightening my schoolbag when you phoned me.

If babies and small children are allowed to walk barefoot on a regular basis, then it ensures proper straightening of their toes.
如果婴儿和儿童能够定期光着脚走路,那么这就可以保证他们的脚趾正常竖直生长。 yeeyan

In this paper, the whole process of60AT rail production including steel-making, blooming, rolling, straightening and finishing is described.
本文论述了60AT轨的全部生产工艺过程,包括冶炼、开坯、轧制、矫直以及精整加工等。 cnki

In response, we have launched the Boots straighten kit, which works to permanently straighten hair, reducing the amount of time a woman will spend with her straightening irons.
为了应对这种需求,我们推出了博姿直发膏,这款产品可以使头发永久变直,这样,女性们就不用再费那么多时间用直发器拉直头发了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

My parents invested in braces for me when I was in junior high, straightening out some crooked teeth.
在我初中时,我的父母为我投资了牙托,帮我校正了几个歪斜的牙齿。 yeeyan

Next, the researchers tweaked their model to simulate stiffening the wings and, separately, to mimic straightening the wing’s curved shape, to see how those changes affected flight efficiency.
接下来,研究人员调整他们的模型来仿真翅膀变硬,并且另外独立模拟翅膀弯曲形状变直,以查看这些变化怎样影响飞行效率。 yeeyan

Once you discover and report this, you're not liable for money the bank lost, but neither are you entitled to compensation for the time and effort you spend straightening the matter out.
一旦你发现问题并报告此事,虽然你不必对银行损失的资金负法律责任,但你为此所花的时间和精力却只能自己承担。 yeeyan

So I run out of the house promising over my shoulder to finish folding and putting away my laundry, emptying the dishwasher, and straightening up my room as soon as I get home.
因此我费尽口舌跟他们说我会在一回家就叠好收齐我的衣服,清空洗碗机,整理好房间。 yeeyan

The fancy country superstar sticks to her preferred sequins but switches things up by straightening her spirals and adding jade- green earrings.
这位光鲜亮丽的乡村音乐超级明星还是坚持一贯对于亮片的热爱,但是她花了点巧思,她拉直了她的卷发并且用宝石绿的耳环来提升整个造型。 hjenglish

The girl asks for a moment, and takes a minute to collect herself, which includes a final rubdown and straightening her clothes.
这个女孩问了一下,和需要一分钟,自己收集,其中包括最后的摩擦身体和拉直她的衣服。 chinaagg.com

The young girl gave way to that slight straightening up with a backward movement, accompanied by a raising of the eyelids, which signifies: “ Well, what is the matter?”
那姑娘把身体向后微微挺了一下,同时也张了一下眼皮,意思仿佛说:“怎么了,有什么事?” ebigear

Straightening his back he clutched the ring firmly to his chest, suddenly afraid that it might just disappear, like something out of a dream.
挺起胸膛,他紧紧的把戒指抓在胸前,突然害怕它可能消失,就像梦里一样。 yeeyan

Straightening up, she took her foot off the chair and reached for the other stocking.
她直起身,把脚从椅子上拿下来,去够另一只长袜。 yeeyan




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