

单词 straddled
释义 strad·dle·d 英'strædl美'strædl COCA³⁹⁰⁹⁸BNC³⁵⁵⁸⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a noncommittal or equivocal positiona gymnastic exercise performed with a leg on either side of the parallel barsthe act of sitting or standing astridethe option to buy or sell a given stock or stock index or commodity future at a given price before a given date; consists of an equal number of put and call options
sit or stand astride ofrange or extend over; occupy a certain area;

The plants straddle the entire state

be noncommittalstraddle vault分腿腾越straddle carrier跨车straddle lift跨举straddle conveyor跨立式输送机…straddle on摆起成分腿立撑…straddle truck跨立式叉车straddle support骑撑straddle cut分腿摆越straddle out摆起分腿腾越…straddle injury骑跨伤straddle cutter跨式铣刀straddle crane跨装起重机straddle the fence抱骑墙态度
近义词 span时期link联系perch栖木range范围across横过include包括overlap重叠connect连接bestride跨骑

用作动词The boy satstraddlingthe fence.那个男孩跨坐于围墙上。
The mountainsstraddlethe French-Swiss border.这座山脉横跨法国和瑞士边界。
Hestraddledbefore me,with a cigar in his hand.他叉着腿站在我的面前,手里捏着一支雪茄。
He never states his views;he alwaysstraddlesevery issue.在有争议的问题上他从不表态。 As he straddled his bi cycle again he felt ill at ease, almost a sense of premonition.
再跨上车时他觉得心神不安,仿佛有种不详的预感。 bab

According to its own urban features, Chongqing Municipality has initially introduced the straddled-type monorail technology in the light rail construction and finished the first stage of Line Jiaoxin.
重庆轻轨根据自身的城市特点,在全国率先引进跨座式单轨技术,建成了较新线一期工程。 cnki

Benazir straddled three very different worlds.
贝娜齐尔跨越了3个不同的世界。 ecocn

Egypt’s bloggers have long straddled the line between political activists and citizen journalists as they reported stories off-limits to the mainstream media.
埃及的博客一直处于政治活动家与公民记者之间,他们报道的新闻是主流媒体没法报道的。 yeeyan

From1953 until1989, these watchtowers straddled the most dangerous border in the world.
从1953年到1989年,这些瞭望塔俯视着世界上最危险的边界。 yeeyan

He straddled before me,with a cigar in his hand.

His limbs straddled in the bed.

Law enforcers on the west coast of the US and in the middle states straddled by the foothills of the Appalachian mountains are reporting a common trend.
在美国西海岸和中部位于阿巴拉契亚山脚下的几个州的执法人员报告了这一趋势。 yeeyan

Nonaka’s education and his teaching straddled the Pacific.
野中郁次郎的求学生涯和教育事业横跨太平洋。 ecocn

She got up on her knees and straddled him, and this time when she kissed him, he did not pull away.
她站起身,跨坐在他身上,这次当莫伊拉吻他的时候,他没有躲开。 yeeyan

The second temporary pier was such that its legs straddled the width of the pier.
第二临时墩的立柱间距超过桥墩的宽度。 kuenglish

These media moguls all straddled the line between entertainment and politics, preaching to the public and wielding an immense influence over lawmakers and politicians.
这些媒体大亨们都不约而同地横跨于娱乐圈与政坛之间,说教于公众之中,向立法者和政客施加莫大的影响。 yeeyan

Where the winning work straddled two categories, we ascribed half a prize to each.
对于同一份可以分为两种分类的获奖工作,《经济学人》将给予每种分类半个奖项。 ecocn




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