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Although most of STR typing could give the reliable and clear results, some unusual typing have been observed in forensic practice.
大多数情况下, STR的分型均得到了准确、可靠的结果,但是在应用中也发现了一些异常的分型现象。 cnki

It is widely accepted that the analysis of Short Tandem Repeat STR loci is the gold standard for identification of human forensic samples.
短串联重复序列 STR位点分析是鉴定人类法医样本的金标准已被广泛接受。 ausbio

Objective: To detect DMD gene carriers in the deletion families accurately, using quantitative PCR technique and the linkage analysis of STR polymorphisms.
目的直接定量 PCR结合 STR单体型连锁分析,以便更准确检出缺失型家系中 DMD基因携带者。 cnki

The industry projects to end2010 with important increases in two of the three key performance measurements, according to the latest forecast of Smith Travel Research STR.
根据 Smith Travel Research STR的最新预测,到2010年尾评估酒店行业发展的三大指标中的其中两项均会有明显的上升。 yeeyan

The reliability, sensitivity, and robustness of STR systems have provided sufficient genetic information in the majority of cases.
STR系统的可靠性、敏感性和稳定性在多数案件中提供了的充分的遗传信息。 ausbio

The same improvements can also permit the development of expanded marker sets for use in geographic regions looking to improve the overall discrimination power of their STR systems.
同样的改善也允许扩展的标记设置,以便区域管理来改进他们的 STR系统的整体辨识力量。 ausbio

“ We think the recovery will pick up its pace during the second and third quarters of this year, then it will moderate, ” said Mark Lomanno, STR’s president.
“我们认为,在今年的第二和第三季度酒店业的复苏速度将会加快,然后复苏速度将会减慢,” STR总裁 Mark Lomanno表示。 yeeyan

“The U.S. hotel industry's performance recovery continued very nicely in July, ” said Mark Lomanno, president of STR.
“7月份,美国酒店业绩的复苏得到了很好的持续,” STR总裁 Mark Lomanno表示。 yeeyan

Conclusion She population has its own STR allele distribution characteristic.
结论浙江畲族人群有其自身的 STR等位基因分布特征。 iciba

Conclusion The10 X- chromosomal STR loci are appropriate for individual identification and paternity testing of a female child as well as for studies on related diseases.
结论此10个 X染色体 STR位点有较高的个体识别率,在个体识别和女孩亲权鉴定中有较高应用价值,对疾病相关研究有重要意义。 cnki

Contrary to previous thinking, STR now believes demand growth will be stronger in 2010 than in 2011.
与之前的预测相反, STR现在认为2010年的需求增长将会强于2011年。 yeeyan

In these cases either partial STR profiles, or worse, no STR profiles may be generated, leading to inconclusive results.
在这些情况下,会得到部分 STR图谱或者更糟什么图谱也得不出,导致结果不确定。 ausbio

In these cases, additional discriminatory power beyond that delivered by13-15 STR loci is often required.
在这些情况下,除了那个以外的辨别经常通过13-15 STR位点检测得到。 ausbio

Objective To elucidate the genetic polymorphism of10 short tandem repeats STR of10 hereditary deafness loci in Han population.
目的研究中国汉族人群10个遗传性聋基因座位的短串连重复序列 STR的遗传多态性。 cnki

Objective To study the effect of modified improved primer extension preamplification IPEP on STR analysis of trace DNA.
目的探讨改良扩增前引物延伸 IPEP法对痕量 DNA样本 STR检测分型的效果。 cnki

Objective To study the fetal DNA in maternal plasma using multiplex PCR amplification of the short tandem repent STR systems.
目的采用短串联重复序列 STR多态位点的复合扩增方法,研究孕妇血浆中胎儿 DNA基因型。 cnki

Outside vendors like STR Global provide daily tracking services if local law does not allow the sharing of information between hotels.
如果当地法律不允许相互查看酒店之间的信息,如 STR Global的外部供应商可以为你提供每日的酒店信息跟踪服务。 yeeyan

The facility had successfully streamlined and automated the operations of DNA extraction, RT- QPCR analysis, normalization and STR PCR amplification setup, and multi- capillary genetic analysis.
这些设施成功的将 DNA提取、逆转录定量PCR RT- QPCR分析、标准化、 STR-PCR扩增以及多毛细管遗传分析以流水线的方式进行自动化操作。 ausbio

This paper presents a new self-tuning control consisting of a dual mode control by use of STR- MV and the on-line regulation parameter which is unnecessary to be identified.
本文提出一种由自校正调节器—最小方差控制器以下简记为 STR— MV的双模控制和在线修正不辨识参数所构成的新的自校正控制方法。 cnki

When STR crunches March2010 data in the middle of April, it is expected that it will emerge as the fourth consecutive month to show demand growth.
当 STR在四月中旬统计2010年三月份数据时发现,需求量有可能出现第四个月的连续增长。 yeeyan

STR projects the industry will end2011 with increases in all three key metrics.
STR预测,2011年酒店业的三个关键业绩评估指标都会上升。 yeeyan




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