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词汇 St Petersburg
释义 St Petersburg
A few thousand people in Moscow and St Petersburg had a nice and interesting time in the 1950s.
莫斯科河圣彼得堡的数千人在20世纪50年代享受过一段愉快和有趣的时光。 ecocn

In November1700 Charles appeared in a snowstorm before the walls of Narva to the west of today’s St Petersburg and, with fewer than9, 000 men, overwhelmed a defending Russian force of40, 000.
1700年11月,查理在暴风雪中来到纳瓦的城墙前今天圣彼得堡以西,以不到9000人的劣势兵力击败了防守的40000俄国军队。 yeeyan

In the 1990s the two men worked together in St Petersburg.
20世纪90年代,库德林和普京一同在圣彼得堡工作。 ecocn

One is Alexander Konovalov, a fellow law student in St Petersburg, who will be justice minister.
Alexnder Konovalov,这位原来在圣彼得堡的法律同学将会担任司法部长。 ecocn

THE curse of the G8 struck in St Petersburg, where the world's richest democracies plus Russia finished their annual powwow on July17th.
七月17号,圣彼得堡,世界上最富有的民主国家加上俄罗斯在这里结束了每年一度的八国峰会。 topsage

The apartment block was in an elegant area of St Petersburg and was probably a palace in the past but now converted into apartments of four floors.

The couple married 25 years ago in Putin's home city of St Petersburg.

Blair and Bush grab a bilateral meeting at the G8 summit in St Petersburg. An open mike caught Bush's less formal greeting to his British chum.
在圣彼得堡举行的八国集团首脑会议上布莱尔和布什握手。布什给了他一个不太正式的招呼。 cnnas

Christoph’s mother was confidante and friend to Empress Marie, Alexander’s mother, and a prototype for Tolstoy’s Anna Scherer whose St Petersburg soirée opens the novel.
克里斯托弗的母亲和亚历山大的母亲玛丽亚女皇是知己之交,她正是托尔斯泰笔下 Anna Scherer的原型,小说从她在圣彼得堡的社交晚会开始。 ecocn

Dmitry Dubrovsky, of the European University of St Petersburg, says that some officials in his city detect a conspiracy by outsiders to shame St Petersburg.
圣彼得堡欧洲大学的 Dmitry Dubrovsky说,他们城市的官员发现了由外人所发起的旨在诋毁圣彼得堡城市形象的一个阴谋。 ecocn

If an epic, cross-country odyssey isn’t for you, try a week visiting St Petersburg and Moscow, with the cosy Red Arrow overnight service, one of Russia’s essential journeys, between them.
如果不喜欢这种旅行,可以到圣彼得堡和莫斯科去。 没有坐过连接两城的 Red Arrow过夜火车不要说你去过俄罗斯。 yeeyan

Later Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.
后来,凯瑟琳二世让人把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡外的宫殿,夏天她在那儿避暑。 cnzhixue

Local group Theatre du Pif will present Overcoat, an English play based on the century-old masterpiece by Nikolai Gogol about the alienating world of a bureaucratic office in St Petersburg.
本地剧团进剧场将公演一齣英语话剧大衣.大衣改编自 Nikolai Gogol的百年名著讲述关于圣彼德堡的一个官僚化办公室里疏离的世界. yeeyan

Most were foreign— from Spain, Cyprus, St Petersburg, Riga, Las Vegas, New England and Barbados.
大部分捐赠的卵子都来自国外,包括西班牙、塞浦路斯、圣彼得堡、里加、拉斯维加斯、新英格兰和巴巴多斯。 ecocn

Mr Mak's travels start in the capitals that glittered so brightly in the early 1900s: Paris, Berlin, Vienna, St Petersburg, London.
马克旅行的出发站皆为那些在20世纪初期光彩夺目的首都城市,如巴黎。柏林,维也纳,圣彼得堡和伦敦。 ecocn

Mr Medvedev is a canny lawyer who owes his political career entirely to Mr Putin, for whom he worked in St Petersburg in the early1990ssee article.
梅德韦杰夫先生是一名精明的律师,他的政治生涯完全依靠普京先生,他们早在20世纪90年代就在圣彼得堡共事。 ecocn

Their health- care systems still take little account of dignity in death a sprinkling of hospices in places such as St Petersburg in Russia, or Kerala in India, are honourable exceptions.
这些国家的理疗体系仍然不把死者的尊严当回事在俄罗斯的圣彼得堡和印度的喀拉拉邦等零星几个地方正在为临终关怀治疗作出努力,且颇有希望。 ecocn

They also bring back extreme tactics that they proceed to apply at home, such as the sorts of cordons and mass detentions deployed against peaceful protesters in Moscow and St Petersburg in April.
他们也带回了极端战术并在当地施用,比如4月份在对抗莫斯科和圣彼得堡的和平抗议中,他们使用了各种封锁和大规模的拘留。 ecocn

They have known each other since the early1990s, when they worked together in St Petersburg's mayor's office, with Putin naming Medvedev as his successor in autumn2007.
他们在90年代的早期就互相认识,当时他们一同在圣彼得堡的市长办公室中工作,普京在2007年任命梅德韦杰夫为他的继任者。 yeeyan

Yet when a train from Moscow to St Petersburg was blown up on November27th, killing at least26 people and injuring nearly100, it was met with fatalistic acceptance.
然而,当一列从莫斯科开往圣彼得堡的火车于11月27日被炸毁,造成至少26人死亡,近100人受伤,这符合宿命论的认可。 ecocn




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