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词汇 stormtroopers
释义 stormtroopers 'stɔːrm.truːpər COCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
🌏突击队;帝国冲锋队原型stormtrooper的复数 The military soldiers unswervingly loyal to the Emperor, stormtroopers represented the most visible extension of Imperial might.
作为对皇帝忠心耿耿的军人,冲锋队是帝国军威最显眼的代表。 starwarsfans

The all- black stormtroopers first appeared in the1979 daily Star Wars comic strips by Russ Manning.
全黑的冲锋队最早出现在1979年由拉斯·曼宁创作的《星球大战》每日连载漫画中。 starwarschina

The cold assault stormtroopers, or Blizzard Force snowtroopers, wore specially modified armor for cold weather environments.
低温突击冲锋队,即雪地部队中的暴雪部队,穿着为寒冷天气环境特别改造的盔甲。 starwarschina

The earliest designs of the battle droid were clearly inspired by the stormtroopers of the classic trilogy, suggesting the evolution of large-scale combat in the Star Wars galaxy.
战斗机器人的最早设计明显受到经典三部曲里冲锋队的启发,体现出《星球大战》银河系里大规模战斗的演化。 starwarsfans

The health of stormtroopers was the responsibility of the Naval Biological group.
冲锋队的健康由海军生物组负责。 starwarschina

The Imperial Remnant continued to use stormtroopers in battle until the Bastion Accords was signed some years after.
帝国残余势力继续动用冲锋队作战,直到多年以后签署了《巴斯廷协定》。 starwarschina

The resultant clone uprising, which occurred about a decade into the Empire's rule, was put down by the elite501st Legion of stormtroopers.
随之而来的克隆人起义大约发生在帝国统治的十年后,结果被冲锋队精锐的501兵团镇压。 starwarschina

The stormtroopers can trace similar thematic origins as the faceless android police officers of Lucas' first feature, THX-1138.
冲锋队的起源可以追溯到卢卡斯第一部剧情片《 THX-1138》中的类似主题,即一个没有个性的机器人警官。 starwarsfans

And if you don't know what that means, you'd better find out quickly, before the stormtroopers come for you.Hurry.
如果你不知道这是什么意思,你最好快点明白,不然纳粹党卫军可能就要把你带走了。 yeeyan

Axis Wehrmacht and Stormtroopers no longer use the same group selection. Double-clicking on either unit type will no longer select both unit types.
国防军掷弹兵和突击兵不再属于同类单位。双击其中之一将会不会同时选取所有的掷弹兵和突击兵。 iciba

Axis Stormtroopers will now come out of camouflage while retreating.
轴心国风暴突击队在撤退时将会失去伪装。 iciba

By this time, even females were allowed to serve as stormtroopers.
在这个时期,女性也正式获准参加冲锋队。 starwarschina

Disc5: The Hitler youth was the second oldest paramilitary Nazi group, founded one year after the Sturmabteilung SA Stormtroopers.
碟5:希特勒青年团是纳粹集团内资历第二老的半军事组织,只比冲锋队晚成立一年。 jlpzj

During the Empire's reign, specialized stormtroopers known as shock troopers bore armor similar to that used by ARC troopers. They were also armed with DC-17 hand blasters.
在帝国时期,被称为震击部队的特种冲锋队部队穿着类似于 ARC士兵所使用的盔甲。他们也同样装备 DC-17爆能手枪。 starwarsfans

Earlier this week, Darth Vader and a force of Stormtroopers marched through central London to'face off' against the changing of the guard.
在这周的早些时候,黑武士和暴风突击队在伦敦市中心的街道上游行,是为了抗议保卫人员的更换。 cri

Following the collapse of the Empire at Endor, stormtroopers were an increasingly rare sight in the galaxy.
帝国在恩多战役中倒台后,冲锋队在银河系越来越鲜见。 starwarsfans

Lacking the guidance of the Jedi Generals, stormtroopers were “cut loose” to brutally enforce the new Imperial doctrine, quickly building a reputation as merciless, destructive and endless in number.
由于缺乏绝地将军的引导,冲锋队毫无节制地执行新帝国教条,迅速获得了残酷冷血、毁灭一切、数量无穷的名声。 starwarschina

Per his orders, the stormtroopers under his command had their armor cast in black to match his own particular eccentricities.
根据他的指令,归他指挥的冲锋队员将盔甲涂黑以满足他的特殊癖好。 starwarschina

Radiation zone assault troops, or radtroopers, were a little known division of elite stormtroopers trained to handle irradiated combat zones.
辐射区突击部队,即辐射部队,是一支鲜为人知的精锐冲锋队部队,接受处理被辐射战区的训练。 starwarschina

The dark cloaked snitch used his combine to call the Imperial authorities, and directed a squad of desert stormtroopers to the fugitives.
这个穿深色披风的告密者用通讯器联系帝国当局,把一个班的沙漠冲锋队引向那对逃犯。 starwarschina

The stormtroopers designated as scouts wear lightweight armor that is considerably more flexible than the standard uniform.
被指派为侦察兵的冲锋队员穿着比标准制服灵活得多的轻便盔甲。 starwarschina

They often called upon the services of the Shadow Stormtroopers during their battle engagements.
他们也经常被要求帮助暗影暴风部队作战。 starwarsfans

This small detail was the Imperial stormtroopers' last link to the Phase II clone armor worn in the late years of the Clone Wars.
这个小细节是帝国冲锋队与克隆人战争晚期第二代克隆人盔甲的最后一点联系。 starwarschina

We were making a military statement: We're Stormtroopers, we'll tear your ass apart.
我们做的是军事声明:我们是雪地骑兵,我们将向你们发起攻击。 yeeyan

When their views bordered on treason, Imperial stormtroopers raided the Durron home and rounded up the dissidents.
当他们的观点近乎叛国时,帝国冲锋队突袭达伦家,拘捕了这些异议分子。 starwarsfans

Stormtroopers abandoned individuality in exchange for their loyalty.
冲锋队以个性换取忠诚。 starwarsfans

Stormtroopers were loyal only to the Emperor, and only followed orders from Army and Navy personnel at their discretion.
冲锋队只对皇帝效忠,面对来自陆军和海军军官的命令时,他们只相机行事,没有绝对服从的义务。 starwarschina

Stormtroopers were totally loyal to the Empire and cannot be bribed, seduced or blackmailed.
冲锋队完全忠于帝国,不会被贿赂、诱惑或恐吓。 starwarsfans




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