

单词 basic law
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Indeed, the preamble of Germany’s Basic Law talks of promoting“ world peace as an equal partner in a united Europe”.
而在德国基本法中则提到,要“作为联合的欧洲中平等的一员”努力加强“国际和平”。 ecocn

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall consult its Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region before giving an interpretation of this Law.
全国人民代表大会常务委员会在对本法进行解释前,征询其所属的香港特别行政区基本法委员会的意见。 hjenglish

The supreme status of the Basic Law in Hong Kong's legal system must be upheld and the Basic Law must be strictly abided by.
要维护香港特别行政区基本法在香港的最高法律地位,严格依照基本法办事。 ebigear

“THE family is the kernel of Saudi society,” according to the kingdom’s Basic Law.
根据沙特的基本法阐述“家庭乃是社会的核心”。 ecocn

According to the Basic Law of the Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong will enjoy a high degree of autonomy.
根据特别行政区的基本法,香港将享有高度自治。 putclub

All exchanges and cooperation between China's different regions and governmental departments and the MSAR must be carried out in strict accordance with relevant articles of the Basic Law.
内地各地区、各部门与澳门特别行政区的交往和合作都必须严格按照基本法的有关规定进行。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Egypt's first constitutional effort came in1882, when an assembly approved a basic law to govern its relationship with the cabinet.
埃及第一次起草宪法的努力是在1882年,当时的议会通过了一项规定议会与内阁关系的基本法。 yeeyan

However, the ' Basic Law' states, special administrative region keep expenditure within income, and make ends meet to reduce deficit.
可是《基本法》订明,特区的理财原则是量入为出,力求收支平衡,减少赤字。 yeeyan

On the nationality issue, it first stated that the Basic Law, Hong Kong's constitution, did not require deputy ministers to relinquish second passports.
在国籍问题上,政府坚持说作为香港宪法的《基本法》并没有规定说副部长必须放弃他国护照。 yeeyan

Only Germany currently has a constitutional“ debt brake” in its Basic Law.
目前只有德国在基本法里有写入宪法的“债务制动器”。 ecocn

That basic law is the most powerful guarantee.
这个基本法就是最有利的保证。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Basic Law says Legco members do not qualify for office if they have been jailed for one month or more.
根据基本法规定,立法会议员若因刑事罪行判处监禁一个月以上,就会被褫夺议员资格。 scientrans




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