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词汇 storge
释义 storge
Please help savestorgespace by erasing outdated messages. Thanks. Please backup your important information to assure good standing.节约每一分空间,请及时删除无用短信,谢谢合作。重要资料请及时转移保存,确保安全!
Abstract: The paper has reviewed the defects with the latex paints instorgeand application.The solutions have been discussed.文摘:简述了乳胶漆在贮存、应用过程中常见的缺陷以及产生的原因,提出了解决的方法。
The principle of incompleteness of knowldgestorgeis demonstrated, and it is shown that a deductive machine can be both logically non-ampliative and expistemically ampliative.在休谟问题逻辑学范围内不可解原理的基础上,论证了不存在通用的归纳发现机器,但建立局部合理的、有效的、完备的归纳发现机器是可行的。
Considering enonomy and the different require,we bring out the essentials and the structure parameter in designing the low-consistency chest and high-densitystorge.从经济和所处理浆料的不同要求出发,提出了低浓浆池和高浓储浆塔的设计要点、注意事项,以及合理的结构参数。
Compared with traditional coating ,the properties of nano- CaCO3 composite coating of appearance,water resistance,self-cleaning andstorgestability were improved obviously.用该浆液制成的纳米复合涂料,与传统涂料相比,其外观状态、耐水性、自活性和贮存稳定性等显著改善。
Abstract: The construction of underground natural gasstorgeis one of the most reasonable and effective ways for basically surmounting city seasonal peak shaving and stabilizing peak waving.摘 要: 天然气地下储气库的建造,是从根本上解决城市季节性调峰,平抑供气峰值波动的最合理、有效途径之一。




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