

单词 basic instinct
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It is trying to analyze the humanity by self anatomy and discuss the contradiction between basic instinct and death, self forming and surrounding.
以一种自我解剖的方式进行人性的分析,探讨和自省关于本能欲望与死亡,自我塑造与环境之间的矛盾。 shanghaidz

The Basic Instinct star effectively said Mrs Clinton was too sexy to run for president.
主演过《本能》的斯通曾强烈表示,克林顿夫人因太过性感而不适合竞选总统。 ek360

Douglas has starred in hits such as“ Wall Street”, “ Basic Instinct” and“ Traffic” .
道格拉斯出演过《华尔街》、《本能》和《毒品网络》等诸多卖座大片。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Gee, if karma was responsible for that massacre, I wonder what was behind Basic Instinct2.
如果说老天爷是这次悲剧的始作俑者,那么我很好奇本能第二部上演的是什么样的精彩剧情。 tianya

Human beings have a super strong basic instinct of suitability, whatever the situation might be.
人类本能当中有着超强的适应力,不管任何环境。 blog.sina.com.cn

Love consists of three elements, basic instinct, personal standard and social morals.
爱是由三种元素组成的,本能,个人的准则和社会道德。 www.newtime.net.cn

Michael, my role in Basic Instinct changed my life and for that I'm truly in your debt.

The 51-year-old Sharon Stone gained popularity through the horror film“ Basic Instinct” in 1992, whose power of influence, however, is sharply declining in Hollywood in recent years.
现年51岁的莎朗·斯通1992年出演惊悚片《本能》走红,但近些年它在好莱坞的影响力急速下降。 tom




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