

单词 stopped
释义 stopped 英stɒpt美stɒpt 高COCA¹⁸⁶⁵BNC¹⁸⁶⁶iWeb¹⁹⁹⁶²Economist¹⁶³⁶
of a nose blocked;

a stopped or stopped-up nose

近义词 stopped-up堵塞的

用作形容词After westoppedagain for photos, I gave Sander a wave, and I rode on ahead.当我们再次停止的照片,我给了桑德的浪潮,我骑在前面。
Each thought sets off a cascade of responses within you that cannot bestopped.每一次思维都能引起一系列无法被人为停止的身体反应。
Istoppedin Dell, Montana, to let my arms relax.我停下来的戴尔,蒙大拿,让我的胳膊放松。
Finally the breezestoppedand the forest was still.微风停下来的时候,森林又恢复了寂静。adj.at a halt
同义词 blocked,interruptedcancelledcut short,gridlocked
congestedadjective blocked, clogged
chock-full,choked,closed,crammed,crowded,filled,glutted,gorged,gridlocked,jam-full,jam-packed,jammed,massed,mobbed,obstructedoccludedovercrowded,overfilled,overflowing,packed,packed like sardines,plugged,stoppered,stuffed,stuffed-up,teeming,up to the rafters
finishedadjective complete, done
accomplished,achieved,brought about,ceased,closed,come to an end,compassed,concluded,consummated,decided,discharged,dispatched,disposed of,done for,done with,effected,effectuated,elaborated,ended,entire,executed,final,finalized,fulfilled,full,in the past,lapsed,made,over,over and done,perfected,performed,put into effect,realized,resolved,satisfied,settled,sewn-up,shut,stopped,terminated,through,tied-up,worked out,wound-up,wrapped-up
preventedadjective obviated
blocked,interfered with,interrupted,stopped
restrictedadjective limited
barred,blocked,bound,bounded,bridled,chained,checked,clogged,closed,confined,controlled,cramped,curbed,decreased,defined,deprived,deterred,diminished,encircled,fastened,fettered,foiled,frustrated,governed,hampered,held-back,hitched,impeded,inhibited,manacled,moderated,modified,narrowed,obstructed,prescribed,prevented,reduced,reined in,repressed,restrained,secured,shortened,small,stayed,stopped,suppressed,surrounded,tempered,tethered
staticadjective motionless, changeless
at a standstill,constant,deadlocked,fixed,format,gridlocked,immobile,immovable,inactive,inert,latent,passive,rigid,stabile,stable,stagnant,stalled,standing still,stationary,sticky,still,stopped,stuck,unchanging,unfluctuating,unmoving,unvarying Have you ever stopped to wonder why you choose the products you buy?
你有没有停下来想过为什么自己会挑中购买的产品? edu.sina.com.cn

A stream of black smoke heaved up from the engine, then the boat stopped.

Applications on one server that is stopped or is in the process of failing do not negatively impact applications running on other servers.
一个服务器上的应用程序被停止或处理失败不会对运行在其他服务器上的应用程序产生影响。 ibm

As I walked back to the orphanage, about a block away from the school, I saw a woman standing on her front lawn eating a sandwich. I stopped and stood there looking at her.
在走回孤儿院的路上,大概离学校一个街区那么远的地方,我看见一位太太正站在她家前面的那块草地上吃三明治,我停下脚步,站在那里看着她。 joyen

But have we ever stopped to see what we are really doing?
但是,我们是否曾经停下来看看我们究竟在做什么呢? yeeyan

But have you ever stopped to think that we as the human race are all in the same boat?
然而你是否曾经停下来想过,我们,作为人类都蹲在同一条船上? yeeyan

But what if they stopped buying bonds not out of choice but because they were out of money?
但是如果他们不是出于选择而停止购买国债,而是因为他们没钱了呢? yeeyan

Ditto when I stopped smoking.
当我停止吸烟时同上。 yeeyan

Everyone stopped to look and smile at us.
每个人停止看而且对我们微笑. putclub

First, the application server ensures that all applications that depend on the resource adapter have stopped.
首先,应用服务器保证依赖资源适配器的所有应用程序都已停止。 ibm

First we stopped all movement of animals within the village.
我们首先停止村内所有牲畜的移动。 fao

For some reason, they stopped including this file by opting for a default implementation.
出于某些原因,它们停止包含这个文件,而选择使用默认实现。 ibm

He hurried across the stream and reached a meadow. He stopped and looked around, as if he were looking for something.
忽然来了一个人,他匆匆地穿过溪流,来到草地上,停下来四处看了看,好像在寻找什么。 ebigear

He stopped and looked back at the house.
他停下来回头看着那所房子。 ebigear

His plane stopped to refuel in Geneva.

I asked her how she stopped the self destructive cycle.
我问她如何停止这种自我毁灭的循环。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

I stopped to get it, but Marshal was quicker.
我停下来得到它,但元帅是更快。 ebigear

I stopped and ran toward the stricken woman, but my guide pulled me back.
我停下车,跑向那个挨打的女人,但我的向导把我拉了回来。 yeeyan

Occasionally she stopped to rest in a mechanical way by some gate or post; and then, giving the baggage another hitch upon her full round arm, went steadily on again.
有时候,她就停下来,机械地靠在栅栏门上或柱子上歇一会儿;然后又用她那丰满圆润的胳膊挽起行李,不慌不忙地再往前走。 hjenglish

On the way there, I stopped and bought a case of scotch.
在去那儿的路上,我停下来买了一瓶苏格兰威士忌。 yeeyan

She at once recovered herself and stopped crying.

The man saw us and stopped his assault. They both waved me on.
那个男人停止了攻击看这我们,并朝我们挥动着拳头。 yeeyan

The Pentagon announced that it had stopped all joint operations with its counterparts in Honduras.
美国五角大楼宣布,它已停止了其所有在洪都拉斯的联合行动。 yeeyan

The consultant there stopped all of her medications except for a low dose of a single antipsychotic.
那里的医生停掉了她所有的药物,除了剂量很低的一种安定药。 yeeyan

We have not stopped inventing and innovating, in Silicon Valley or in Detroit.
我们从来没有停止发明创新,不管是硅谷,还是底特律。 yeeyan

We stopped at the filling station because we needed gasoline.

We stopped at a very basic roadside cafe for lunch, for which they insisted on paying.
我们在一家很普通的路边咖啡店停车吃午饭,他们坚持为我付了帐。 yeeyan




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