

单词 stoppage
释义 stop·page 英ˈstɒpɪdʒ美ˈstɑpɪdʒAHDstŏpʹĭj ★☆☆☆☆高八COCA³³³⁰²BNC²²⁴⁷⁶iWeb¹⁶⁸⁹⁹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
the state of inactivity following an interruption;

the negotiations were in arrest

held them in check

during the halt he got some lunch

the momentary stay enabled him to escape the blow

he spent the entire stop in his seat

an obstruction in a pipe or tube;

we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe

the act of stopping something;

the third baseman made some remarkable stops

his stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood

stop,停止,停工,-age,名词后缀。work stoppage停工斗争quick stoppage骤止forced stoppage强制停机mechanical stoppage机械故障stoppage period停工时期unavoidable stoppage不可避免的耽搁…stoppage of machine机械停止motor stoppage停车,关闭发动机…temporary stoppage短时停机, 临时停机…filter stoppage过滤器堵塞stoppage in transit中途截止货物权…stoppage at source源头征税stoppage in transitu经 停运权
stop停止+p双写字母-age集合/活动/动作表行为本身、结果和手段→停止⇒停工,比赛中断,阻塞。蒋争熟词记忆stop停止-age名词后缀⇒停止;中止;阻塞近义词 stop停止stay停留halt停止hitch猛拉check检查block街区strike罢工arrest逮捕walkout罢工barrier栅栏closure关闭obstacle障碍blockage封锁go-slow怠工的occlusion闭塞prevention阻止prohibition禁止obstruction障碍slowdown降低速度work to rule怠工work stoppage停工斗争wildcat strike自发罢工industrial action罢工等劳工行动…

用作名词This film is a dramatic treatment of a threatenedstoppagein a factory.影片是对一家工厂的一场受到威胁的罢工的戏剧的处理。
Play resumed quickly after thestoppage.比赛中断后不久又继续进行。
Hisstoppageof the flow resulted in a flood.由于他拦阻水流而导致了洪水暴发。noun.halt, curtailment
同义词 blockage,closure,cutoff,interruption,layoff,lockout,shutdown,walkoutabeyance,arrest,check,close,deduction,discontinuance,down,downtime,hindrance,obstruction,occlusion,sit-down,standstill,stopping
反义词 advance,aid,assistance,continuation,encouragement,help,promotionbeginning,go,start
arrestnoun slowing or stopping
bannoun official forbiddance
a thou-shalt-not,boycott,censorship,don't,embargo,injunction,interdiction,limitation,no-no,off-limits,out of bounds,prohibition,proscription,refusal,restriction,stoppage,suppression,taboo
blocknoun obstruction
bar,barrier,blank wall,blockage,chunk,clog,hang-up,hindrance,impediment,jam,mass,obstacle,obstruction,roadblock,snag,stop,stoppage,wall
blockadenoun barrier
bar,barricade,blank wall,clog,closure,embolus,encirclement,hindrance,impediment,infarct,infarction,obstacle,obstruction,restriction,roadblock,siege,snag,stop,stoppage,wall
blockagenoun obstruction
ceasingnoun stopping
break,cessation,conclusion,cutoff,discontinuance,discontinuation,discontinuity,disruption,ending,gap,halt,interruption,pause,stay,stoppage,stopping,suspension Already this week, drivers at one small Shanghai taxi company have staged a stoppage to protest at low pensions.
就在本周,上海一家小型出租车公司的司机们已经举行了一场停运,抗议养老金过低。 blog.sina.com.cn

Jerome, the former Cardiff City striker, added his second on the last minute, with Fabrice Muamba scoring in stoppage time.
前卡迪福城的射手谢摩尔,在最后一分钟打进了他本场比赛的第二粒进球,梅阿姆巴在伤停补时阶段再添一分。 yeeyan

The Chelsea striker came on before the end, much to the crowd's approval, only to find that in keeping with the rest of the game nothing resembling a chance came his way until stoppage time.
切尔西射手在完场前登场,也算是遂了观众的愿,然而除了伤停补时的一次杀机之外,他简直是无所事事。 yeeyan

The function of each installation of the lift, safety installation return and method of stoppage examination are introduced.
介绍了电梯各装置的功能,电梯的安全装置回路,及其故障检查方法。 iciba

The incident occurred as stoppage time approached in a pulsating game at the Emirates, as Zabaleta and Sagna chased the ball down the touchline.
在酋长球场,比赛异常激烈,而那次冲突发生在比赛的补时阶段,当时扎巴莱塔和萨尼亚都在沿着边线追球。 yeeyan

The longest stoppage, in2008, lasted for eight weeks, cost the firm$2 billion and prompted customers such as Sir Richard to use phrases like“absolutely and utterly ghastly”.
2008年最长的一次罢工持续了8个星期,导致波音公司损失近20亿美元,并且使像理查德先生这样的客户用“糟糕透顶”这样的话来表达他们的愤怒。 ecocn

Also be aware that, at every corner kick, the change back can only take place during a stoppage in the game.
同时要认识到的是,在每个角球,变动的回归只能在比赛中止时发生。 yeeyan

Although Canada faces far greater economic threats than a work stoppage in a shrinking industry, the postal strike offered Mr Harper an irresistible opportunity to pick a favourable political fight.
尽管加拿大面临的经济威胁要比在一个萎缩的行业中的罢工更加严峻,但是,邮政业罢工带给哈珀一个无法拒绝的机会来采用对他有利的政治斗争。 ecocn

At the next stoppage, advise the stadium safety officer of the situation and remind him that the home club are responsible for the actions of their fans.
在下一次停表的时候,把这一情况告知场馆安全管理人员,并提醒主队俱乐部他们需要为主队球迷的行为负责。 yeeyan

But because Bonnie relatively weak, Allen expects the work stoppage to be brief— though it will take longer to get the relief well drilling rigs back and ready to work.
但是鉴于邦妮事实上强度很弱,艾伦期望迁移工作可以停止,尽管减压井重新恢复工作还需要很长时间。 yeeyan

But both sides recognize that progress must be made soon, or the threat of losing games to a work stoppage for only the second time in league history will increase.
不过双方均表示,谈判一定要在近期取得进展,否则极有可能发生联盟历史上第二次因球员罢工而使赛季缩水的情况。 yeeyan

Carlo Ancelotti’s team are two points clear of United and three ahead of Arsenal, who scored in stoppage time to beat Wolves.
卡劳安切洛蒂的球队领先曼联两分,领先阿森纳三分,后者在伤停补时阶段绝杀狼队。 yeeyan

France has begun to tap its industrial stocks, and fuel supplies to the main Paris airports have been resumed after a stoppage, although pilots were advised to refuel abroad where possible.
法国已经开始动用它的工业库存,巴黎主要机场的汽油供给在中断后得以恢复,尽管飞行员被要求尽可能在国外补充燃料。 ecocn

Hughes could not disguise his displeasure when he was made aware of those remarks but his main grievance was with the amount of stoppage time.
得知这些评论后,休斯无法掩饰自己的不满,但他主要还是在抱怨补时时间。 yeeyan

In addition to the obvious safety- related benefits, the fast reaction time will ensure minimal work stoppage and thus result in increased worker productivity and company profitability.
除了这些显而易见的安全方面的好处,第一反应时间将会保证最小的工作停顿,从而带来工人效率和公司利润的提高。 iciba

In February a stoppage at Germany’s national carrier, Lufthansa, was declared illegal after the first day— but still caused disruption.
2月份德国国家航运公司汉莎航空的罢工在第一天就被扣上非法行为的帽子,但是仍然引发了混乱。 ecocn

In48 games when United were ahead, the average amount of stoppage time was191.35 seconds.
在48场曼联领先的情况下,补时时间平均为191.35秒。 yeeyan

Kyiv says it was this stoppage that forced Ukraine to close the pipelines that supply Europe.
基辅说,俄罗斯切断天然气的输送迫使乌克兰关闭向欧洲提供天然气的管道。 ebigear

One of the coolest animalsliterally on the planet, the wood frog has the ability to go into complete hibernation including complete heart stoppage during the winter season.
林蛙作为地球上最“冷”的动物之一,可以靠冬眠度过整个冬季连心脏都停止跳动。 yeeyan

The Los Angeles Times quoted Los Angeles Lakers coach Phil Jackson, who indicating the trade talk stoppage may only be temporary.
洛杉矶时报引用了洛杉矶湖人队的主教练杰克逊的话,杰克逊暗示交易流言的停止只是暂时的。 iciba

The work stoppage was certainly inconvenient for many Canadians, and threatened Canada Post’s future revenues by forcing customers to switch to online bill payment.
邮政工作停滞无疑给许多加拿大人带来不便,也对加拿大邮政的未来收入,因为原来的客户被迫转向在线账单支付。 ecocn

The stoppage followed a spat between China and Japan last month over islands whose ownership is disputed.
这次突然中断与上月双方在钓鱼岛归属问题上发生口角有关. yeeyan

This journey is a pause in the daily rat race, a sudden stoppage of life, a frozen moment that may reveal more about us than we know.
这样的时候是每天的疲于奔命的一个暂停,生活的一个突然停顿,一个停滞了的时刻,能够揭示出比我们所已经了解到的更多的自我。 yeeyan




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