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词汇 stoning
释义 ston·ing 英'stəʊnɪŋ美'stoʊnɪŋ 高COCA⁶⁵¹³²BNC⁷⁰³²⁸iWeb⁴²⁹⁰⁴Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
the act of pelting with stones; punishment inflicted by throwing stones at the victim even unto death近义词 lapidation投石

as in.pelt
同义词 assail,batter,bombard,hurl,pepper,pummel,showerbelabor,belt,career,cast,charge,dash,hammer,knock,lapidate,pound,pour,rain,rush,shoot,sling,speed,stone,strike,swat,tear,thrash,wallop
反义词 lose,slow,tapas in.throw
同义词 bunt,deliver,drive,fire,fling,flip,force,heave,hurl,lift,lob,pitch,push,put,send,shove,start,thrustbandy,barrage,bombard,buck,butt,cant,cast,catapult,chuck,dash,discharge,dislodge,fell,flick,floor,impel,lapidate,launch,overturn,overwhelm,peg,pellet,pelt,pepper,precipitate,project,scatter,shower,shy,sling,splatter,spray,sprinkle,stone,strew,toss,tumble,unhorse,unseat,upset,volley,waftfling off,let fly,let go
反义词 discourage,dissuade,pull,receive,repress,stop,collect,gather,hold,keep,slowcatch,explain,helpas in.hit
同义词 bat,batter,beat,belt,blast,kick,knock,knock out,nail,pop,punch,slap,smack,whackbang,bash,blitz,box,brain,buffet,bump,clap,clip,clobber,clout,club,crack,cudgel,cuff,dab,ding,flail,flax,flog,hammer,hook,jab,KO,lace,lambaste,larrup,lather,lob,pellet,pelt,percuss,pound,rap,sock,stone,swat,tap,thrash,thump,thwack,trash,uppercut,wallop,whanggive a black eye,knock around,let fly,let have it,ride roughshod A new tolerance of the headscarf in universities does not imply a sudden lurch into stoning adulteresses.
允许在大学里戴头巾并不意味着会突然演变成向淫妇乱砸石头。 ecocn

Tariq Ramadan, a prominent European Muslim thinker, caused a furore in2003 when he suggested that stoning and other physical punishments should be“ suspended”.
一位杰出的欧洲穆斯林思想家塔拉奇拉马丹曾于2003年的时候因为提出石刑和其他肉刑应当被“暂缓”而掀起过一阵狂热。 ecocn

The appalled reaction to the case of Sakineh Ashtiani, an Iranian woman who has been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, has stoked a global campaign for her acquittal.
有关与人通奸而被判石刑的妇女莎奇内 阿实提阿尼的来自公众令人震惊的反应已激起一项全球范围内的运动为之抗议无罪。 ecocn

The Roman Catholic Church has suggested it might push for clemency in the case of a woman in Iran who's been sentenced to death by stoning.
罗马天主教会近日暗示或将介入伊朗妇女被判石刑一案,争取伊朗当局对这名妇女从轻处理。 hjenglish

“ Stoning as a means of execution is tantamount to torture. It's barbaric and an abhorrent act,” he said.
“石刑作为处决方式无异于一种酷刑,这是野蛮而令人发指的行为。”他说。 yeeyan

After lobbying by international human- rights groups, Iran’s judicial authorities commuted the sentence of death by stoning of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a woman convicted of adultery.
经过国际人权团体的游说,伊朗司法机关同意减轻对犯有通奸罪的妇女阿施蒂纳石刑的判决。 ecocn

Apparently, the local population was getting fed up living under strict Islamic law and began stoning the fighters during a public lashing.
显然,当地人民已经厌恶了在严苛的伊斯兰法令下生活,并在公开冲击中用石块攻击武装分子。 yeeyan

Ashtiani was convicted of adultery in2006 and was originally sentenced to death by stoning, but the sentence was put on hold earlier this month after an international outcry.
阿什蒂亚尼于2006年被判犯有通奸罪,最初被判处用石头砸死,但这一判决在本月初在国际上强烈抗议下被搁置了起来。 yeeyan

Bankers could be in for another public stoning.
银行家们可能免不了再一次接受公众质询。 ecocn

Brazil's president has offered asylum to an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning, state-run media reported Saturday.
巴西总统卢拉提议为伊朗一名被判处用石头砸死的妇女提供庇护,国营媒体今天报道。 yeeyan

If they think that it stoning to death is an Islamic rule, why are they afraid of it so much?
要是他们觉得那扔石刑是穆斯林的律法,为什么这么害怕呢? yeeyan

In his interview with the Guardian, Karroubi condemned Ashtiani's sentence and said he was opposed to stoning in principle.
卡罗比在接受《卫报》采访时,谴责阿什蒂亚尼的判刑,并表示他原则上反对用石头砸死人。 yeeyan

In northern Nigeria, gay men can face death by stoning.
在尼日利亚北部,同性恋男人会被执行石刑处死。 yeeyan

Iran's judiciary could reinstate her sentence of death by stoning, execute her by another means, or possibly even grant her a reprieve, according to human rights groups.
根据人权组织的报道,伊朗司法的机构,以后可以恢复用石头砸死她的判决,也可以用另一种形式来执行死刑,或者,甚至可能给予她缓刑。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department on Thursday acknowledged reports of the planned stoning.
同时,美国国务院周四承认注意到关于石刑计划的报道。 yeeyan

Muslim pilgrims leave from Mina valley, near the holy city of Mecca, after casting pebbles at pillars as part of the hajj ritual of 'Jamarat', the symbolic stoning of Satan.
朝代表撒旦魔鬼的柱子投掷石头之后,穆斯林朝圣者离开米纳山谷,这里靠近圣城麦加,投掷石头是朝觐仪式的一部分。 yeeyan

Pilgrims perform a series of rituals including walking around the Kaaba, standing vigil on Mount Arafat and a ritual Stoning of the Devil.
朝圣者要完成一系列仪式,其中包括绕天房行走、在阿拉法特山上站立守夜和用石头砸死魔鬼的仪式。 yeeyan

The European Parliament today condemned the stoning sentence, saying that the punishment“can never be justified or accepted, ” the Associated Press reports.
来自美联社的报道说,欧盟议会今天发表了对石刑的谴责,宣称此种惩罚“永远不公平和不能被接受”。 yeeyan

The group has copied some of the Taliban’s more puritanical features, such as insisting on beards, meting out floggings, stoning adulterers and banning music.
这个组织模仿着塔利班一些更加严格的特征,如留大胡子、受鞭刑、向通奸者扔石头以及禁止音乐。 ecocn

The statement was not reported inside Iran and neither was the news of stoning death sentences for15 other Iranians.
这篇声明没有在伊朗境内报道,另外15名判处扔石刑的伊朗人的消息也不为人知。 yeeyan

Their ideas of fun could be sickening: stoning horses or shooting arrows at a live hen buried up to the neck.
他们的娱乐也让人难以接受:用石头投掷马匹或向被掩埋到剩下头部的母鸡射箭。 ecocn

Three of her relatives were killed by stoning.
她的三个亲戚就被乱石砸死。 yeeyan

Under Iran's Islamic law, adultery is still punishable by stoning, which involves the hurling of stones in public at a partially buried convict.

Women practicing polyandry no longer needed to worry about stoning, either, thanks to Urukagina’s devotion to equality, personal freedom, and social justice.
多亏乌鲁卡基纳崇尚平等、个人自由和社会正义,妇女通奸不再担心要被石头砸死。 yeeyan




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