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Stoneley wave 基本例句 斯通利波 Msitu permeability.Therefore, formation permeability will be estimated fromStoneley wave.利用声波全波列中的斯通利波信息可估算地层的渗透率。 The result of constrast shows that the effectiveness division of a reservoir can be done according as the stoneley wave permeability curves.对比结果表明,可依据获得的斯通利波渗透率曲线进行储层的有效性划分。 The paper mainly introduces the process of estimating the reservoir permeability using the frecquency offset and time lag ofStoneley wave.本文主要介绍利用斯通利波的频率偏移和时间延迟判断储层渗透性。 In this method,Stoneley waveattenuation from AC log is divided into two parts: attenuation through porous media and percolation attenuation through pore-fluid.该方法把由声波测井数据得到的斯通利波衰减分为介质内衰减和孔隙流体渗流衰减两部分。 Stoneley waveis a kind of guide waves propagating along the liquid\\|solid interface in well.斯通利波是一种沿井壁传播的声波,当声波脉冲与井壁和井内流体的界面相遇时就会产生斯通利波。 In this paper,developed are a method and correspondent software for calculating formation permeability from the center frequency shift and travel time delay in directStoneley wave.利用多极子阵列声波测井资料提取直达斯通利波、计算斯通利波中心频率偏移和时间延迟来进行地层渗透率反演的方法已被研究了多年。 |