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stone carving短语⁷¹²³⁰ 基本例句 石雕 艺术品 In usually, the exhumation and appearance of an ancient times stone carving artwork, bring about many newly considerations to the society. 一处古代石雕艺术品的发掘与出现,常常会给社会带来许多新的思考。 cnki In1962, He paid a visit to Lin Qingyou skillful Shoushan stone carving sculptor of stone carving factory in Shuiliuwan, Nanhou Street, Fuzhou city. 1962年他特地到福州南后街水流湾的石雕厂拜会寿山石雕老艺人林友清。 mytino The path length150m, there are34,15 groups stone carving according to the King out style in Tang Dynasty. 神道长150米,两边有按皇帝生前出行宫廷仪仗排列的唐代石雕15组34尊。 blog.sina.com.cn The design idea, special form and establishment of scale of tomb stone carving in Nan Dynasty, which obeyed the funeral etiquette system, show traditional ecological environment view. 墓葬礼制规定下的南朝陵墓石刻造型,其墓葬建制的设计理念、空间形制、尺度的确立等等,充分显示出传统生态观念的指导意义。 qikan Disabled individuals of ten years old and up were recruited and grouped according to their interests in painting, pottery, wood and stone carving and embroidery. 生产中心招纳十岁及十岁以上的残疾人,并根据他们对绘画、陶艺、木雕、石雕及刺绣方面的兴趣进行分组。 un From the courtyard boarded layers level, is the main hall of Nanyan Palace ruins,36 stone carving pillars on the construction of convective cloud patterns still visible when the grand scale. 从院落登上层层台阶,是南岩宫大殿遗址,36座精雕石柱上有石雕流云琼花图案,仍然可见当年宏伟规模。 cc269 Here is a vigorous stone carving of“Tao Sheng”, meaning a holy sage of pottery. To pay respect and worship to Fan Li, citizens of Yixing called Fan Li the honorable “ Taozhu Gong” or “Tao Sheng”. 这里有苍劲有力的“陶圣”石刻,范蠡被称为“陶朱公”、“陶圣”,这是宜兴百姓对范蠡兴陶为民的尊称和敬仰。 tz-sj Hundred lions square, is a Qing Dynasty stone carving art treasures. 百狮坊,可谓清代石雕艺术的珍品。 qite8 In1980 he saw a replica of the Mayan calendar, the ancient stone carving that predicts that the world will end on December21,2012. 在1980年,他看了玛雅历法,历法预言世界将在2012年12月21日灭亡。 yeeyan The Dazu Stone Carving is World-famous. 大足石刻是世界闻名的。 h2o-china The emperor would be carried in his sedan over the stone carving and was the only person allowed to pass over it. 皇帝会座在轿中从这石雕丹陛上越过,他是唯一一个被允许跨越它的人。 beijingguide2008 The building of a harmonious beauty, building on the stone carving vivid realism. 这些建筑和谐优美,建筑物上的石雕生动逼真。 declan-galbraith.cn The tower- style building, whether or stone carving art, to enjoy a relatively high research value. 该塔不论是建筑风格,还是石雕艺术,都有较高的研究价值。 blog.sina.com.cn Then, in 1966, the museum built the Frieda Schiff Warburg Memorial Sculpture Garden to display roughly200 pieces of stone carving, terra cotta, and ironwork. 接着到了1966年,博物馆新建了弗里达希夫沃伯格纪念雕塑园来展出其中约200件用石料、红土和铁块制成的作品。 yeeyan Therefore, they are also a large museum of stone carving art. 因此,它又是一座大型的石刻艺术博物馆。 xcnchinese.com Use of stone carving, relief carving and flower plate combination of techniques, according to subject matter and color requirements, with Ishinari map, refined into a variety of arts and crafts. 采用石雕、浮雕与花板雕刻相结合的技法,根据题材内容和色彩要求,配石成图,精制成多种工艺美术品。 elycn |