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词汇 stomping
释义 stomp·ing 英stɒmp美stɑːmp 高COCA²⁶⁷⁰¹BNC⁵²⁰⁴¹iWeb³¹⁸⁴⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a dance involving a rhythmical stamping step
walk heavily;

The men stomped through the snow in their heavy boots

近义词 clump丛stamp邮票tramp徒步stump残株plod沉重地走clomp用沉重的步子走…trudge缓慢或吃力地走…

用作及物动词A shiver runs through me as Istompmy feet for warmth and then listen again for any sign of life.当我跺着脚取暖时,一个冷战传遍全身。然后我侧耳倾听,判断是否有动物活动。
He looked funnystompinground the dance floor.他在舞池里跺著舞步,样子很可笑。as in.march
同义词 advance,debouch,drill,journey,mount,move,pace,parade,patrol,pound,proceed,progress,range,stalk,step,stomp,stride,strut,traipse,tramp,treadforge ahead,go on,hoof it,move out,pound the pavement,step out
反义词 halt,retreat,retrogress,stay,stop,waitas in.plod
同义词 lumber,slog,tramp,trudgeclump,drag,flounder,hike,plug,stamp,stomp,toil,trample,tread,wallowschlepp,tromp
反义词 tiptoebreezewalk lightlyas in.pound
同义词 batter,belabor,bruise,buffet,clobber,comminute,drub,hammer,hit,palpitate,pelt,pestle,powder,pulsate,pulse,pulverize,pummel,stomp,strike,thrash,throb,thump,tramp,wallopmalleate,triturate
反义词 be stillfail,losegive upas in.slog
同义词 lumber,toil,tramp,trudgedrag,drudge,flounder,grind,labor,plug,slave,stomp,sweat,tramplebear down,buckle down,plough through,schlepp
反义词 tiptoe,be lazy,idleas in.stamp
同义词 beat,clomp,clump,crush,stomp,stump,tramp,trampletromp
反义词 help,lose,surrenderas in.storm
同义词 assault,rip,roar,stalk,tearaggress,assail,beset,bluster,charge,complain,drizzle,drop,fly,fume,howl,pour,rage,rain,rant,rave,scold,sizzle,spit,squall,stomp,strike,thunderblow violently,breathe fire,burn up,carry on,come at,go on,set in,sound off,steam up,take by storm,take onas in.stride
同义词 stalk,traipse,trampclump,march,pace,parade,pound,stampstriddle,trompas in.stump
同义词 barge,clomp,clump,galumph,lumber,plod,stamp,stomp,stumble,trudge
反义词 tiptoeexplain,explicate,helpas in.tramp
同义词 gallop,plod,ramble,roam,slog,traipse,trample,trudgecrush,footslog,hike,hop,march,navigate,pound,range,rove,stamp,stodge,stomp,stroll,stump,thud,toil,tour,tread,trek,triptromp,walk over
反义词 tiptoeas in.trample
同义词 crush,encroach,flatten,hurt,infringe,injure,override,overwhelm,run over,squash,step on,stomp,violatebruise,grind,pound,stamp,tramp,treadride roughshod over,tromp
反义词 aid,assist,cure,heal,help,obey,observe,uncompressas in.clomp
同义词 clop,clunk,plod,pound,stomp,thud,thumpclonk,trompas in.clunk
同义词 clomp,clop,plod,pound,stomp,thud,thumpclonk,trompas in.tromp
同义词 bruise,crush,encroach,flatten,grind,hurt,infringe,injure,override,overwhelm,pound,ride roughshod over,run over,squash,stamp,step on,stomp,tramp,tread,violateas in.clump
同义词 barge,bumble,clatter,clomp,galumph,hobble,limp,lumber,plod,scuff,stamp,stomp,stumble,stump,thud,thump,tramp
反义词 tiptoe However, when I looked around, the guard, now joined by a mate, was stomping towards me.
当我朝四周张望时,发现那个警卫又叫来一个同事,两个人正大步朝我赶来。 yeeyan

The cattle go to the slaughterhouse, the horses to rodeos. But Mr Williams is stomping mad.
牛儿进了屠宰场,马儿上了竞技场,而威廉斯却疯也似的跺着脚。 ecocn

“ They are stomping on the mother's desperate wish to get her daughter back,” Park Myong Ok said in an affected style of speech often used in North Korea.
“他们是在践踏一个母亲盼望自己女儿归来的心,”朴某用着朝鲜人演讲时的一贯语气说道。 yeeyan

Assigned to Fort Carson, just over an hour's drive from his teenage stomping grounds in Colorado, he found himself pulled in two directions.
他被分配到卡森要塞,虽然这里和他青少年时候玩耍的土地只有一小时的车程,但他仿佛被硬生生地往相反的方向拉去。 yeeyan

But critics are sniping that building Western- themed towns on Shanghai's outskirts is impractical and insensitive in a country that once served as a stomping ground for foreign imperialists.
但是,也有批评家指出,中国曾惨遭外国帝国主义蹂躏,而上海在郊区建造西式新城是不现实且麻木不仁的。 ecocn

By stomping to America’s fiddle—for example, in marching his army into the north-west tribal areas bordering Afghanistan—Mr Musharraf won$11.8 billion in American aid, most of it military.
他中了美国人的小把戏,比如他派遣军队进入与阿富汗接壤的西北部族地区,也因此赢得了美国118亿美元的援助,其中大部分是军事援助。 ecocn

Former KGB officers turned businessmen are warmly welcomed in their old Abkhaz stomping grounds—and have brought billions of dollars of investment.
克格勃官员改行经商后在老阿布哈兹根据地犹受欢迎。这些人带来了数十亿美金的投资。 yeeyan

HAS China returned to the days of central planning? Or is it just stomping on anything that smacks of democracy?
中国重回中央计划时代,还是仅仅是对有民主意味的任何东西表示愤怒? yeeyan

He offered the following example: While park signs in the West exhort people to ' Keep Off the Grass, ' Chinese versions tend to anthropomorphize nature as a way to gently engage the stomping masses.
他列举了下面这个例子:西方公园的标识让人“莫践踏草坪,”而中国公园的标识则往往将自然拟人化。 cri

Her acceptance speech drew eight minutes of foot stomping and cheering from the delegates in the convention hall.
她接受提名的发言受到党代会全场代表长达8分钟的欢呼和掌声。 hxen

Highway1 is one of Iraq's better roads, and there was relatively little traffic as we drove through Rawlings' old stomping grounds.
高速公路1是巴格达最好的道路,但我们和罗菱斯穿越这一地段时几乎没有交通堵塞。 yeeyan

Hygienic macros can be safely used anywhere without fear of stomping on existing variable names.
健康的宏可以安全地在任何地方使用,不必担心与现有的变量名冲突。 ibm

I spent a day on the Harvard Business School campus, my old stomping grounds, for a bunch of meetings with professors, students, my book editor, some Deloitte folks, etc.
那时我在以前经常来的地方——哈佛商学院的校园里开了一天的会,跟教授们、学生们,我的图书编辑,还有德勤律师所的那些人,等等。 yeeyan

If your vehicle starts running away then by all means feather the brakes, but stomping on them is a bad idea.
如果你的车辆开始快跑, 自然要浅踩刹车来将车辆控制住 ,不过大脚猛踩无论如何都不是什么好事。 yeeyan

In fury and desperation, the man next to me pulled out his own Newton, threw it to the floor, and began furiously stomping on it.
在愤怒和无奈中,坐在我旁边的男士拿出了他自己的“牛顿”,把它扔在地上,并开始气愤地用脚跺上去; yeeyan

Its front limbs were adapted to grasp and scurry up trees, an ability that must have come in handy when so many large ground animals were stomping around below and looking for dinner.
它的前肢适应了抓握功能,而且能快速爬上树木。当许多大型的陆生动物到处踩踏地面和寻找食物时,这种能耐就必须手到擒来。 yeeyan

My little ones don’t mind either — they love stomping in mud puddles.
但说实话,我喜欢在沐浴雨中的感觉。我的小家伙们也不介意。 yeeyan

One of the biggest cases occurred in February2006 when an anonymous video surfaced of a woman in high heels stomping a cat to death.
最大的案件之一是2006年2月一段匿名录像出现在网上,一位妇女脚穿高跟鞋狠狠的将猫踩死。 yeeyan

People are clapping, slapping their thighs, stomping the floor.
人们鼓掌,拍着大腿,跺着地板。 yeeyan

Speedy was stomping through the mud, hurling paper into the underbrush.
斯彼迪正在泥浆里踏着步子,把纸狠狠地扔到灌木丛里去。 yeeyan

This is helpful for the times when you want to do some heavy-handed work on the system without stomping on someone's important document.
当您想对系统进行一些烦琐的操作,而又不希望破坏别人重要的文档时,这种方法很有帮助。 ibm

Tonight in my old stomping ground of Toronto, the following proposition will be debated: “Be it resolved that North America faces a Japan- style era of high unemployment and slow growth.”
今晚,在我往常最爱去的多伦多,将会就“北美是否确实处于日本式的高失业低增长的年代”展开一场辩论。 ecocn

Training isn’t destiny, and just because the Army wants to keep urban combat in its toolkit doesn’t mean it’s looking to go stomping through any foreign capitals.
训练本身并不是目的,而保持城市战斗能力的愿望也并不意味着陆军计划去横扫哪个外国首都。 yeeyan

You can break stuff to help you harm or kill monster. It is freaking cool to break stuff in scenes, stomping stuff.




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