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词汇 stomachs
释义 stom·ach·s 英'stʌmək美'stʌmək COCA²³¹²⁷BNC²⁰²⁹⁸Economist¹⁷⁷³²
C 胃

bag-like organ of the body into which food passes when swallowed and in which the first part of digestion occurs

C 腹部

the front part of the body below the chest

C 食欲,胃口; 欲望

appetite for food; desire for sth

an enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal; the principal organ of digestionthe region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvisan inclination or liking for things involving conflict or difficulty or unpleasantness;

he had no stomach for a fight

an appetite for food;

exercise gave him a good stomach for dinner

bear to eat;

He cannot stomach raw fish

put up with something or somebody unpleasant;

I cannot bear his constant criticism

The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks

he learned to tolerate the heat

She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage

用作名词 n.
动词+~fill the stomach吃得很饱go against the stomach不合胃口have no stomach不感兴趣turn sb's stomach使某人倒胃口wash out the stomach洗胃形容词+~strong〔weak〕 stomach消化力强〔差〕empty stomach空肚子介词+~pain in the stomach胃疼cancer of the stomach胃癌lie flat on one's stomach俯卧lie heavy on sb's〔the〕 stomach食物滞积在某人胃里~+介词a stomach for对某事物的欲望
用作名词n.turn sb's stomach

使某人反胃〔恶心〕cause sb to be disgusted or revolted

近义词 bear熊take拿gut内脏tum肚子paunch腹put up放belly腹部stand站立front正面brook小河abide遵守endure容忍suffer遭受digest摘要venter腹部abdomen腹部gastric胃的support支持middle中等的breadbasket胃stick out突出intestinal肠的potbelly大肚皮abdominal腹部的digestive消化的beer belly啤酒肚spare tyre备用轮胎beer gut口啤酒肚…tummy肚子tolerate容许gastrointestinal胃肠的
用作名词n.I often feel a pain in my stomach.我经常胃疼。
Don't go out to work on an empty stomach.别空着肚子去工作。
I hit him in the stomach.我击中他的肚子。
I've no stomach for garlic.我没有胃口吃大蒜。
He has no stomach for swimming.他不想去游泳。


用作名词He had had too much to eat and hisstomachstarted to kick up.他吃得太多了,胃不舒服。
Anxiety may disorder thestomach.忧虑可能会引起胃部不适。
Thestomachrevolts at such food.这样的食物倒胃囗。
The film about eye operations turned mystomach.这部眼科手术的影片看得我恶心极了。
A blow to thestomachmade him curl up.他腹部受到一击而直不起腰来。用作及物动词I can'tstomachyour constant nagging.我再也忍受不了你不停的唠叨了。
How can youstomachall the violences in the film ?那部影片里的那些暴力场面,你怎么竟看得下去呢
He now couldstomachliquids only.他现在还只能吃流质食品。 In severe cases, infection can lead to swollen stomachs, bladder cancer, liver damage and death.
严重的甚至会的胃肿膀胱癌肝损伤或者不幸的死去。 yeeyan

It seems that subjects who were given15ml of vinegar daily lost fat, particularly around their stomachs.
数据显示,每天摄入15毫升醋的受测者们都变瘦了,特别是在胃和腹部的位置。 hjenglish

The children's stomachs were distended by malnutrition.

When we gulp down food our stomachs don’t have a chance to digest it properly, nor signal to our brains that we are satiated.
我们吞下食物的时候,我们的胃没有机会去很好得消化,没有信息传送到我们的大脑,提示我们满足了。 yeeyan

While the first Hawaiian surfers may have ridden their long boards on their stomachs, we know that they soon started standing on the board.

As the political debate continues, aid workers say shelves are bare and stomachs empty outside Pyongyang.
正当政治论争继续之时,救援人员说;平壤城外,商店的货架是空的,人的肚子是空的。 yeeyan

Before the program began, students often grabbed whatever looked good at the buffet, only to find at the table that their eyes were bigger than their stomachs, he said.
他还提到,该项目启动前,学生们常常会取走自助餐中凡是看着不错的餐品,最后坐在桌子跟前只会发现自己眼大肚子小。 yeeyan

Both Maria and Martin drank the sour new wine on empty stomachs, and it went swiftly to their heads.
玛利亚和马丁都是空肚子喝着新酿的酒,酒力立即进了脑袋。 enread

But guzzling let them get food into their stomachs quickly.
不过大口吞咽使食物能够快速进入它们的胃部。 yeeyan

But people died from ulcers all over the place and were having their stomachs or half their stomachs removed; there were permanent, mutilating operations and deaths going on around us.
但是到处人们都在死于胃溃疡,或者将他们的胃整个或一半切除;在我们的周围,永久性的切除术和死亡一直都在发生。 yeeyan

Cars explode, jails and hospitals are blown up, bombs are put in people’s mouths and sewn into their stomachs.
汽车爆了,监狱和医院炸飞了,炸弹被放入人们的嘴里,植入他们的胃里。 yeeyan

Colobines could eat some fruit, but their highly leaf adapted stomachs aren't equipped for all- fruit diets, Korstjens said.
考斯特基恩斯说,即使叶猴改吃水果,但是他们的胃已经适应了叶子,他们仍旧无法完全消化水果食物。 yeeyan

He photographed the chicks and the contents of their stomachs: bottle caps, lids from tops of spice bottles, lighters and other fragments.
他拍下了小鸟的尸体和他们的胃中物:瓶盖、调料罐的盖板、打火机以及其他垃圾碎片。 yeeyan

His idea involves farming algae out at sea and then digesting it in thousands of “ giant stomachs” under the surface.
他的想法牵扯到在海上养植藻类,然后令其在水面下成千上万的“巨胃”中消化。 yeeyan

Livestock farming drives emissions of the greenhouse gas methane, from the stomachs of ruminants and especially cattle, and of carbon dioxide by increasing deforestation.
畜牧业造成温室气体甲烷的排放,甲烷来自反刍动物的胃,特别是牛,畜牧业还通过增加森林砍伐造成更多二氧化碳的排放。 yeeyan

Many people eat so fast that they continue stuffing their faces long after their stomachs are at capacity.
许多人吃得太快,这样虽然他们的胃已经达到了最大容量,他们还不断地往嘴里填东西。 yeeyan

Of course, one reason the thought of testing tightens people's stomachs is that tests are so often hard.
当然了,一想起考试就会让人们胃部紧张的一个原因是考试往往都很难。 yeeyan

Once, I saw him at three thousand metres in February, in the sleet, bare- chested, eating calmly, a spectacle so upsetting to two men nearby that it turned their stomachs.
有一次,在雨雪交加的二月天气里,我看到他裸露着胸膛站在三千米的高山上,静静地吃着东西,这是一幕叫站在他们旁边的人多么反胃的场景啊。 yeeyan

One timing system comes from the evidence of our senses and stomachs, and the periodicity we experience when living in a particular time zone.
一个定时系统来自于我们的感官和胃的证明,就是当我们生活在一个特定的时区所经历的周期性。 hjenglish

Rats can't vomit or burp because of a limiting wall between their two stomachs and their inability to control the diaphragm muscles needed for the action.
老鼠不能反胃或打嗝,因为它们受到了两个胃之间隔离墙的限制和它们不能有效调节横隔膜肌肉来配合行动把吃过的东西吐出来。 ebigear

Since pups are too young to hunt, adult wolves bring meat to them in their stomachs.
幼崽太小,不能捕猎,成年的狼就用胃中半消化的肉喂它们。 yeeyan

Talk of climate change and energy security led to a surge in crops grown to fill fuel tanks rather than stomachs, bringing food price hikes and changes in land use.
气候变化和能源安全的话题导致了作物种植激增以填满燃料箱,而不是为了填肚子,使得食品价格上涨和土地利用变化。 yeeyan

Then they add a substance usually harvested from veal stomachs called rennet, a mixture of enzymes that slice the ends off caseins, a kind of milk protein.
这种物质一般从小牛的胃中采集而来,里面含有的多种酶能够切断牛奶中的一种蛋白——酪蛋白的水溶性末端。 yeeyan

Twice in the nation's history, they knew what it was like to go to sleep night after night with their stomachs knotted in fear.
经历了国家两次历史事件后,他们知道那种事就像拎着纠结的胃在恐惧中入睡,一夜又一夜。 yeeyan

We’ve pulled a number of endangered species out of their stomachs.
我们曾从他们的胃中发现过一批濒危物种。 yeeyan




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