bag-like organ of the body into which food passes when swallowed and in which the first part of digestion occurs
an enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal; the principal organ of digestionthe region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvisan inclination or liking for things involving conflict or difficulty or unpleasantness;he had no stomach for a fight
an appetite for food;exercise gave him a good stomach for dinner
bear to eat;He cannot stomach raw fish
put up with something or somebody unpleasant;I cannot bear his constant criticism
The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks
he learned to tolerate the heat
She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage
用作名词 n.
动词+~fill the stomach吃得很饱go against the stomach不合胃口have no stomach不感兴趣turn sb's stomach使某人倒胃口wash out the stomach洗胃形容词+~strong〔weak〕 stomach消化力强〔差〕empty stomach空肚子介词+~pain in the stomach胃疼cancer of the stomach胃癌lie flat on one's stomach俯卧lie heavy on sb's〔the〕 stomach食物滞积在某人胃里~+介词a stomach for对某事物的欲望
用作名词n.turn sb's stomach使某人反胃〔恶心〕cause sb to be disgusted or revolted
近义词 bear熊take拿gut内脏tum肚子paunch腹put up放belly腹部stand站立front正面brook小河abide遵守endure容忍suffer遭受digest摘要venter腹部abdomen腹部gastric胃的support支持middle中等的breadbasket胃stick out突出intestinal肠的potbelly大肚皮abdominal腹部的digestive消化的beer belly啤酒肚spare tyre备用轮胎beer gut口啤酒肚…tummy肚子tolerate容许gastrointestinal胃肠的
用作名词n.I often feel a pain in my stomach.我经常胃疼。
Don't go out to work on an empty stomach.别空着肚子去工作。
I hit him in the stomach.我击中他的肚子。
I've no stomach for garlic.我没有胃口吃大蒜。
He has no stomach for swimming.他不想去游泳。
用作名词He had had too much to eat and hisstomachstarted to kick up.他吃得太多了,胃不舒服。
Anxiety may disorder thestomach.忧虑可能会引起胃部不适。
Thestomachrevolts at such food.这样的食物倒胃囗。
The film about eye operations turned mystomach.这部眼科手术的影片看得我恶心极了。
A blow to thestomachmade him curl up.他腹部受到一击而直不起腰来。用作及物动词I can'tstomachyour constant nagging.我再也忍受不了你不停的唠叨了。
How can youstomachall the violences in the film ?那部影片里的那些暴力场面,你怎么竟看得下去呢
He now couldstomachliquids only.他现在还只能吃流质食品。 A powerful big- stomached man came into the bunk house.
一个魁梧有力,大肚子的人走进宿舍。 kuenglish
Some strong- stomached children would search out a long bamboo pole and amuse themselves by prodding at the flesh ball.
也有一些胆大的娃崽,找来一根长长的竹篙,戳着白色的肉球,觉得好玩。 blogbus
We are really sorry that we didn't clinch the Cup but we have stomached well the result.
没有捧起丰田杯我们非常遗憾,但是我们已经很好的消化了这一结果。 milanchina