

单词 stolen
释义 sto·len 英ˈstəʊlən美ˈstolənAHDstōʹlən ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶⁹³⁴BNC⁴¹⁵⁷iWeb⁶⁹⁷⁸Economist³⁷³²
adj.被偷窃的⁷²动词steal 的过去分词²⁸.原型steal的过去分词
名词 steal:
an advantageous purchasea stolen base; an instance in which a base runner advances safely during the delivery of a pitch without the help of a hit or walk or passed ball or wild pitchsteal偷Stolen Generation被偷走的一代…receiver of stolen goods窝赃人,窝主…stolen property被窃的财产
近义词 assumed假定的purloined动词purloin的过去…

用作形容词Thestolenproperty must be restored to its owner.赃物必须物归原主。
The police recovered thestolenjewellery.警察找回了被盗的珠宝。
A 1000 reward has been offered for the return of thestolenpainting.悬赏1000英镑寻找失窃的画。
The police found somestolenproperty in the thief's house.警察在小偷的家里发现了一些被盗的财物。
Her purse wasstolenwhen she was on the bus.她的手袋在公共汽车上被偷了。
He was disconsolate after his bicycle wasstolen.他的自行车被偷后,他郁郁不欢。
She gave him back the money she'dstolenfor the sake of her conscience.为了不受良心的谴责,她把从他那偷来的钱还给他了。adj.taken
同义词 embezzled filched,hijacked,liftedmisappropriatedpinchedpoachedpurloined,robbed,snatchedswipedabducted,appropriated,kept,kidnapped,sackedbagged,diverted,plagiarized,ripped off,shanghaied
abductedadjective taken away by force
misbegottenadjective illegitimate, illicit
baseborn,bastard,dishonest,disreputable,illegal,natural,poor,shady,spurious,stolen,suppositious,unlawful,unrespectable Had he stolen it from the silverware at dinner?
这是他吃晚饭的时候从银器里偷的吗? yeeyan

In a single afternoon, a young fugitive lands a stolen plane in the desert, meets a woman there and has an affair with her.
一个下午,一个年轻的逃荒着进了沙漠中一架偷来的飞机,在那里见到了一个女人,和她发生了关系。 yeeyan

That, by itself, acts as a warning that goods might be stolen, but the real trick is what happens next.
涂在可能被盗物品上的粘着剂本身起着警示的作用,但真正的窍门是接下来发生的。 ecocn

The stolen car was dumped in one of the streets.

After a report12 years ago cast light on the plight of the stolen generations, other victims of institutional mistreatment agitated for redress as well.
在这份关于“被偷去的一代”的报告12从年之前就开始着手准备,其他受到机构虐待的受害者们也获得了纠正。 ecocn

All we see is her living in a world of stolen money.
我们看到的是她一直和偷窃别人钱的人生活在一起。 yeeyan

All stolen items will be confiscated.
所有的偷窃物都将被没收。 yeeyan

But neither that, nor the likelihood that some food aid would be stolen, are excuses for giving nothing.
然而不管是这个原因,还是援助的粮食可能会被偷窃,都不应成为不提供援助的借口。 ecocn

Everything we own will one day be lost, stolen, broken, donated, outdated, sold or thrown away.
我们拥有的一切总有一天会丢失,被盗,损坏,捐赠,过时的,出售或丢弃。 yeeyan

Have we not stolen light from the blind and sound from the deaf?
难道我们没有从盲人那里偷走光明?从聋人那里盗走声音? yeeyan

He only remembered the bicycle the following day and rushed to the marketplace, expecting it would have been stolen.
到第二天他才记起自行车的事,向市场跑去的时候,他想车可能已经被人偷了。 yeeyan

I believe it’s largely aid. You get the corruption— historically, leaders have stolen the money without penalty— and you get the dependency, which kills entrepreneurship.
我认为这才是主要的援助,你腐败了——从历史观点上来说,统治者偷窃钱财而不受惩罚——你有了依赖,却丧失了能力。 yeeyan

I later learned what he was really worried about was that the television was stolen.
我后来才知道,他之所以那么担心,是因为那台电视机是偷来的。 yeeyan

If you surround yourself with insanely smart people you trust in the early days they cannot be stolen.
如果你自己相信那些疯狂围绕在周边的聪明人,早期他们是不会被偷盗走的。 yeeyan

If your card is stolen or lost, don’t worry.
如果你的卡被盗或是遗失了,都不要担心。 yeeyan

Oil thieves sometimes hawk stolen gasoline on the side of highways.
石油大盗们有时在公路边上兜售偷来的石油。 yeeyan

Only to get the flowers stolen almost every single time.
仅仅是去买那些每时每刻都可能被偷的花。 yeeyan

Police at the time believed they were“ stolen to order” for a collector.
当时,警察认为,这些龟是为某个收藏家“按订单偷走的”。 yeeyan

She returned back the money stolen from him to abandon the mortal blame.
为了不受良心的谴责,她把从他那偷来的钱还给他了。 kekenet

She said Katherine Jackson rang her in London at 7am on Friday to ask where the money was, possibly to stop it being stolen.
她说,凯瑟琳·杰克逊曾在周五早上7点打电话给她,问她钱在哪里,可能是为了防止别人把钱偷走。 yeeyan

The boy made off in a stolen car.

The microbiologist has applied for a patent on his strains and has sequenced the genomes so he can tell if someone else has stolen it.
这位微生物学家已经为这种菌株及其基因排列申请了专利,因此他可以把其他人的这类行为称为偷窃。 yeeyan

The neighborhood monk prays at the school daily, though there are few who hear him, except, perhaps, the stolen souls of the children.
隔壁的僧侣每天在学校祈祷,尽管几乎没人听得见他说的,或许除了孩子们被偷去的灵魂听得见吧。 yeeyan

There are daily revelations as to whose phone records might have been hacked or stolen: Gordon Brown's doctors, Prince Charles and his wife, Prince William, and a raft of celebrities and sports stars.
关于谁的电话记录或许已被黑客或偷窃方面,每天都有揭露,如:戈登.布朗的医生们,查尔斯王子和他的妻子,威廉姆王子,及大量名流和体育明星。 yeeyan

They will remain in memory usually until the pages are stolen or the database is recycled.
通常它们将保存在内存中,直到偷取置换这些页面、或者回收数据库为止。 ibm

We have everything, yet too many of us sit limp and passive, filling up our tanks with stolen oil without a thought for tomorrow.
我们什么都有,但我们当中有太多的人就是瘫软地坐着,什么也不干,任凭我们的坦克装满被盗的石油,丝毫不为明天着想。 yeeyan

Why buy a bikeand risk having it stolen when you can pick one up at a bike rack near your home and drop it off at another rack near your office?
能在家附近租辆自行车,用完后退还到单位附近的租车点为什么还要冒着被偷的风险自己买一辆? ecocn

Won't some of your friends admit that they have stolen an item from a store?
你的一些朋友是不是不承认他们曾经从商店里偷过东西呢? ebigear

You just have to contact your bank, get customer assistance in your native language, tell them your credit card information and describe the when and where your plastic was lost or stolen.
你只需要联系你的发卡行,选择你母语的客服,告诉他们你信用卡的相关信息,以及信用卡是在什么时候、哪里丢失或被盗的。 yeeyan




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