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Stokes vector 基本例句 斯托克斯矢量 Then the Stokes vector formula and polarization formula of the transmitted light are discussed when the natural light is incident the refraction polarizer at an arbitrary angle.探讨了自然光以任意角度入射折射式起偏器的情况下透射光的斯托克斯矢量表示及偏振度所满足的公式; The radiative transfer theory of Stokes vectors is developed to study multiple-scattering, propagation, and thermal emission in random media.本文讨论了极化电磁波在随机介质中多次散射,传输和热辐射的斯托克斯矢量的辐射传输理论。 In the receiver, Stokes vectors are extracted from the optical signals in two consecutive symbol periods.Dot product of the two vectors is then obtained so that the transmitted sequence recovered.在接收端,提取前后两个符号周期内光的斯托克斯矢量并将二者点乘,就能提取两个符号周期内偏振状态的差异,恢复发送序列。 Keywords Diffuse backscattering Mueller matrix;Turbid medium;Polarization imaging;Stokes vector;后向漫散射穆勒矩阵;偏振成像;混浊介质;斯托克斯矢量; |