释义 |
stobbs 基本例句 n.斯托布斯 Critics include Mark Stobbs, the Law Society's director of legal policy, whose members stand to lose by the proposals, and the House of Commons Justice Committee, whose members do not. 这其中,有律师协会法律政策董事 Mark Stobbs,该协会的会员受提案影响开始流失,还有下议院司法委员会,不过他们的会员并没减少。 renren Additionally, I would like to thank Markus Stobbs from NCAR, who provided suggestions and editing for the article. 此外,我还要感谢来自 NCAR的 Markus Stobbs,他提供了很多好建议并负责编辑了本文。 ibm Additionally, I would like to thank Markus Stobbs from NCAR, who provided suggestions for selecting the sample application and editing for the article. 另外,我要感谢来自 NCAR的 Markus Stobbs,他为应用程序的选择以及文件的编辑提供了宝贵的建议。 ibm |