

单词 st louis
释义 st louis sntˈluːɪs 短语⁵¹⁸²⁵
“ Companies are reducing workers and output in order to bring inventories into line with weak sales, ” said Greg Thayer, senior economist at Wachovia Securities in St Louis.
圣路易斯 Wachovia证券公司的资深经济学家格雷格·塞耶说:“公司正在裁员和减少产量,因为销售疲软,只能减少库存。” yeeyan

“ YOU can pay what you like,” says one of the two cheery female greeters at the door of Panera’s restaurant in St Louis.
“你只需支付你喜欢吃的,”圣路易斯的 Panera饭馆门前两个甜美的女侍应如是说。 ecocn

“There was a sigh of relief when we found the grain, ” said Frank Stadermann, at Washington University in St Louis and part of the isotope analysis team.
Frank Stadermann来自华盛顿大学也是同位素分析小组的一部分表示:“我们找到这个颗粒时松了口气。” equn.com

A group of researchers led by Shadmehr Demehri of Washington University, in St Louis, believe these explanations are looking in the wrong place.
圣路易斯的华盛顿大学的 Shadmehr Demehri博士带领的一群研究人员认为这些解释所思考的角度不对。 ecocn

A recent paper published by the St Louis Fed noted that employment growth has slowed after the last two recessions.
圣路易斯联储最近公布的一份报告指出,在上两次衰退之后,就业增长已变慢。 blog.sina.com.cn

Dr Sherman Silber of St Luke’s Hospital in St Louis, Missouri, who pioneered the first ovarian transplant and has collaborated with Dr Kagawa and her team, is even more confident.
来自密苏里州圣路易斯市 St. Luke医院的 Sherman Silber博士开创了首例卵巢移植,与 Kagawa博士及其组员合作了该项实验的他显得信心十足。 yeeyan

Eliot, who was born in St Louis.
Eliot两个人,而Eliot生于圣路易斯。 ecocn

His comments were backed up overnight by the St Louis Fed President Bullard who suggested that the FOMC might even cut the current program of QE2 short.
他的言论在隔夜还得到圣路易斯联邦储备银行总裁布拉德的支持,布拉德建议,联邦公开市场委员会甚至可能会缩短第二轮量化宽松政策的期限。 hellomom.tk

I live in the city of St louis in the state of Missouri.
我住在市密苏里州的圣路易斯。 bird8000

ShitHomemaker Tweet Me in St Louis. Please Tweet Me Oh Yeah Like I Tweet You. The Punny Side of the Tweet. Shall I go on?
《来圣路易斯市推我》、“请像我推你那样推我吧喔耶”、《推特的双关面》。还要我再来点儿吗? yeeyan

That result, if true, echoes one published a few months ago by Jeffrey Gordon of Washington University, in St Louis.
如果此研究结果正确无误, 那么它就响应了数月前由华盛顿大学的杰斐瑞·郭顿 Jeffrey Gordon数月前在圣路易斯市发表的研究结果. ecocn

This is the “ peril” that befell Japan, according to James Bullard of the St Louis Fed.
美联储圣路易斯 James Bullard说这是“危险日”降临日本。 ecocn

Three-quarters of the job losses at the brewer, the product of a big recent merger, will fall on St Louis.
百威英博裁掉其在美国6%的劳动力,由于最近的合并计划,这家酿酒公司在圣路易斯将有近四分之三的员工失业。 ecocn

We swing our arms simply because it would take extra mental and physical effort to keep them still, says Herman Pontzer, a biomechanics researcher at Washington University in St Louis.
根据圣路易斯华盛顿大学生物力学专家 Herman Pontzer的说法,我们之所以要摆臂,是因为不这样的话就需要在意识上以及生理上额外花些气力才能使得手臂保持静止。 yeeyan




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