

单词 stirred in
释义 stirred in短语³¹²⁰¹
He was lost, astray in a strange house where nothing and no one now stirred in him the slightest vestige of affection.
他迷失在这座陌生的房子里,这里的任何人和任何东西都已激不起他的一点儿感情。 tingroom

Perhaps also the fanaticism and emptiness of the orthodoxy of the Kantians and Hegelians who were his first masters in America stirred in him a revolt which has not yet quieted down.
也或许康德与黑格尔他在美国的最早的老师的正统思想的那种异想天开和空虚无聊,刺激他造了反,至今还没有平静下来。 blog.sina.com.cn

That in part stems from the backlash stirred in the1990s, after the Soviet fall, when Russia faced economic hardship and political chaos, which many Putin supporters say the West helped to cause.
这方面的回溯出自于90年代前苏联解体后,俄罗斯面对经济困难和政治混乱,很多普京的支持者认为西方促进了这一切的发生。 yeeyan




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