

单词 sting
释义 sting 英stɪŋ美stɪŋAHDstĭng ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝牛4八COCA¹⁰⁶⁶¹BNC¹⁴⁶⁵⁰iWeb¹¹⁰⁰⁹Economist¹¹⁸⁸⁴

vt. & vi. 刺,螫,叮

touch your skin or make a very small hole in it so that you feel a sharp pain

vt. 激怒


vt. & vi. 剧痛

feel sharp pain

a kind of pain; something as sudden and painful as being stung;

the sting of death

he felt the stinging of nettles

a mental pain or distress;

a pang of conscience

a painful wound caused by the thrust of an insect's stinger into skina swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property
cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort;

The sun burned his face

deliver a sting to;

A bee stung my arm yesterday

saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous;

They stuck me with the dinner bill

I was stung with a huge tax bill

cause a stinging pain;

The needle pricked his skin

cause an emotional pain, as if by stinging;

His remark stung her

来自古英语stingan,刺,插,戳,叮。来自原始日耳曼语*stingan,刺,插。来自原始印欧语*stengh,鼻音化自*stegh,刺,插,词源同stake, stick, instinct。引申诸相关词义。 stake来自古英语staca,桩,钉,销子。来自原始日耳曼语*stakon,棍,棒,柱子。来自原始印欧语*steg,棍,棒,柱子,词源同stack, stick。可能来自其基本词义木桩,木柱。来自古代把赌金或赌注挂在柱子上的做法,并引申词义冒险,置于风险,以及现代经济学词义股本,股份,利益关系等。 stick来自古英语sticca,杆,棍。来自原始日耳曼语*stikkon,刺,戳。来自原始印欧语*steig, *steg,刺,戳,词源同sting, stack, stack。引申诸相关词义。 instinctin-,进入,使,-stinct,刺,词源同stick, distinct。其原义为刺激,推动,后引申词义天生的能力,本能,天性。
用作动词 v.
~+名词sting the eye刺眼~+副词sting sharply非常痛苦~+介词sting by ridicule因受嘲笑而感痛苦sting sb for 1000 yuan骗去某人1000元sting from the caning受鞭笞的剧痛sting in the finger手指被刺sting sb into〔to〕 action激起某人的行动sting sb into doing sth刺激某人做某事sting on the finger被螫了手指sting sb to fury使某人大怒起来sting sb to the quick刺痛某人的心sting sb to rage激怒某人sting with desire受欲望驱使
sting for v.+prep.

为…敲竹杠; 为…向某人要高价 charge sb too much as the price of (goods)

sting sb for sthHow much did they sting you for that pair of boots?这双靴子他们敲了你多少钱?
They stung him for 1000 dollars.他们向他索要1000美元的高价。
He was stung for ten dollars.他被骗去10美元。
sting from v.+prep.

因…感到疼痛 feel sharp pain because of sth

sting from sthMy eyes are stinging from the smoke.我的双眼被烟熏得疼痛。
His face was still stinging from blow.挨了耳光后,他的脸还在痛。
His knees stung from the graze.他的膝盖擦伤后感到疼痛。
sting to〔into〕 v.+prep.

促使、刺激或驱使某人采取行动〔进行活动〕 urge, annoy, or drive (sb into an action or doing sth)

sting sb to〔into〕 sth/v-ingThe insulting remarks stung him to a rage.这些侮辱性的话惹得他大怒起来。
Anger stung him into fighting.愤怒使他跟人打了起来。
sting with v.+prep.

因…感到疼痛 feel sharp pain because of sth

sting with sthHis ears and fingers stung with cold.他的耳朵和手指头冻得发痛。故事记忆花开又是 Spring春天钟声响亮 Ring鸣响走出一个 King王国边走边在 Sing唱歌到花园里 Swing荡秋千黄蜂有对 Wing翅膀飞过来就 Sting叮故事记忆宝玉心思 Swing摇摆贴着宝钗 Cling依偎高声朗诵 Saying格言疼痛已久的 Feeling感觉像被黄蜂 Sting叮真想失去 Hearing听觉非常记忆s蛇〖编码〗+ting霆〖拼音〗⇒蛇用牙刺了谢霆锋的腿发音记忆“死叮”→刺痛;参考英国著名歌手StingGRE难词记忆sting 音“死叮”→死叮住不放→叮螫谐音记忆sting音“死叮”→死叮住不放⇒叮螫发音记忆死叮 ⇒叮蛰GRE红宝书音:叮,死叮谐音记忆音“死叮”⇒刺近义词 stabprickpierce反义词 caress
S+~+AMost flies do notsting.大多数苍蝇不叮人。
Not all nettlessting.不是所有荨麻都会刺人。
My tooth stings.我牙痛得厉害。
His remarks stung.他的话刺人。
The memory of that insult still stings.那次侮辱仍刺痛着记忆。
My face is stinging because of the very cold wind.由于风很冷,我的脸有刺痛的感觉。
S+~+ n./pron.The bee stung him on the neck.蜜蜂螫了他的脖子。
Pepper stings the tongue.胡椒刺激舌头。
The heavy smoke is stinging my eyes.浓烟使我的眼睛感到刺痛。
His conscience stings him.他的良心刺痛了他。
Her ingratitude stung him.她的忘恩负义使他痛心。
He was stung by a wasp.他被黄蜂螫了一下。
He was stung by her harsh criticism.她的严厉的批评使他感到难受。Pstinginga.刺人的刺一般的激烈的Pstinginglyad.有刺地尖锐地尖酸刻薄地


sting的基本意思是“螫; 刺; 刺痛”,指蜜蜂、马蜂或蝎等螫人。引申可作“激怒”“使感到难受或苦闷”解,指因受到别人的冷淡而懊恼或因受到良心谴责而感到坐立不安或悔恨。在口语中, sting也可表示“骗,敲…的竹杠”。


sting后接介词for表示“为…敲竹杠”或“为…向某人要高价”; 后接介词into表示“激励某人去做某事”。



用作及物动词Her ingratitudestunghim.她的忘恩负义使他痛心。
The smoke began tostinghis eyes.烟开始刺痛他的眼睛。
Those harsh wordsstungme bitterly.那些严厉的言辞使我感到非常痛苦
They used tostingtheir clients.他们过去常诈骗客户。用作不及物动词It is the nature of the scorpion tosting.蝎子生下来就会蛰人。
His kneestungfrom the graze.他的膝盖擦伤后十分疼痛。用作名词A bee pricks the skin with itssting.蜜蜂用螫针刺皮肤。
Put mud on thestingto take away the pain.放泥在刺痛处可以减轻疼痛。
His flattery carries asting.他的奉承话中带刺。
The bitterness was from old habit, and had nostingin it.这痛苦他已经习惯了,没有讽刺意味了。verb.prick, pain
同义词 bite,hurt,inspireburn,electrify,injure,needle,pique,poke,prickle,smart,tingle,wound
反义词 aid,cure,heal,help
acute painnoun short-term pain
darting pain,sharp pain,shooting pain,smart
bitenoun pungency;stinging sensation
biteverb corrode, eat away
burn,consume,decay,decompose,deteriorate,dissolve,eat into,engrave,erode,etch,oxidize,rot,rust,scour,sear,slash,smart,sting,tingle,wear away
burglarynoun stealing from residence, business
break in,breaking and entering,caper,crime,filching,heist,housebreaking,larceny,owl job,pilferage,prowl,robbery,safecracking,second-story work,sting,theft,thieving
burnverb cause or feel stinging pain
cheatnoun trick
artifice,baloney,bamboozlement,bill of goods,bunco,chicanery,con,con game,cover up,cozening,deceit,deception,dirty pool,dirty trick,dodge,double-dealing,fake,fast one,fast shuffle,fix,flimflam,frame,fraud,gyp,hanky-panky,hoax,hoaxing,humbug,hustle,imposture,jazz,jive,plant,put on,racket,ripoff,run around,scam,sell,shady deal,sham,shell game,snow job,spoof,sting,stunt,swindle,trickery,whitewash,wrong Its sting can lead to symptoms including shooting pains in the muscles and chest, vomiting, restlessness and anxiety.
被这种水母蜇到后,会出现肌肉和胸部刺痛、呕吐、烦躁以及焦虑等症状。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Put it on insect bites to take the sting out.
在虫子叮咬的地方涂一些小苏打可利于将毒刺取出。 ebigear

Species include crabs, sting rays, eels, speckled trout and red fish.
另外还有螃蟹、刺鳐,海鳗,斑鳟和红鳟鱼。 edu.sina.com.cn

The woolly hat and padded hood are no match for minus43C either, and my ears begin to sting.
羊毛帽子和带垫衬的帽盖也对付不了零下43度的严寒,我的耳朵开始感到刺痛。 yeeyan

The worst case scenario from a penny dropped from a great height is a slight sting.
事实上,一分硬币从高空坠落所能造成的最大创伤也不过是轻微的刺痛。 yeeyan

There's always a sting in his words.

“Zhang, who clearly relishes his reputation for success, would appear to still feel the sting of that very public failure, ” the cable concluded.
电文总结说,张国宝明显是津津乐道他的成功的声誉,但似乎还是能感觉到被公开的失败刺痛。 yeeyan

But what had totally pulled out the “ sting” in our hearts happened one week ago.
而真正把我心中那根刺拔去的是发生在大概一周前的事情. ebigear

But the news from Colorado has a particular sting.
只是科罗拉多的消息尤为刺痛。 ecocn

But the welcome news came with a painful sting.
但这个受欢迎的消息还伴随着痛苦的刺痛。 yeeyan

Death, where is your sting?
死亡!你的刺在那里? yeeyan

Each tentacle is covered with stinging cells cnidocytes that can sting or kill other animals: most jellyfish use them to secure prey or for defence.
它的触须从体内伸出,每根触须上都带有可以伤害甚至杀害其他动物的毒刺。水母大都用这些刺来捕食或自卫。 chinabroadcast

Earlier this week, Southall was getting off a Jet Ski in the ocean when he felt“a small bee- like sting” on his arm.
本周早些时候,索撒尔从海上的水上摩托艇下来后,突然觉得一只胳膊“像被蜜蜂蜇了一下”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

For a tiny insect, red fire ants pack a nasty sting. Stepping on a nest can put you in the hospital.
火蚁是一种带有毒刺的小昆虫,即使是踩到它们的巢穴都足以使你进医院。 yeeyan

For example, companies do not need to venture abroad to feel the bracing sting of international competition.
举例来说,一家公司不需要通过国外冒险来感受国际竞争带来的刺激感。 ecocn

Had it been here the reader could have seen with what consummate generosity Bankim Babu had taken the sting out of that unfortunate episode.
假如这封信还在的话,那么读者就可以发现,班吉姆先生在拔掉这段不幸插曲的刺时显得多么宽宏大量。 yeeyan

However the application itself will sting and hurt a bit.
然而这种方法本身会使人感到一点刺痛和疼痛。 yeeyan

If they happened to crawl under my dress or I sat on them accidentally they would punish me with a sting that made me shriek with pain.
如果他们恰巧爬到我裙子底下,或我正好坐在他们上面时他们就会用那能疼得让我尖叫的刺痛来惩罚我。 yeeyan

Just apply if the your eyes sting in the process.
如果在过程中眼睛刺痛,也要坚持使用哦。 yeeyan

Peppers sting the tongue.

The best thing about this is that while most people at the beach are unlikely to be carrying anti- sting lotions, they are likely to be carrying a bottle of coke.
这个办法的好处是,大部分人去海边玩时不大可能特意带上防蜇液,然而他们很可能要带一瓶可乐。 kekenet

There was only one scorpion. But the sting was in the tail.
只剩一只蝎子了,但是刺却在尾巴上。 hxen

We produce tears in response to insults to the eyes — the sting of onion fumes, a tiny insect that flew into your cornea.
当眼中进入异物时我们就会流泪——洋葱的气味会薰痛双眼,小昆虫飞进眼角膜也会刺激泪腺。 hjenglish




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