

单词 stillman
释义 still·man 英s'tɪlmæn美s'tɪlmæn COCA³⁹⁸⁹²BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺
Known as the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics, it too, Stillman said, houses a reactor, though a smaller one meant for research.
绵阳的中国工程物理研究院,也有一个用于研究的小一点的反应堆。 yeeyan

“ I believe the world needs autism, ” Stillman said.
“我认为世界需要孤独症。” Stillman说。 yeeyan

“ Parents were sent a message that they weren't capable of raising their autistic child, ” Stillman said.
“父母们被告知他们没有能力抚养他们的孤独症子女。” Stillman说。 yeeyan

“ See what you all think, ” the stillman offered with breezy confidence.
“看看你们都想到了什么,”这个轻松自信的酿酒师说道。 yeeyan

“ The technology looks very good, ” said Bruce Stillman, president of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island.
“这个技术看上去非常棒,” Bruce Stillman说,他是长岛冷泉港实验室的负责人。 dxy

But a former classmate, Ben Stillman, described his presence in class as Hemingwayesque.
不过据奈特以前的同学本•斯蒂尔曼 Ben Stillman描述,奈特在班上的表现很“海明威”。 ebigear

' He'd always pay, ' recalls Mr. Stillman.
“总是他埋单,”斯蒂尔曼说。 ebigear

His last professional bout was in the summer of1959, the very summer that Lou Stillman closed up his legendary gym on Eighth Avenue.
他的最后一场职业赛事是在1959年的夏天,也正是在那个夏天,卢·斯蒂尔曼关闭了他位于第八大道具有传奇色彩的体育馆。 blog.sina.com.cn

Stillman wasn't diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome until he was in his mid-30s.
Stillman是到了三十多岁才被诊断为阿斯伯格综合症的。 yeeyan

Stillman delivers a humorous yet thoughtful look at Barcelona during the 1980s while providing splendid shots of the city.
斯蒂尔曼在呈现这个城市的美景的同时,也传递出他对巴塞罗那既幽默又深刻的的看法。 yeeyan

Stillman has a bachelor's degree in education and has written a number of books on autism.
Stillman有教育学的本科学位,并且写了几本关于孤独症的书。 yeeyan

Stillman of Lexecon, an economics consulting firm, explore the speed with which different firms in the apparel industry began selling online and their success to date.
Stillman探讨了服装业公司采纳网上销售的速度以及迄今为止所取得的成功。 zftrans

Stillman predicts that this statistic will increase in the near future.
Stillman预计这个统计数据还会上升。 yeeyan




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