

单词 stillborn
释义 still·born 英ˈstɪlˌbɔːn美ˈstɪlˌbɔrnAHDstĭlʹbôrn' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁸⁷⁹⁰BNC³⁷⁵⁹⁸iWeb²⁸¹⁷⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

failing to accomplish an intended result;

an abortive revolt

a stillborn plot to assassinate the President

of newborn infant showing no signs of life at birth; not liveborn;

a stillborn baby

蒋争熟词记忆still安静的;不动的→死的born…出生/身的⇒死产的;流产的still安静的;不动的→死的born…出生|身的⇒死产的;流产的近义词 dead死的aborted流产的useless无用的abortive失败的deceased已故的ineffective无效的fruitless不成功的unsuccessful不成功的ineffectual东西无效的…
By the time she went to hospital on the Monday morning, her baby was stillborn.
当她周一上午到医院检查时,她的婴儿已胎死腹中。 yeeyan

Do not let her be like a stillborn infant coming from its mother's womb with its flesh half eaten away.
求你不要使她像那出母腹,肉已半烂的死胎. ebigear

He was sentenced to life in prison after confessing that he raped his daughter more than 3,000 times, fathering seven live children and one stillborn.
她的父亲后来被判终身监禁,他供认在这24年期间强奸了亲生女儿三千多次,并生下七个子女。 yeeyan

However, dire figures for exports in Januarya fall of 4.4% compared with December aroused fears that the hoped-for boom in exports will be stillborn.
1月出口与12月相较下降4.4%,该数据引起人们担心期望中的出口增长会胎死腹中。 topsage

The economic recovery could be stillborn if interest rates rise too far too fast. And today’s policy remedies could become increasingly ineffective.
如果利息率升得太高太快,经济复苏可能胎死腹中,现今的政策挽救措施也会逐渐失去作用。 yeeyan

The economic recovery could be stillborn if interest rates rise too far too fast.
如果利率上升太高太快的话,经济复苏这一说就可能胎死腹中。 yeeyan

The economy is stillborn.
经济是胎死腹中。 ecocn

The share reserved shall, if the baby is stillborn, be dealt with in accordance with statutory succession.
胎儿出生时是死体的,保留的份额按照法定继承办理。 ebigear




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