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词汇 stillbirths
释义 stillbirths ˈstɪlˌbɜ:θs COCA¹⁰⁴¹⁰⁷BNC⁵⁸⁵¹⁷
n.死产stillbirth的名词复数原型stillbirth的复数 Cows with dystocia, retained placenta, twins or stillbirths, and various metabolic disorders are more likely to develop metritis than are other cows.
发生难产、胎衣不下、怀有双胎或死胎以及患有各种代谢紊乱疾病的奶牛比其他奶牛更容易发生子宫感染。 cnki

The global drop in stillbirths also masks a wide variation within countries.
全球死产数的下降还掩盖了国家内部巨大的差异。 ecocn

The new estimates aim to improve knowledge about the extent of the problem, and draw public and professional attention to stillbirths as a significant global public health issue.
新的情况估计旨在改善对这一问题程度的认识,并使公共和专业人员的注意到死产属于一项重要的全球公共卫生问题。 who

The new estimates show that the number of stillbirths worldwide has declined by only1.1% per year, from3 million in 1995 to 2.6 million in 2009.
新的估计数字显示,全世界的死产婴儿数量仅以每年1.1%的速度下降,从1995年的300万例降到2009年的260万例。 who

The proportion of stillbirths that have a diagnostic explanation is higher in centers that conduct a defined and systematic evaluation.

To determine whether home visits for neonatal care by community health workers can reduce infant and neonatal deaths and stillbirths in resource-limited settings.
确定社区卫生工作者进行新生儿护理方面的家访是否可以降低贫穷地区的婴儿和新生儿的死亡以及死产儿的出现。 who

To examine disparities in risk factors for stillbirths and its occurrence in the antepartum versus intrapartum periods.
本研究是为了考察产前和产时死胎发生的危险因素的差异。 dxy

According to the FDA“ listeria infection can cause miscarriages and stillbirths among pregnant women.”
根据美国食品药品管理局的介绍“李斯特菌会使孕妇导致流产和胎儿死亡。” yeeyan

Almost half of all stillbirths, 1.2 million, happen when the woman is in labour.
所有死产中,有近半数即120万发生在分娩过程中。 who

Also, infants born to mothers who are infected during or shortly before pregnancy are at risk for severe complications, miscarriages or stillbirths.
同样,母亲在怀孕期间或孕前不久曾被感染,其婴儿将面临严重并发症、流产或死产的危险。 dxy

Apart from comprehensive emergency obstetric care, stillbirths could be further minimized by other interventions such as syphilis treatment, malaria prevention and management of diabetes in pregnancy.
除了紧急产科护理外,还有其他方法可减低死产发生的机会,如治疗梅毒、预防疟疾及妊娠期间的糖尿病护理。 spatioepi

Better living conditions mean more live births and fewer stillbirths.
生活条件改善就会有较多的活产,较少的死产。 iciba

Despite the large numbers, stillbirths have been relatively overlooked.
虽然死产数量巨大,但它却基本上一直处于被忽视的状态。 who

In the framework of the Strategy, numerous countries have committed to improving access to family planning, antenatal care and skilled birth attendants, which should lead to reductions in stillbirths.
在这一战略框架下,众多国家已承诺提高计划生育、产前保健及熟练接生员的可及性,这必将降低死产数量。 who

It also can cause miscarriages and stillbirths in pregnant women.
它同时还能使怀孕妇女出现流产或死产的情况。 ebigear

Just five countries: India, Pakistan, Nigeria, China and Bangladesh account for more than half of all stillbirths.
仅仅下面这五个国家就占到死产总数的一半以上:印度、巴基斯坦、尼日利亚、中国和孟加拉国。 ecocn

Mexico has halved its rate of stillbirths in that time.
墨西哥的死产率也在同期下降了一半。 who

Mothers can pass syphilis to unborn babies, which can lead to deformities, neurological problems, stillbirths or death in early infancy.
母亲如果将疾病传染给未出生的孩子,会导致胎儿畸形、神经方面的疾病、难产或者在婴幼儿早期夭折。 yeeyan

Re- census data, follow-up visits at12 months of age and the ratio of stillbirths to neonatal deaths suggested that death registration by the DSS was nearly complete.
据重新普查数据、12个月大幼儿的随访情况以及新生儿死亡人数中的死产率显示,人口监测系统已基本完成了所有的死亡人数登记。 who

Some2.6 million stillbirths occurred worldwide in 2009, according to the first comprehensive set of estimates published today in a special series of The Lancet medical journal.
《柳叶刀》医学期刊特别论文系列今天首次发表的一整套估计情况显示,2009年全世界约有260万死产婴儿。 who

Strengthening family planning services would also save lives by reducing the numbers of unintended pregnancies, especially among high-risk women, and thereby reduce stillbirths.
加强计划生育服务同样能够通过减少意外怀孕的数量来拯救生命,尤其是在高危女性群体中,从而减少死产的发生。 who

The average yearly decline of stillbirths over this period was 1.1%, slower than the decline for child or maternal mortality.
期间的年平均死产下降率为1.1%,比儿童或产妇死亡率的下降速度要慢 ecocn

This was blamed for causing stillbirths in animals and humans.
人们指责这造成了动物和人类的死产。 ecocn




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