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词汇 stig
释义 stig.
And The Stig's identity was confirmed yesterday as the Beeb had its day in court to try to stop him publishing an autobiography.
昨天,英广公司上诉法庭企图阻止“试替哥”出版其自传,但终究他的身份还是被确认了。 hjenglish

As expected, the corporation failed in its attempt to get an injunction preventing publication of The Stig's autobiography.
不出所料,电视台还是没能阻止试替哥自传的出版。 hjenglish

On the afternoon of May12,2006, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing held talks with visiting Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Denmark Per Stig Moeller in the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

The exergy analysis of an intercooled reheat steam injected gas turbine cycle has shown that such a cycle has a significantly higher exergy efficiency as compared with a simple STIG cycle.
对中冷再热注蒸汽燃气轮机 STIG循环火用分析结果表明:中冷再热 STIG循环比简单 STIG循环的火用效率显著提高。 cnki

The Misery: They’re not even married yet when Stig and Martha hit their first hiccup: she’s pregnant, he thinks a child would ruin their life.
悲剧:斯迪格和玛莎还没结婚就碰到了第一桩麻烦事:她怀孕了,而他认为孩子会毁掉他们的生活。 yeeyan

“ He didn’t say anything you could remember, ” said Stig Fjellskaalnes, who knew Mr. Breivik when he was a member of Norway’s conservative Progress Party in the early2000s.
“你记不得他说了些什么”一位早在2000年布雷维克还是一个保守进步党党员就认识他的斯汀格说。 yeeyan

Stig Ostgaard, in an effort to gain some distance from Dennis, said he traded on behalf of a well- known Chicago commodity trader in the Turtle program.

After the judge ruled in favour of the book, publishers Harper Collins confirmed The Stig had been in court.
法官宣判该书可以出版后,出版人哈珀·柯林斯出来证实试替哥当时就在法庭上。 hjenglish

China has successfully developed a HRSG for use in a heavy STIG plant and put it into operation.
我国首台自行研制的大型蒸汽回注燃气轮机余热锅炉已经研制成功,并投入运行。 bab

Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moller immediately condemned the blast.
丹麦外交大臣默勒立即谴责了爆炸袭击。 ebigear

Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moller immediately condemned the blast. He told Danish media that the embassy attack targeted the cooperation between Denmark and Pakistan.
丹麦外交大臣默勒立即谴责了爆炸袭击。他对丹麦媒体说,针对大使馆的袭击,打击目标是丹麦与巴基斯坦之间的合作。 hxen

Race after The Stig with prestigious cars, laugh at Jeremy Clarkson's remarks…

The game’s director, Stig Asmussen, led off the session by sharing some key features of the game: Titan gameplay, Ride- able enemy characters, a new weapon system, large-scale battle.
游戏导演 Stig Asmussen 开始便跟大家分享了游戏的一些关键要素: Titan,可骑乘的敌方角色,一个新的武器系统,大规模的战斗。

The Nobel is his second Swedish award this year, after he won2008's Stig Dagerman prize, which honors efforts to promote the freedom of expression.
诺贝尔文学是他今年第二次在瑞典获奖,前一次是2008年的 Stig Dagerman奖,该奖旨在促进言论自由。 yeeyan

The STIG cycle, which is characterized by a high efficiency and enhanced specific power together with its system simplicity, has received considerable attention nowadays.
燃气轮机回注蒸汽循环具有高效率、高比功及系统组成的简单性等特点受到广泛注意。 cnki

This paper gives a brief description of the first STIG plant developed in China for use in electric power stations.
本文简述了我国第一套自行研制的电站用 STIG装置的情况。

Tissues Out: When the paraffin oven in the kitchen explodes, Stig loses his wife and his daughter.
泪点:厨房里的石蜡烤箱发生了爆炸,斯迪格失去了妻子和女儿。 yeeyan




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