

单词 stifles
释义 sti·fle·s 英'staɪfl美'staɪfl COCA⁵⁰⁸⁴⁸BNC⁵⁶¹³⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
vt. 使窒息;使窒闷

smother;make breathing difficult or impossible

vt. 镇压;遏制


joint between the femur and tibia in a quadruped; corresponds to the human knee
conceal or hide;

smother a yawn

muffle one's anger

strangle a yawn

smother or suppress;

Stifle your curiosity

impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of;

The foul air was slowly suffocating the children

be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen;

The child suffocated under the pillow

stifle of rice plant水稻赤枯病stifle bone膝盖骨stifle joint膝关节stifle in the cradle 把 … 扼杀在…
近义词 stop停止curb路边knee膝盖choke窒息check检查muffle围裹smother窒息repress抑制suppress镇压strangle勒死restrain抑制hold back阻碍throttle节流阀dampen使潮湿suffocate使窒息asphyxiate使窒息反义词 stimulate刺激
S+ ~+n./pron.The gas stifled them.煤气使他们窒息。
The rebellion was stifled.叛乱被镇压了。
用作及物动词The gasstifledthem.他们被煤气熏得透不过气来。
The smoke filled the room and almoststifledthe firemen.屋里浓烟弥漫呛得消防队员喘不过气来。
We shouldstifleit in the cradle before it becomes worse.我们应该在事态变坏前就把它扼杀在萌芽期。
She tried hard tostifleher laughter.她强忍住笑。用作不及物动词I amstiflingin this close room.在这个窄狭的房间里面我感到憋闷。 The subject generates great cynicism, with critics suggesting investors are in thrall to political correctness and guilty of creating a“box-ticking” culture that stifles entrepreneurship.
它催生了诸如批评投资者被政治正确所左右,并且反对建立窒息企业发展的“暗箱文化”的反主流趋势。 ecocn

The hind legs are less fleshy than the forelegs, are muscular at the thighs, very sinewy and the hocks and stifles are well bent.
后腿肌肉比前腿少,大腿肌肉发达,强健有力,飞节和膝盖弯曲良好。 yz666

Well- angulated stifles and straight hocks.

Corruption not only undermines the ability of governments to function properly, it also stifles the growth of the private sector.
腐败不仅削弱政府适当发挥功能的能力,而且也会扼杀私营部门的增长。 worldbank

Cowhocks, weak pasterns, straight stifles and splay feet are very bad faults.

Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers.
无论去到什么地方,我都会被问,是否认为大学窒息了写作者。 douban

Forcing too much liquidity on banks stifles credit.
强制银行流动性过多,将会遏制银行信贷。 yeeyan

Hind legs well developed with well bent stifles turning neither in nor out;
后肢发达,后膝关节角度正确,既不向内翻也不外翻; wanpets

Lack of talent stifles progress.
人才的缺乏阻碍发展。 onenoter.com

One instruction sequence of MSIL might be very amenable to optimization, whereas another semantically equivalent sequence stifles optimization.
一个 MSIL指令序列也许能够很好地进行优化,但另一个语义上等同的序列却可能抑制优化。 cnblogs

One missing section of DNA was found to block a gene that, in other animals, stifles the growth of brain cells.
这项研究发现,人类丢失的一个 DNA片段在其他动物中发挥的作用是抑制一个基因 GADD45G的表达,从而阻止脑细胞的增长。 yeeyan

rather it stifles innovation, the emergence of new disciplines and collaboration.
相反这强烈压制了创新,新学科的产生以及学术合作的出现。 ecocn

Such achievements are much easier, of course, for an authoritarian Government that stifles dissent, tramples on human rights and has several hundred million dirt- cheap labourers at its disposal.
当然要取得这样的成绩对于一个弹压持不同政见者,践踏人权还有储备了数亿极其低廉的劳动力的极权政府来说,容易的多。 yeeyan

The fruits of such a system are a glittering consumer society which stifles creativity and individuality.
这种制度的结果就是一个压制创造性和个性的闪光的消费者社会。 dictall

The hindquarters are strong and muscular with well- developed second thighs and the stifles well bent.

The rear legs are broad and heavily muscled through the thighs; stifles moderately bent; hock joints are moderately bent and well let down.
后座腿广阔和重肌透过大腿;扼杀中度排架;福接头中度执意要和好失望。 http://dj.iciba.com

This is because, generally speaking, the educational system of the United States is squeezed indoors to a degree that stifles young minds.
这是因为,一般来说,美国的教育体系因重视学位而过于封闭从而抑制了年轻的思想。 blog.sina.com.cn

When the hocks are turned in-cow-hocks-the stifles and feet are turned outwards, resulting in a serious loss of propulsive power.
在飞节内斜成为牛腿导致膝,足外撇的情况下,推进动力会丧失殆尽; cn9999




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