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词汇 stick in
释义 stick in stikin 短语¹⁵²⁹⁷
放入; 陷入; 植入; 附上

insert casually;

She slipped in a reference to her own work


Insert your ticket here

stick in one's craw不能容忍stick in one's throat建议等难于接受,…in a cleft stick在进退两难中…stick in someone's gullet滞留在…的胃里,难于…stick in sb's throat使某人难以接受, 使…let that fly stick in the wall对那个问题不要再谈了…stick in someone's crop滞留…的胃里,难于被…stick in the mud墨守成规陷入泥淖…stick in someone's finger被某人侵吞,被某人染…stick in the mire陷在泥淖里stick one's spoon in the wall死stick one's heels in坚决反对stick in someone's throat使某人难于启齿,使某…stick in someone's stomachstick in s…
近义词 insert插入put in插入enclose圈起inclose围住introduce介绍slip in悄悄进去sneak in偷偷溜入
Your flesh is embedded in it now.这时你们的肉体已经植入它里面了。
The doctor put a steel pin in his wrist.医生在他的腕关节植入一根钢钉。
In confirmation hereof we attach a bank statement.为作这方面的确认我们附上银行结单。
Please fill in the form enclosed herewith.请填写随函附上之表格。as in.embed
同义词 bury,enclose,fix,ingrain,inlay,insert,install,lodgedeposit,fasten,impact,infix,pierce,plant,plunge,press,root,setdig in,drive in,hammer in,put into,ram in,stuff in,thrust in,tuck in
反义词 ascend,risedig upas in.inject
同义词 add,implant,infuse,insert,instill,interjectimbue,impregnate,includedrag in,force into,interjaculate,place into,squeeze in,throw in
反义词 remove,withdraw,take out
embedverb sink, implant
bury,deposit,dig in,drive in,enclose,fasten,fix,hammer in,impact,infix,ingrain,inlay,insert,install,lodge,pierce,plant,plunge,press,put into,ram in,root,set,stuff in,thrust in,tuck in
embeddingverb sink, implant
burying,depositing,digging in,driving in,enclosing,fastening,fixing,hammering in,impacting,infixing,ingraining,inlaying,inserting,installing,lodging,piercing,planting,plunging,pressing,putting into,ramming in,rooting,setting,sticking in,stuff in,thrusting in,tucking in
injectverb put in, introduce
add,drag in,force into,imbue,implant,impregnate,include,infuse,insert,instill,interjaculate,interject,place into,squeeze in,stick in,throw in
injectedverb put in, introduce
added,dragged in,force into,imbued,implanted,impregnated,included,infused,inserted,instilled,interjaculated,interjected,place into,squeezed in,stuck in,threw in How can you refuse to go to the show with all your friends? Don't be such a stick in the mud.

Peter, now he had his goat in safety, lifted his stick in order to give her a good beating as punishment, and Greenfinch seeing what was coming shrank back in fear.
现在,彼得的羊安全了,他举起鞭子打算抽打小金翅,以此作为惩罚,小金翅吓得向后退。 yeeyan

The tears streamed down her face, this moment of joy would stick in my mind forever.
她感动的泪流满面,而此刻的喜悦也将永驻我心田。 ke55

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