

单词 stickier
释义 stick·y 英'stɪki美'stɪki COCA⁷¹⁶¹⁴BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

tending to attach because of a glue-like surface



having the sticky properties of an adhesivemoist as with undried perspiration and with clothing sticking to the body;

felt sticky and chilly at the same time

hot or warm and humid;

muggy weather

the steamy tropics

sticky weather

hard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarrassment;

awkward or embarrassing or difficult moments in the discussion

an awkward pause followed his remark

a sticky question

in the unenviable position of resorting to an act he had planned to save for the climax of the campaign

covered with an adhesive materialhave sticky fingers是小偷有偷盗习惯…sticky tape胶布sticky throttle卡住的节气门…sticky cement粘性水泥,胶粘的水泥…sticky clay胶粘土sticky region粘性区sticky wax粘蜡sticky oil高粘石油sticky floor黏胶地板sticky matter胶粘物质,粘稠物…sticky limit粘着度,粘着限…sticky sputum燥痰sticky end不愉快的结局灾难…sticky dough发粘面团sticky point脱粘,粘点sticky weather湿热的天气sticky-fingered 有偷窃癖的…Sellotape透明胶带商标名称…come to a sticky end死于非命落得个不好…sticky fingers偷窃习惯(接球能力…
近义词 and和close关hot热的gluey胶的dank阴湿的clingy粘的summer夏天muggy闷热的gummy黏性的tacky发粘的humid潮湿的pasty浆糊的viscous粘的gooey胶粘的hairy多毛的sultry闷热的clammy潮湿的viscid粘质的tricky棘手的thorny多刺的awkward尴尬的viscoid粘丝体painful痛苦的steamy蒸汽多的delicate微妙的tropical热带的coherent连贯的glutinous粘性的difficult困难的adhesive有粘性的oppressive压迫的ticklish难对付的precarious不稳定的mucilaginous粘液质的troublesome令人烦恼的embarrassing令人为难的unenviable不值得羡慕的…
~+ n.My fingers gummed together as the sticky candy melted in my hand.黏糖在我手中化开,把我的手指粘住了。
They put me in a sticky position.他们将我置于一个困难的境地。
S+be+~I'm feeling hot and sticky,I'll take a bath.我觉得又热又黏,打算洗个澡。S+be+~+ prep. -phraseHis fingers are sticky with mud.他的手指黏着泥。
用作形容词I am uncomfortable because my body issticky.我身上粘粘的,很不舒服。
Yuanxiao is a kind ofstickyround dumplings.元宵是一种粘粘的圆的面团。
A hot,stickyday makes a person listless.天气闷热使人觉得身上有气无力。
They put me in astickyposition.他们将我置于一个困难的境地。
The boss was ratherstickyabout giving me leave.老板有些不情愿让我请假。 A stickier, heavier scent compared to Blue Boy or Amsterdam.
气味比蓝色男孩或阿姆斯特丹重。 mall.cq.qq.com

Canada’s prime minister, Stephen Harper, who will meet Mr Obama soon after his inauguration, said this week that the tar sands would be one of the stickier subjects on their agenda.
加拿大总理, Stephen Harper,将于奥巴马宣誓就职后很快会见他,说这个礼拜油砂问题将会成为他们日程表上最麻烦的主题。 ecocn

In the end, however, the contest may well come down less to policies and more to which candidate has thrown the stickier mud.
不管怎样,选举最后归结到更多的不是政策而是哪位候选人提出更棘手的难题。 ecocn

The Western man you wrote about was in a stickier situation than I had ever been in, for the simple reason that he was married to his scorned lover, and they had children together.
你文中写到的那个老外的处境比我经历过的任何一次都要棘手。理由简单不过,那就是他和他的中国爱人结婚了,还一起生了孩子。 bbs.internet.org.cn

When LDL is oxidized it becomes stickier and therefore more likely to form plaque.
低密度脂蛋白被氧化后会变得更加粘稠,并且,它很可能在身体内形成斑块。 yeeyan

A war-weary America is not about to wade into what might be an even stickier conflict than the one in Iraq.
厌战的美国不会涉足进入甚至比伊拉克战争还棘手的冲突中。 renren

Add the glutinous rice flour as u prefer, the more the stickier.
糯米粉的用量根据自己的喜好添加,越多越粘稠; xianzhijia

As the cholesterol and the blood get stickier, the medical diagnosis will be an increase of LDL.
由于胆固醇和血液变得更粘稠,医疗诊断会增加低密度脂蛋白。 yeeyan

Banks are reducing their dependence on wholesale funding and increasing their reliance on “ stickier” deposits.
银行正减少对批发融资的依赖,转而依靠粘性存款。 yeeyan

Blood becomes thicker and stickier, making it harder to pump around the body, so your heart rate increases to compensate.
血液变得越来越粘稠,使得很难被泵到全身,所以你的心率会加快译作补偿。 yeeyan

But China has already made a sensitive situation stickier by proposing other resource deals before Chinalco had a chance to squeeze its offer past the regulators.
但中国铝业提出的收购请求尚未在监管机构那里获得通过,中国又提出了其他的资源收购交易,这使得原本就敏感的形势更加棘手。 hjenglish

But some markets look a lot stickier than others.
但看来,一些市场的确更值得投资。 ecocn

But the food crisis of2008 suggests farm prices in developing countries may be stickier than that.
但是在2008年的粮食危机表明在发达国家的农产品价格的“不动性”比上述甚。 ecocn

Despite those snaking queues, customers with branch-based accounts were stickier than many others.
即便办理业务时会排起长龙,持有支行帐户的顾客仍旧比其他人更具忠诚度。 ecocn

Differentiate eggs of poultry: Generally, eggs of round shape contain much yolk, those with rougher shell are fresher and those with thicker and stickier egg white are fresh.
细辨禽蛋:一般来说,形状较圆的蛋黄较多,壳越粗糙的越新鲜,蛋白较浓最及黏性较大的为新鲜的。 blog.sina.com.cn

First, French banks are particularly reliant on potentially flighty short-term wholesale funding, rather than on stickier deposits or long-term debt.
首先,法国银行尤其依赖潜在灵活的短期大规模融资而非更具粘性的存款或者长期债券。 ecocn

In a fast developing world, problems tend to be stickier than ever. Think about this.
在这个高速发展的时代,许多现实问题变得错综复杂。想想吧。 shanfanhuang

Owners of less fashionable franchises could find themselves on a stickier wicket.
拥有这些缺乏流行的专营权,可以发现他们自己处于不利的地位。 ecocn

Scientists extracted the sticky proteins and made them even stickier by adding iron.
科学家们抽取出这种具有黏性的蛋白质,然后通过加入铁进一步增加其黏性。 neworiental

Shared services have been progressively unplugged from headquarters over the past decade, but the other roles tend to be stickier.
十年来,共享服务渐渐从企业总部移出,而其他功能则渐入困境。 ecocn

Stretchier, stickier silk is used to create the spiral that captures prey.
更具延展性,粘性的蛛丝则被用于织出捕获猎物的螺旋形结构。 yeeyan

This means that this type of fat is stickier, allowing it to stick to your arteries.
这意味着,这种类型的脂肪是更具粘性,允许它坚持你的动脉。 blog.sina.com.cn

When these stickier prices eventually rise, Australia’s terms of trade will deteriorate, even if they do not go back to2003-04 levels.
当这些更具粘性的价格终于开始上升时,就算涨势不像2003—2004年那样猛,澳大利亚的贸易条件也会恶化。 ecocn




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