

单词 sticked
释义 sticked 英stɪkt美stɪktAHDstĭkt COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
For three decades, no matter how the international environment changed, China has always sticked to the opening up policy.
三十年来,无论国际风云如何变幻,中国始终坚持对外开放毫不动摇。 kouyi

She has a piece of bread sticked in her gullet.
昆虫的一侧鼓出的食管。 iciba

The principles of centralization and decentralization of rights, and muti- beneficial entities should be sticked to, in order to bring various motivations into full play.
机制转换中要坚持集权与分权相结合、多元利益主体、调动各方面积极性的原则。 cnki

The usage basis and prospect of valves sticked together in support hydraulic system are discussed, design plan and analyses work principle is put forward.
讨论了插装阀串在液压支架液压系统中的应用依据和前景,提出了设计方案,分析了工作原理。 dictall

After that, they sticked the small cards which carried their prayers for the future to the Adulthood Ceremony Memorial Wall.
随后,他们又纷纷将写有自己对未来祈愿的小卡片贴到成人礼纪念墙上。 rednet

Although the present children literature has even sticked to the height of the spirit of literature, it has changed a lot under the conditions of the mass culture and commercial culture.
当前儿童文学在大的文学氛围中虽然尽可能地坚守着儿童文学本有的精神高度,但在商业消费文化和大众文化的裹挟中,发生了种种变化。 cnki

Because of the pragmatism that dukes of every nation sticked to, the country's unity was postponed quite long period artificially since the Middle Ages.
由于中世纪以来各邦诸侯坚守的实用主义,使德意志的统一被人为地延迟了相当长的时期; cnki

But if after the argument, your parents still sticked to their point, what would you do then?
但是如果争吵过后,父母仍坚持他们的观点而不满足你时,你会如何做呢? tingroom

Disassemble it and check whether the reed ie sticked or not.
拆开看看簧片是不是卡住了。 www.kouqin.com.cn

Have you sticked your peas yet?

He sticked provocative poster on board when nobody was looking.
趁无人注意,他在板上贴了具有煽动性的海报。 kekenet

I almost gave it up, but finally I sticked it out until the new semester began.
我差点就要放弃了,但是最终我坚持下来了,直到新学期开学。 cn-education

I knew they wanted to drink me under the table, but I sticked to my limits.
我知道他们想把我灌醉了,可是我就是不喝过量的酒。 ppkao

If this option is checked, the toolbar, input and lookup table windows will be sticked to its original position.
如果勾取这个选项,则输入和选词列表视窗将停留在它们的原本位置。 launchpad

In the western, many people went far away from God, or no more sticked to God's law.
在西方,许多人远离开上帝,或者不在遵循上帝的道。 juooo

In peripheral equipment sticked hang“ homework manipulate guidance”.
在周边设备上贴挂“功课操纵指引”。 lifengsuye

Its reform sticked to the old ways aimed at sheer revenue and wallowed together in the mire with the salt dealer.
其改革因循守旧,片面追求财政收入,与引岸专商沆瀣一气,致使食盐运销制度的改革陷入停滞状态。 cnki

No agreements have been reached between the countries during the talks as both sticked to their stances.
由于任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场,此次会谈中两个国家没有达成任何协议。 ieltschn

ObjectiveTo supply experimental foundation for the feasibility of injured tendons which had been sticked with medical OB glue.
目的通过动物实验为医用 OB胶粘合损伤断裂肌腱的可行性提供实验依据。 cnki

Some house's windows are sticked on red paper cuttings.
有些房子的窗户都贴着红色的剪纸。 gnscl

Someone has sticked a label on the crate.
有人在板条箱上贴了标签。 ebigear

The Deutsch army didn’t live there, they just destroyed the belfry and sticked their mines in the nearest territory.
但德军并不住在里面,他们摧毁了钟楼,还在附近区域埋下地雷。 yeeyan

The two pieces are sticked together so well that you can hardly see the join.




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