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词汇 Bashi Channel
释义 Bashi Channel
The LLCC is still a short distance away fromBashi Channel.看来LLCC已经进巴士;下一步就看中心是否对流爆发;或是停止转动.
Bashi Channelis a natural barrier between Taiwan and the Philippines.巴士海峡是非律宾与台湾间的天然界线.
Though the Kuroshio Water was found to enter into the South China Sea passed through theBashi Channel, its influence was weak.虽发现有黑潮水穿越巴上海峡进入南海,但其势力甚弱。
Computed results show that:a real anticyclonic meandering path of the Kuroshio appears west of theBashi Channel,and a tongue with relatively high temperature and salinity spreads into SCS from BC which represents a intrusion of the Kuroshio.计算结果表明 :黑潮在巴士海峡以西呈一反气旋弯曲流动路径 ;有一相对高温高盐的水舌从巴士海峡伸入南海 ;表明有部分黑潮水侵入南海 .
In general, strong currents occured in the areas northwest to theBashi Channeland the western SCS . Currents in the eastern and southeastern SCS were generally weak.总体而言 ,强流区出现在巴士海峡西北侧和南海西部 ,南海东部和东南部为弱流区
The membership functions of oceanic Subsurface Water Mass with higher salinity and Intermediate Water Mass with lower salinity on both sides of theBashi Channelwere simulated by using the two methods and discussed.把这 2种方法应用于拟合巴士海峡两侧的次表层高盐水团和中层低盐水团的隶属函数并进行了讨论。




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