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词汇 Stewart
释义 Stewart.

United States film actor who portrayed incorruptible but modest heros 1908-1997Scottish philosopher and follower of Thomas Reid 1753-1828Stewart Island司徒华岛

As Stewart Brand, an American futurologist, memorably put it, “ information wants to be free, ” and one of the lessons of the new biology is that it is all about information.
诚如美国的一位预言家斯图尔特布兰德说的这样一番令人印象深刻的话,“信息需要被共享,”新型生物学中有一门课就完全是关于信息方面的。 ecocn

Christina Ricci, Martha Stewart and Alicia Keys have said they've given up wearing fur since being singled out by PETA in previous years.
克里斯蒂娜•里奇、玛莎•斯图尔特和艾丽西娅•凯斯说,自从前几年她们被 PETA点名后,就再也没穿过皮草。

Her quick wit, in fluent English as well as French, even managed to win over Jon Stewart when she appeared on the Daily Show, bearing a French beret as a gift.
当她出现在《每日脱口秀》节目上,手持法国贝雷帽作为礼物,用流利的英语和法语交谈,敏锐机智,气势甚至压过了乔·斯图尔特。 yeeyan

In a2007 poll, Stewart ranked as one of the top four most admired anchors in the US.

Jon Stewart: I’d really like this cast already.
乔恩·斯图尔特:我真的喜欢这一幕。 yeeyan

Jon Stewart: Is that a failure though of a lack of oversight?
乔恩·斯图尔特:这不是一个由于缺乏监管导致的失误吗? yeeyan

Jon Stewart: Are there other things that infringe personal liberty in government?
乔恩·斯图尔特:政府还有其他侵犯个人自由的事情吗? yeeyan

Jon Stewart: We have to make a quick call after the show.
乔恩·斯图尔特:节目后我们得赶紧打个紧急电话。 yeeyan

Jon Stewart: We would be taken to jail if we print the money.
乔恩·斯图尔特:我们会被扔进监狱如果我们印钱的话。 yeeyan

The bird first caused a minicrisis at Southern installations like Fort Bragg and Fort Stewart in1990, when troops were preparing for the war to oust Iraqi troops from Kuwait.
在1990年,这种鸟在布拉格堡和斯图尔特堡两个基地引起了一场短暂的风波,当时有部队正在那里为海湾战争把伊拉克军队赶出科威特积极备战。 yeeyan

The brink: Martha Stewart was convicted and sent to prison in 2004 for lying about the reasons she sold her shares of a biotechnology stock two years earlier.
濒危时刻:2004年由于玛莎·斯图尔特在两年前卖掉了一家生物技术股股份时因说谎被定罪,并被投入监狱。 yeeyan

“ Freedom!” bellowed Jon Stewart on“The Daily Show, ” in a segment in which people described their relationship to AT& T as that of slaves to their masters, subjects to their tyrants.
“我们终于自由了!”乔恩-斯图尔特在“每日秀”节目上发泄出来,人们把这两个公司的关系描述成主奴关系,苹果公司不得不服从于他们的“暴君”。 yeeyan

And a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart. And to imply that somehow they— the people in this country who are Jewish — are an oppressed minority?
还有很多其他广播网的管理人也很像斯图尔特,这就是说他们——这个国家的这些犹太人——不知怎么就成了受压迫的少数族裔了? yeeyan

Clarke, Stewart and Mr Everitt had all been involved in a tangled love affair with a woman called Fiona Statham, who was19 at the time of the murder.
克拉克、斯图尔特以及埃维里特全都卷入了一位名叫费奥娜·斯塔桑女子的紊乱爱情纠葛之中。在这次谋杀案发生时她才19岁。 yeeyan

Comedian and “The Daily Show” host Jon Stewart, who satirizes politicians and the media on television and in the best-selling“ AmericaThe Book,” also landed on the list.

However, Will Stewart, of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, points out that plane electronics are designed not to operate on the same frequency as gadgets used by passengers.
然而,来自工程技术学会的威尔斯图尔特却并不这样认为,他指出实际上飞机被设计为不可与乘客们的电子设备在同一波段下操作。 yeeyan

I was most worried about Stewart because he was attractive, articulate, and from the Clintons home county, which I had hoped would go for me.
最让我担心的是斯图尔特,他长得英俊迷人,能言善辩,而且来自克林顿家族的家乡,我本来一直指望那里的人会支持我的。 yeeyan

It should be not surprise Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are three of the richest young actors in Hollywood.
罗伯特·帕丁森、克里斯汀·斯图尔特和泰勒·洛特是好莱坞最有钱的年轻演员一点也不奇怪。 cri

One, Umar Islam, was convicted of conspiracy to murder, but the jury was unable to reach a verdict on three others. The fifth, Donald Stewart- Whyte, was cleared altogether.
其中,乌玛尔•伊斯兰姆犯同谋谋杀罪,另有三人陪审团未能对其进行裁决,而五人之中的罗纳德•斯图尔特-怀特则被宣告无罪。 ecocn

Recent reports suggest Pattinson and Stewart have been house-hunting on the Isle of Wight.
近期的报道表明帕丁森和斯图尔特已经在怀特岛购置了房子。 yeeyan

Simmons' first marriage was to fellow British film star Stewart Granger, who she met on the set of Caesar and Cleopatra.
西蒙斯的第一次婚姻是与曾同她在《凯撒和克里奥博特拉》中演出的英国影星斯图尔特格兰杰。 yeeyan

That’s how Shaun Stewart felt when he started receiving brochures from colleges.
这就是肖恩斯图尔特感觉时,他从大学开始接受小册子。 yeeyan

The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum is as interesting today as it was one hundred years ago. But it also keeps up with today's community.
今天的伊莎贝拉.斯图尔特.加德纳博物馆与一百年前一样有趣,但它也跟上了时代的步伐。 yeeyan

While Munn returned fire, Jon Stewart and the Daily Show cast rallied around her.
当穆恩再次走红的时候,乔斯图尔特和《每日秀》节目围绕她而展开。 yeeyan

You can have your own family cookbook with Grandma's recipe through to Martha Stewart's recipe.
你的家庭菜谱既可以包含你奶奶的菜谱,也可以网罗玛莎·斯图尔特的菜谱。 yeeyan

Stewart’s mother contacted officers when he confessed to her and they learnt the location of the burial site when Clarke’s brother and sister came forward.
在儿子向自己坦白后,斯图尔特的母亲联系了警官。克拉克的哥哥和姐姐自发的向警察透露了埋尸地点。 yeeyan




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