

单词 stewarding
释义 stew·ard·ing 英'stjuːəd美'stuːərd COCA²¹¹⁰³⁷BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
C 轮船、飞机等的乘务员,服务员

a man who helps passengers and serves meals on an airplane or ship

C 俱乐部、旅馆、工会等的管理员

a type of manager in a club,hotel or union

someone who manages property or other affairs for someone elsethe ship's officer who is in charge of provisions and dining arrangementsan attendant on an airplanea union member who is elected to represent fellow workers in negotiating with managementone having charge of buildings or grounds or animalsshop steward工厂的工人代表…Lord High Steward of England英国皇家总管大臣…wine steward酒类侍者lord steward of the household英国内务府大臣英国…
近义词 factor因素waiter侍者servant仆人manager经理agent代理人keeper看守人butler男管家trustee受托人hostess女主人majordomo管家overseer监督人guardian保护人waitress女侍者domestic家庭的custodian管理人fiduciary受托的housekeeper主妇attendant伴随的orderly有秩序的bailiff执行的副手land agent房地产商stewardess女乘务员representative代表maitre管家head头部administrator管理人caretaker临时代理的maitre d'hotel侍者总管flight attendant空中服务员shop steward工厂的工人代表…seneschal(中世纪贵族的管家…chamberlain国王或贵族的管家…
用作名词n.We pressed the buzzer in our cabin and a steward arrived instantly.我们按了客舱的呼叫器,一个乘务员马上来了。
He's the steward of the club.他是这家俱乐部的管理员。
用作名词His neighbor is a chiefsteward.他的邻居是一个乘务员领班。
We thanked thestewardfor his good service.我们感谢了乘务员所提供的优质服务。
Sometimes he sent his housestewardin his place.有时他派管家替他去。
Thestewardswill inspect the course to see if racing is possible.那些干事将检视赛马场看是否适宜比赛。
He is thestewardof that great estate.他是那笔大财产的管理人。用作动词He was selected tostewarda team.他被指派经管球队。as in.represent
同义词 mean,perform,produce,serve,serve as,show,speak forbe,betoken,body,copy,embody,enact,epitomize,equal,equate,exemplify,exhibit,express,factor,imitate,impersonate,personify,reproduce,stage,substitute,typifyact as,act as broker,act for,act in place of,appear as,assume the role of,be agent for,be attorney for,be proxy for,buy for,correspond to,do business for,emblematize,hold office,play the part,put on,sell for,stand for,steward
反义词 refuse,be original,differ,imbalance,oppose,reverse,stopas in.conserve
同义词 hoard,maintain,preserve,safeguard,sustain,take care ofkeep,nurse,scrimp,skimp,squirrel,stash,steward,supportcut back,cut down on,go easy on,sock away,squirrel away,store up,use sparingly
反义词 hurt,ignore,let go,neglect,releasedestroy,spend,squander,use,waste At least1 years of Stewarding working experience.
至少有一年的管事部工作经验。 yibaifen

Knowledge of stewarding equipment.

Responsible for keeping up to date with new cleaning supplies, equipment, trends and systems in stewarding.
负责管事部的清洁用品,设备, 工作体系的更新及管理。 rcddw

Responsible for project: housekeeping, stewarding department, security department, laundry and other non-core business outsourcing.
负责项目:管家部,管事部,保安部,洗衣房等非核心业务部门的外包。 renhe




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