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词汇 Stevens
释义 Ste·vens 英ˈstiːvənz美ˈstivənzAHDstēʹvənz 高Economist¹⁰⁴⁹⁹

United States psychologist and psychophysicist who proposed Stevens' power law to replace Fechner's law 1906-1973United States poet 1879-1955United States filmmaker 1905-1975steven spielbergn. 斯蒂芬·斯皮尔…
We have adopted Mr.Stevensas our candidate at the next election.我们表决通过了史蒂文斯先生为我们下届选举的候选人。
He was quite certain the man in the photo wasStevens.他相当肯定,照片上的那个人就是史蒂文斯。 Clark Stevens, a White House spokesman, said that the administration’s energy priorities were not about picking one energy source over another, but about diversifying the nation’s energy mix.
白宫发言人卡拉克·史蒂文斯说政府的能源排序不是为了将一种能源放到先于另一种能源的位置而是为了多样化国家的能源。 yeeyan

John Paul Stevens, the present court’s longest-serving justice, turns90 on April20th and speculation is rife that he may soon announce his retirement.
现今在最高法院任职时间最长的约翰•保尔•史蒂文斯法官,本月20日年满90岁,人们普通推测,他可能很快宣布退休。 ecocn

The150 or so people inside— about a third of my graduating class— were not a random sample of J. P. Stevens High School students.
会议室里面有150个人左右,占了我那届毕业班的三分之一,他们肯定不符合母校J· P·史蒂文斯高中学生的随机抽样。 yeeyan

This delicate imbalance of power in favour of the conservatives is not something Mr Obama will be able to change when Mr Stevens retires, no matter how much he would like to.
在史蒂文斯退休后,不论奥巴马多么想对现状作出改变,最高法院这种保守派略占上风的力量失衡态势仍然不会有显著变化。 ecocn

America’s Justice Department asked that Ted Stevens’s conviction for corruption be overturned.
美国司法部请求推翻对特德史蒂文斯贿赂的定罪。 ecocn

At Northwestern Mason helmed a rock band that he describes as equal parts punk, the Beatles and Cat Stevens.
在西北大学,梅森掌舵着一支摇滚乐队,他把这支乐队描述为朋克、甲壳虫和凯特·史蒂文斯各占其一。 yeeyan

Her arrival in Mr Stevens’s place will not much change but should at least preserve the existing imbalance of power on the court.
她接替史蒂文斯的位置虽然不会使最高法院的力量均势发生重大变化,但至少可以保持这种平衡。 ecocn

In America, almost everything points in the right direction for the shale-gas industry, observes Paul Stevens of Chatham House, a think-tank.
智囊团查塔姆研究所的保尔·史蒂文斯评论道,在美国,几乎一切都指明了页岩气工业的正确道路。 yeeyan

Mr. Stevens has lived in the Snowball Mansion for just a few weeks, and says he has not seen anything out of the ordinary.
如今,史蒂文斯先生在斯诺宝庄园刚刚住了几周而已。他说,他还没有看到任何不正常的东西。 iciba

Ms Sagot and Dr Stevens were able to gather relevant data from previous studies on15 of the22 species.
萨戈女士和史蒂文斯博士能够从以前的研究收集到22个物种中的15个的相关数据。 ecocn

Our guess for the humanitarian award though goes to the Empowerhouse by Parsons The New School for Design, the Milano School, and Stevens Institute of Technology.
我们认为人性化设计奖应颁给帕森设计学院,米兰大学,史蒂文斯科技学院联合建造的天赐能量小屋。 yeeyan

Sort of as a reflection on these same ideas, you get the famous poem of Wallace Stevens.

To their surprise, Ms Sagot and Dr Stevens found that all four of the most sociable species are among those forced to use herbaceous plants, and thus to build ramshackle homes.
令他们吃惊的是,萨戈女士和史蒂文斯博士发现,所有最善群居的四个种群是那些迫使运用草本植物并因此建造摇摇欲坠的巢穴的蝙蝠。 yeeyan

Wales' Matthew Stevens and Mark Williams both won5-3 to reach the second round of the Shanghai Masters.
威尔士马修-史蒂文斯和马克-威廉姆斯都赢得5进3淘汰赛,进入了上海大师赛的第二轮。 yeeyan

While Mr Stevens makes up his mind, courtesy demands that the White House say nothing in public about his replacement.
史蒂文斯在打定主意的同时,礼貌地建议白宫在公开场合对他的接替者问题少说为佳。 ecocn

Stevens appeared here, in this magazine.
史蒂文斯出现在这本杂志里。 ecocn

Stevens said that, but Frost could have said it, too.

Stevens understands tragedy, but he is a comic poet, a humanist who is concerned to preserve and exalt the human.
史蒂文斯虽然懂得悲剧,却是个喜剧诗人和一个关注、保护与赞颂人类的人文主义者。 ecocn




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