

单词 sternly
释义 sternly 美'stɝnli 高COCA²⁴²³⁵BNC¹⁸³⁵²iWeb³⁰⁴⁹⁵Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

with sternness; in a severe manner;

`No,' she said sternly

peered severely over her glasses

stern-ly像⇒adv.严格地⁴⁰;严肃地⁴⁰;坚定地²⁰近义词 firmly牢牢地grimly严格地harshly粗糙地gravely严肃地severely严格地strictly严格地seriously严肃地somberly昏暗地黑暗地…humorlessly缺乏幽默感地…

用作副词We have dealt with the mattersternly.我们严肃地处理了这件事。
Please don't stare at mesternly.不要那么严肃地看着我。as in.(seriously
同义词 actively,earnestly,passionately,sincerely,vigorouslygravelyall joking aside,cool it,cut the comedy,determinedly,down,fervently,for real,in all conscience,in all seriousness,in earnest,intently,purposefully,resolutely,sedately,simmer down,soberly,solemnly,straighten out,thoughtfully,with a straight face,with forethought,with sobriety,zealously
反义词 casually,funnily,lightly,minortriviallyas in.severely
同义词 acutely,badly,critically,dangerously,extremely,firmly,markedly,painfully,seriously,sharply,sorely,strictlygravely,hardhardly,intensely,rigorously,roughly,with an iron hand
反义词 mildlycompassionately,lightly
seriouslyadverb not humorously
actively,all joking aside,cool it,cut the comedy,determinedly,down,earnestly,fervently,for real,gravely,in all conscience,in all seriousness,in earnest,intently,passionately,purposefully,resolutely,sedately,simmer down,sincerely,soberly,solemnly,straighten out,thoughtfully,vigorously,with a straight face,with forethought,with sobriety,zealously
severelyadverb harshly
acutely,badly,critically,dangerously,extremely,firmly,gravely,hard,hardly,intensely,markedly,painfully,rigorously,roughly,seriously,sharply,sorely,sternly,strictly,with an iron hand I can't stand that, do you know why I'll punish you sternly?
太不像话了!我要严厉惩罚你,你知道为什么吗? edu.sina.com.cn

She looked sternly at him and said, “ Jervis, if I ever catch you wearing my stuff again, you're fired!”
女主人严厉地看着杰维斯,说道,“杰维斯,再让我看到你穿我的衣服,你就被炒了!” yeeyan

The Malaysia government has sternly rebuked the Bersih2.0 protest organized by a loose coalition of62 non- governmental organizations and opposition political parties.
马来西亚政府严厉谴责这次抗议活动。 这次集会是一个由62个反政府组织和政治反对党组成的松散组织“净选盟”发起的。 tingvoa

“ Carolyn, ” I said sternly, “ Please turn around.”
我坚决地说,“卡罗琳,拜托,掉头吧。” yeeyan

“ Come along!” he said sternly.
“过来!”他厉声说道。 yeeyan

“ Do you think the government is not doing a good job at this?” he asked sternly.
“你认为政府在这方面做得不够吗?”他严厉的问道。 yeeyan

“ There were no eureka moments, ” White told me sternly, later, when he was able to talk more freely about the skeleton.
“那还不是最令人兴奋的时刻,”当我们聊得越来越深入时,怀特口气坚定的告诉我说。 yeeyan

“ We urge North Korea to immediately stop provocation and we will sternly deal with it in case of further provocation,” Yonhap quoted South Korean defense minister Kim Tae-young as telling lawmakers.
韩联社引用了韩国国防部长金泰荣对立法委员会的对话:“我们强烈要求朝鲜立即停止这种挑衅行为,将对其进行严厉交涉以防事态进一步扩大。” yeeyan

“The particular performance style we choose is not important, but Marx's theories cannot be distorted, ” he said sternly, in an interview with the Wen Hui Bao newspaper.
“选择何种特殊演出样式并不重要,但马克思的理论决不会被曲解,”在《文汇报》所做的的一次访谈中,他严肃地说。 yeeyan

Because of her authoritarian air, she sometimes appears to be rather like a headmistress dealing sternly with rowdy students.
因为她的强硬作风,她有时表现的象一位校长在对付不听话的学生。 yeeyan

He provided for his miniature family well and, in the fashion of the time, loved his son sternly and with little physical contact.
他好好供养着自己的小家,也遵循当时的风尚严厉地爱着儿子,很少与他作身体接触。 yeeyan

He sternly admonished the students who had violated the school rules.
他十分严厉地训诫了违犯校规的学生们。 jukuu

Hester would not set him free, lest he should look her sternly in the face.
海丝特不肯放松他,以免看见他盯望着她面孔的那种严厉表情。 hjenglish

Reports of friction between the two men surfaced recently, after the Ayatollah wrote a sternly worded letter demanding that Mr.
最近有报导说,哈梅内伊和艾哈迈迪内贾德两人之间发生了摩擦。 iciba

The secretary said, pleasantly but sternly, that we should serve the people heart and soul.
书记语重心长地说,我们应该全心全意为人民服务。 i21st

The Seoul government vowed to “ sternly deal with” Pyongyang's act, saying it would not tolerate a nuclear-armed North Korea.
韩国政府誓言要“严格对待”平壤行为,表示韩国不会容忍带有核目的的朝鲜。 cri

Sternly, he demanded to know what my parents thought about my hitchhiking.
他很严肃地想要知道我的父母怎么看待我搭便车的。 yeeyan




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