

单词 sterilize
释义 ster·il·ize 英ˈsterəˌlaɪz美ˈstɛrəˌlaɪzAHDstĕrʹə-līz' ★☆☆☆☆高四GIS宝八COCA²³⁶¹⁶BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb¹⁶⁸⁴⁷
vt.使不育⁵⁰;杀菌 使贫瘠⁵⁰亦作sterlise名词sterilizer过去分词sterilized现在分词sterilizing三单sterilizes

make free from bacteriamake infertile;

in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized

steril-ize使成为⇒vt.使不育⁵⁰;杀菌 使贫瘠⁵⁰词根记忆steril无菌的+izeGRE红宝书sterile + ize近义词 smoke烟geld阉割desex阉割clean干净的bleach漂白剂neuter中性的spay取掉卵巢castrate阉割fix使 … 固定disinfect消毒purify使)净化sterilise使绝育decontaminate净化fumigate以烟熏消毒unsex使失去性功能…desexualize使无性能力desexualise使无性能力sanitize采取卫生措施使其安全…反义词 fertilize施肥

用作及物动词After her fourth child she decided to have herselfsterilized.她生了第四个孩子后决定做绝育手术。verb.(make clean or unproductive
同义词 castrate,decontaminate,disinfect,neuter,pasteurize,sanitize,spayalter,antisepticize,autoclave,change,clean,desexualize,emasculate,fix,fumigate,incapacitate,purifymake sterile
反义词 adulterate,aid,assist,continue,corrupt,dirty,help,keep,remain
castrateverb remove sexual organs
alter,asexualize,caponize,change,cut,deprive of virility,desexualize,emasculate,eunuchize,fix,geld,mutilate,neuter,spay,unsex
censorverb forbid;ban;selectively remove
abridge,black out,blacklist,bleach,bleep,bowdlerize,clean up,conceal,control,cork,criticize,cut,decontaminate,delete,drop the iron curtain,edit,examine,excise,expurgate,exscind,inspect,launder,narrow,oversee,prevent publication,purge,purify,put the lid on,refuse transmission,repress,restrain,restrict,review,revile,sanitize,scissor out,squelch,sterilize,strike out,supervise communications,suppress,withhold
cleanverb to free of dirt and clutter
absterge,bath,bathe,blot,brush,cauterize,clarify,cleanse,clear the decks,clear up,deodorize,depurate,deterge,disinfect,do up,dredge,dust,edulcorate,elutriate,erase,expunge,expurgate,flush,hackle,launder,lave,mop,neaten,pick,pick up,polish,purge,purify,rake,rasp,refine,rinse,rout out,sanitize,scald,scour,scrape,scrub,shake out,shampoo,soak,soap,sponge,spruce up,sterilize,straighten up,swab,sweep,tidy up,vacuum,wash,whisk,winnow,wipe
cleanseverb make undirty;wash
decontaminateverb clean
antiseptize,cleanse,disinfect,fumigate,make sterile,purify,sanitize,sterilize,wash
deleteverb erase, remove
X out,annul,black out,bleep,blot out,blue pencil,cancel,clean,clean up,cross out,cut,cut out,decontaminate,destroy,drop,edit,efface,eliminate,exclude,expunge,obliterate,omit,pass up,rub,rub out,rule out,sanitize,snip,squash,squelch,sterilize,strike out,trim,wipe out It's official: After centuries of trying to sanitize and sterilize bacteria off the face of the planet, Americans have embraced the notion that some microbes might actually be good for us.
官方表示:虽然美国人一直以来尝试着各种消毒的方法杀灭生活中所遇到的各种细菌,但是他们也渐渐接受了一些微生物有益于身心的看法。 yeeyan

The goal of surgical prophylaxis is to decrease the bacterial burden at the surgical site, not to sterilize the patient.
手术后预防的目标是减少手术部位的细菌的负担,而不是对病人进行消毒。 oaopdoc

The principle is to rear millions of individuals of the species one seeks to control, separate the sexes, sterilize the males and release them into the field.
原理是为你想控制的昆虫培养大量的标本,根据性别进行分类,使雄性昆虫绝育,最终把绝育的雄性昆虫释放到野外。 yeeyan

The purification air, neutralize the electricity cation, eliminates the smoke smelly, sterilize, the balance the harmless radiate electric wave, assistant sleep, relieves the tense mood.
净化空气,中和带电正离子,除烟臭,杀菌,平衡有害辐射电波,辅助睡眠,解除紧张情绪。 kuenglish

The United States is dotted with irradiation centers, but they are generally used to sterilize medical supplies like bandages and implants, not food.
美国遍布各处都是辐射的中心,但它们一般用来消毒像止血贴和移植物等的医疗用品,而不是食品。 yeeyan

They have been used to sterilize things since the19th century, but steaming municipal waste in them is a new idea.
从19世纪起人们就用压力锅灭菌,但把生活垃圾装到压力锅里去蒸却是个全新的概念。 ecocn

Workers bees use this hormone to sterilize the food fed to larvae, protecting the next generation and contributing to the collective immunity of the hive.
工蜂用该激素给喂养幼虫的食品杀菌,以此来保护下一代并为下一代蜂房的健康作微薄贡献。 yeeyan

Alcohol may be a medical disinfectant, but should not be relied upon to sterilize water.
酒精可能是医学上的消毒剂,但决不可用来消毒饮用水。 kekenet

Always sterilize the needle to prevent infection.
经常消毒针具以防止传染。 des.cmu.edu.cn

Belgium is set to embark on a radical plan to sterilize most cats in the country by 2016, the Vancouver Sun reported. The measure is meant to solve the problem of feline overpopulation.
据《温哥华太阳报》报道,比利时政府正准备实施一项激进的计划:在2016年前,给全国大部分猫咪做绝育手术,原因是猫的数量严重过剩。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

From there, Lodge said, special water- treatment tech could be used to sterilize the ballast water.
由此,洛奇说,可以使用特殊的水处理技术来对压舱水进行消毒。 yeeyan

He boiled his syringe and fired his knife to sterilize them.

It works by using ultraviolet light to sterilize the bacteria which cause the offensive odors in footwear.
这种装置原理是利用紫外线杀除导致鞋臭的菌类。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Now, open your hand please. I'm going to sterilize the skin with tincture of iodine.
现在请您松开拳吧!我要用碘酒给您的皮肤进行消毒。 www.bysy.edu.cn

Researchers in London say the technique could be used to sterilize wounds.
伦敦的研究人员说可以应用该技术对创口杀菌。 yeeyan

There is also a class-action suit pending by workers who want to get paid for the time it takes them to suit up for work and sterilize equipment.
如今还有一起正在处理的由工人发起共同起诉案件。工人们想让雇主为他们花时间穿工作服以及替设备消毒的事支付报酬。 topsage

To deal with this, the Living Machine often includes components at the end of the system that sterilize the water with ultraviolet radiation, ozone or chlorine.
为了对付这些病菌,LM系统的末端通常会配有紫外线、臭氧或者氯等的消毒装置。 yeeyan

To prevent Tana from suffering any medical complications, the doctors decided to surgically sterilize Tana, removing her genitals.
为了防止 Tana患上并发症,医生决定切除她的生殖器,给她做绝育手术。 yeeyan

When he donates blood, there's so much alcohol in it. The Red Cross uses it to sterilize the instruments.
他去献血,可里面酒精浓度过高,红十字会拿来作医疗器械消毒。 haiguinet

With special disposition, continuously inhabit germ breeding, sterilize through high temperature.
经特别处理,能有效持续抑制细菌,可高温消毒。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Sterilize baby bottles every day.
每天替婴儿所用的奶瓶消毒。 blog.sina.com.cn




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