

单词 stepson
释义 step·son 英ˈstepˌsʌn美ˈstɛpˌsʌnAHDstĕpʹsŭn' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²¹⁵⁶⁵BNC³¹⁰³⁹iWeb²⁵²⁶⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

the son your spouse by a former marriagestep-步son-声音⇒n.继子;妻与前夫所生的儿子;夫与前妻所生的儿子
用作名词Hisstepsonis still very distant towards him.他的继子对他仍然很疏远。
I can't tolerate her wronging his youngstepson.她对他继子的虐待,我无法容忍。 A stepson who stayed by your side when your own son deserted you.
你亲生儿子遗弃你时在你身旁的继子。 wap

The Pannonian peoples, whom the army of the Roman people never approached before I was the leading citizen, were conquered through the agency of Tiberius Nero, who was then my stepson and legate;
在我成为元首之前,罗马人民军队从未进入过潘诺尼亚诸部落之地域;我通过我的继子提比略·尼禄将该诸部落征服并将之并入罗马帝国; bbs.scu.edu.cn

Your stepson stayed by your side when your own son deserted you.
你亲生儿子遗弃你时在你的继子陪在你身边。 koolearn

A41-year-old woman who conspired to murder her husband and stepson has been executed in the US state of Virginia.
美国弗吉尼亚州一名41岁女子因为密谋杀害其丈夫和继子被处以死刑。 enread

After one particularly strenuous dinner, when both her stepdaughter and stepson snubbed her, she retreated to her bedroom in tears.
在一次气氛别扭的餐后,当继子和继女故意怠慢她的时候,她含泪退回到卧室。 suiniyi

Although I had struggled with silent anger toward my stepson, Brett had seen only my actions.
虽然我对我的继子沉默的愤怒挣扎,布雷特看到的只是我的行动。 soso

Brazilian man publicly confessed to pushing dozens of needles into his2-year-old stepson, saying Sunday that he intended to kill the boy out of spite for his wife.
周日,一名巴西男子公开承认,为了杀掉继子给她现在的妻子出出气,他在他的2岁继子的身上扎进了几十枚铁针。 bbs.seu.edu.cn

Clenched in both hands were new jeans and a shirt belonging to my16-year-old stepson, Brett. The clothing was already destroyed from burn holes and vomit stains after a drunken binge.
我双手紧握着16岁继子 Brett的几条新牛仔裤和一件衬衫,在一次纵酒狂欢后,这些衣服已经被损坏了,上面被烧了一些洞,还沾有呕吐物。 yeeyan

Glenn believed there was a link because his stepson Justin, who has autism, exhibited behavioral changes after his childhood vaccinations.
盖恩先生相信孤独症和疫苗两者间存在着一定的联系,因为他患有孤独症的继子贾斯汀,在经过童年的全程接种后,表现出了行为的改变。 yeeyan

He is survived by a younger brother, his wife Christina and stepson Laird.
他殉职后家中还有一个弟弟,妻子克里斯蒂娜和继子 Laird. ecocn

He is survived by a younger brother, his wife Christina and stepson Laird. On hearing of her husband's death, his wife said: “ Oz was a phenomenal husband and loving father.”
他殉职后家中还有一个弟弟,妻子克里斯蒂娜和继子 Laird。妻子在得知他的死讯后说: Oz是个了不起的丈夫,有爱心的父亲。 ecocn

Her next two films are slated to be Cleopatra and Serena, the story of a frontier woman who, among many other things, tries to kill her stepson.
朱莉接下来的计划包括《新埃及艳后》和《塞丽娜》两部电影,后一部讲述的是一个女人试图杀死继子的故事。 yeeyan

I treat my stepson as my own flesh and blood.
我把继子当作自己的亲骨肉对待。 chinavalue

If I were to love my neighbor, was I not to love my own troubled stepson even more?
如果我要爱我的邻居,难道我不该对我自己麻烦的继子爱的更多吗? yeeyan

Meeting a child who may become your stepson is not like any other stage in a courtship.
面对一个会成为你的继子的孩子,这与热恋中的任何其他的舞台不同。 yeeyan

Mr Tomlinson's wife Julia and his stepson Paul King were in court for the20- minute hearing.
主席汤姆林森的妻子朱莉娅和他的继子保罗国王,在法庭上听取了20分钟的听证会。 fatisia

My stepson was hired by a family friend after meeting him at a birthday party.
我继子就是在自己的生日宴会上被我们家一位世交相中,而找到了工作。 hjenglish

She’s a Yankee and ain’t got very good manners; and, after all, you did shoot him and he is her stepson.
她是个北方佬,不很懂礼貌,而且你毕竟打伤了她的继子呀。 kekenet

The Brazilian man who pushed dozens of sewing needles into his two-year-old stepson says he wanted to kill him to spite his wife, say media reports.
巴西媒体报道,将数十根缝衣针刺入两岁继子体内的巴西男子称,他意图杀死孩子以报复他的妻子。 enread

The Sui Dynasty began when Wendi's daughter became the Empress Dowager of Northern Zhou, with her stepson as the new emperor.
隋朝时开始娣的女儿成为慈禧太后的北周,她的继子为新皇帝。 blog.sina.com.cn

Their story alternates with that of Malik's brother, Ahl, who is searching in the autonomous coastal region of Puntland for his runaway stepson, Taxliil.
他们的故事交杂着马利克的哥哥阿里的故事,阿里正在沿海的邦特兰自治区寻找他离家出走的继子塔克斯里伊尔。 ecocn

Today she is the married mother of three daughters and a stepson and is a devout Christian.
现在,她已经成为3个女儿和1个继子的母亲,而且还是一名虔诚的基督教徒。 yeeyan

Twenty years after he died, I alerted my stepson, Arius Floors.
在他死后20年,我注意到了我的继子艾利乌·弗洛斯。 yeeyan

White writes to his stepson in1964 from his farm in Maine.
怀特在他缅因的农场里写信给他的继子说。 yeeyan




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