

单词 stepsisters
释义 stepsisters ˈstepˌsistəz COCA¹⁰⁴⁰⁷⁸BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.继父与其前妻或继母与其前夫所生的姐姐;妹妹stepsister的名词复数原型stepsister的复数 After the death of her father, Ella lived unhappily with her step- mother and cruel stepsisters.
父亲死后,艾拉只能在继母和刻薄的两姐妹的排挤下痛苦生活。 yeeyan

After helping both of the stepsisters apply their makeup for the eighth time, she had no time to get her own hair done and dress on . They left without her.
帮她们整整化了八次妆后,艾拉自己根本没有时间打扮了,而她们也马上弃她而去。 yeeyan

Both stepsisters began making excuses about how their feet had swollen.
两姐妹开始编造各种理由说自己的脚浮肿了。 yeeyan

Do you remember how, in the original Cinderella, the stepsisters tried to force the glass slipper to fit them by slicing off parts of their feet?
还记得在《灰姑娘》原作中,两个恶姐妹试图削掉一部分脚以便能穿上水晶鞋吗? blog.sina.com.cn

Her stepmother and stepsisters were very horrid to Cinderella.
她的继母和继姐妹对灰姑娘非常憎恶。 hjenglish

Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes.

She lived with her father,her stepmother and her two ugly stepsisters.
她和她的父亲,继母还有两个丑陋的继姐妹。 hjenglish

She has two ugly stepsisters.
她有两个继母生的丑姊姊。 jinnong

The night of the ball, she was very busy. The stepsisters needed help with their dresses and hair.
而到了舞会之夜,她更忙得不可开交,几个姐妹都需要她帮助打点礼服和头发。 yeeyan

Then next day, Prince Charming came to their house and tried the slipper on both of the stepsisters.
第二天,查明王子来到了他们家并让两个姐妹试穿水晶鞋。 yeeyan

Stepsisters laughed when they saw how dirty she was.
姐姐们看见她身上那么脏,纷纷嘲笑起来。 blog.sina.com.cn




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