

单词 steps back
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Dr Viel, who admits breast augmentation is his favourite procedure, steps back to admire his work.
维尔医生承认,隆胸是他最喜欢做的手术,他后退一步欣赏刚刚出于自己之手的杰作。 yeeyan

After a few years of long-term unemployment and a slow recovery that seems to be taking a few steps back, the days of low unemployment may be nothing more than a distant memory.
在经历了数年的长期失业率走高后,缓步复苏并没有带来阳光,反而像是后退,而那些低失业率的美好日子更像是一段遥远的记忆。 yeeyan

Once you’ve discovered the scene of the crime, you have to trace the steps back to the source of the problem.
当你发现了犯罪现场,你还得回头思考问题的源头。 yeeyan

You might find your ticket if you retrace your steps back to the car.
如果原路折回到车子那里,就有可能寻回你的票。 kekenet




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